After returning home and taking a shower, it was already 8:40, and Le Xiao dialed the wise man's number.

What's wrong, Secretary? Do you have any instructions?

No, that wise old man, I want to ask you about tomorrow's meeting.

The wise man smiled kindly.

All abstain from voting. Within 3 minutes of the voting period, there are only options for and against. If it exceeds 3 minutes, there will be an option to abstain. If you do not vote for more than 10 minutes, the vote will be cast directly into the abstention vote, so the entire vote I have 10 minutes to think about it, but no matter which side you stand on, it is wrong. If you stand on your own side, you may offend people on both sides, so Miss Secretary, it is best to abstain, so as not to cause trouble. trouble.

Le Xiao hummed and figured it out, but at this time the wise man laughed.

Miss Secretary, I am afraid that many of the bills this time are in the proposal stage. They will really enter the first phase of the trial phase, which will probably be at the city meeting at the end of the year. So the only troublesome part of this meeting is the hearing session. It depends on What are the arrangements for the General Affairs Department?

Le Xiao snorted and blinked. Michelle also said today that she would put her own proposal first.

“My plan bill was put first.”

The wise man on the other side of the phone was silent. At this time, the wise man pressed his forehead with a look of discomfort. He immediately understood what the General Affairs Section meant. Bills came one after another. In a three-day meeting, there might even be half of the total number of bills. Unable to take a turn.

Because under such a system, what is needed is the mutual checks and balances of rights. Each bill will inevitably involve multiple aspects, multiple angles and in-depth issues. The hearing session is where non-bill sponsors can ask some questions, and the bill initiator can raise some questions. The person or the implementing department staff must answer. If it is refuted, the proposal may be revised. The only way is to avoid this link, that is, to arrange the proposal in the middle, so that it cannot be Le Xiao’s turn normally. When the time comes, it will be implemented directly based on the first voting results. During the second round of review, the second round of review will be conducted directly based on the first plan proposal and the implementation records of the first stage.

Although the second review stage is even more complicated, with pitfalls and minefields everywhere, and constant criticism and criticism, there are still three months left, so we can find ways to satisfy the three parties as much as possible. Now Le Xiao The plan motion was pushed to the first round. It may be a small but highly valued motion in the next three months, and the General Affairs Section made a reasonable decision.

What a deep pit!

The wise man looked at the dark sky in the distance. He could have arranged everything by himself and could start working smoothly when Le Xiao came. However, he did not expect that such a big mistake would suddenly appear. When he thought of the faces of the 1,200 members of Congress tomorrow, the wise man thought I have a headache when I think of Le Xiao's smiling face.

I'm afraid I'm going to cry tomorrow.

What's wrong, wise old man?

What should I say, Miss Secretary, tomorrow's meeting may be a bit intense at the beginning. If you are asked some questions, please apply for me and see if you can let me follow you to the meeting.

The wise man really couldn't think of how Le Xiao could solve the other party's hearing. The only way was to go to the General Affairs Section before the meeting started tomorrow morning and follow Le Xiao into the Congress Hall.

After a while, Le Xiao said helplessly.

The application was rejected as soon as it was submitted. What should I do? The wise old man said that you are not even a formal clerk, so you are not qualified to step into the hall of Congress.

The wise man pressed his slightly hot head and was still thinking about how to deal with it tomorrow. His cheeks were also a little hot. After all, he had been a member of parliament for several terms before. Members were rotated every three years and were elected by the people. If If you don't vote, that person's vote will automatically become an abstention vote.

It is very convenient for the middle and high-level people. You can just use your mobile phone to vote during the voting period. However, for many people at the bottom who do not even have timely network coverage, people from the 1st department go door to door to let them vote.

But when I think about the time when I was a member of the parliament, it was a matter of success and failure, which is completely different from the current situation. Although I don’t know the current factions of members, I’m afraid it’s very complicated. If Le Xiao becomes the leader, A lot of trouble will definitely be thrown at her, and she will be involved in it and suffer accordingly.

Now when he thinks of the scene when Jean was hesitant to take them out, the wise man's whole body becomes horrified. At first, he didn't know that he was taking over such a baby bird that couldn't even walk, let alone fly, until later. After knowing everything, the wise man could only laugh helplessly.

Who is digging a hole for whom?

After a while the wise man said.

Secretary, please remember it. No matter what the other party asks you, the only way you can deal with it is with the real you. This is the only way to solve it. Remember it.

The wise man hung up the phone, breathed a sigh of relief, and then grinned.

As long as what those guys are talking about is not on the same channel as that girl, there is nothing you can do about it. Let's talk about it later.

Sister Alpha, do you have any suggestions?

Lexiao blinked and looked at Alpha, she smiled and shook her head.

I'm not familiar with that area.

A long time ago, Alpha, like Gene, did not attend that kind of meeting. After all, she was afraid that her fiery temper would come up and really push the congressmen opposite to the ground and beat them up, so she always asked her secretary to attend on her behalf, and tomorrow's meeting It's the same. I don't know how many section chiefs will be present. If the secretary participates, there is no need for the section chief to participate. Each section will do its own work. If the section chief participates, the work of each section will be completed by the secretary.

And what the wise man just said coincided with what Alpha was thinking. It was stupid to teach Lexiao some coping methods in a short period of time, because it was a little girl who didn't understand the routine at all to teach her. Routines are meaningless, showing your true side is the right thing to do.

Come on, go sleep with the secretary quickly.

With that said, Alpha pushed Le Xiao, who was still reading the information, directly into the room.

Sister Alpha, why don't you wait until 12 o'clock to see the content of the meeting starting tomorrow?

Do you understand?

Lexiao laughed awkwardly, blushed and pouted, and shook her head.

Better sleep.

Le Xiao smiled and lay in front of Alpha, looking up at her, like a child who was just about to enter school, full of expectations, but also nervous and uneasy.

At this time, Gene was already standing at the gate of the General Affairs Department. The General Affairs Department was already in darkness. Only a few lights used for lighting on both sides of the square were still on. Gene walked around to the right, close to Locke's private rest area. , jumped up and jumped onto the window eaves.

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