Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 333 Needlepoint and Maimang 2 (Part 2)

Okay, Lele, don't cry. What's the point of being angry? Don't cry if you don't want to.

Gu Ningning sat on the ground, comforting Le Xiao who was still crying, and she sighed.

Don't be serious with those guys. After all, those guys have been in this kind of situation for many years. How can you possibly defend yourself against them?

Le Xiao kept shaking her head. She was not angry because her bill would be revised. Although this was also part of the reason, because what she wanted to do was to turn everyone's attention to District 108 and drive District 108 to let people there see it. There was some hope, but the most important reason was that Le Xiao felt powerless.

Le Xiao knew a few of the more than 50 bills that had failed before. Because District 108 was too poor and would fall into the cold at night. Many people suffered from severe frostbite in the cold nights all year round and were miserable. Therefore, Congress They are equipped with some small household heating equipment and only need to pay a small amount of money every month.

However, the good times did not last long. In just two months, the heating equipment was extensively damaged. After the technicians went to inspect it, they found that some core components were missing. When asked why, many people did not know a word. , although the investigation was launched, many people took apart the heater directly for money, and then sold many core components to some people, and some were stolen. In short, the whole bill was very confusing, and it was implemented in less than 2 years. It stopped within a few months. One person may do this because he is too poor, but people in a neighborhood do it because everyone understands the truth that the law does not punish the public.

The core air quality change power device in small heating equipment can be used as the core component of many machines. After improvement, it can even be used as a component of a lift. The price of one on the black market is at least 3,000 to 5,000.

Most people's idea is to take advantage of this bill to make some money. As for the cold at night, it is far less important than having money in their pockets. As long as three months have passed, the bill has failed anyway, and they have not lost anything, and there is still money. It’s money, and it’s something Congress provides for free.

Le Xiao still remembers that the old congressman who initiated the bill left District 108 after the incident. Although their family did not dismantle the machinery and take out the core equipment to sell, Le Xiao will always remember that the people who came to recycle the equipment will always be remembered. The staff of Section 1 looked at Le Xiao and her mother like they were trash.

Le Xiao knew that she might end up like that old man, but she didn't want to compromise, because that was where she grew up, and it was her home. She still remembered that morning, and the smiles she received when she returned home were not Everyone is so bad, and the bad people deprive the group of people who want to struggle of their chance, so they are lumped together.

After a while, Le Xiao's mood calmed down, her eyes regained their luster, and Gu Ningning sighed helplessly.


The door of the Congress Hall opened and Michelle walked out slowly. For a moment, Le Xiao wanted to get up and hurriedly wiped her tears. Michelle stared at Le Xiao coldly and raised a hand to signal her to sit down. Down.

When you've cried enough, stand up.

Le Xiao suddenly stood up and kept sniffing.

If you don't want the bill to end in vain, think carefully about what to do. It's 9:31 now. You still have 2 hours, 29 minutes and 31 seconds to think about it. Think carefully about what you want to do. Any of these things People can't help you. The next bill has already started. Although we can take care of you and help you win this war, this is only a victory for the administrative department, not for you. District 108 has not had one for more than 10 years. After any motion is implemented, the black cordon is not far away. This is your last chance, and it is also the last chance for District 108. Show your momentum and attitude, and be so soft!


Michelle slapped Le Xiao on the coat of arms on her right arm, turned around and walked into the Congress Hall.

The door closed again little by little, Le Xiao wiped away her tears, Gu Ningning sighed, turned on the light and shadow screen, and adjusted a piece of information about the vacant area.

The only thing I can help you with is here. Think about it for yourself. After all, the previously evicted Western Districts 113 and 114 are very close to your southwest District 108. It only takes half a day to walk there, and if you take the subway , it only takes 20 minutes.”

Le Xiao's eyes widened as he looked at the second motion above, the construction projects of Districts 113 and 114, with hope shining in his eyes.

Michelle returned to the table, and Locke sighed.

You're crying again, little girl.

Michelle snorted coldly, and Locke stood up.

The second motion is now on, initiated by 16 councilors from the original 113th and 114th wards, regarding the rehabilitation and renovation plan for two ground floor blocks with a vacancy rate of 91%.

For a moment, the businessmen and family groups all showed suspicious eyes. At this time, a member of the 113th District, a middle-aged man with a beard, short hair, sharp eyes, appeared to be a shrewd and capable man, and the number on his left chest. He is 13 and has been a member of Parliament for 39 years.

Member Pengyu, please first explain the qualifications of the two companies that won the bid for the bill.

At this time, after the section chiefs in the front row exchanged glances for a while, Li Ang stood up with a smile.

Let me conduct the hearing.

Damn it, you dare to give such a big piece of cake to two old bastards Zou Yun and Chen Qiao. If I don't let you crawl out on your knees today, then you are not the section chief of Section 7.

In an instant, everyone in the Congress hall, including the business departments, hospitals, and business people, showed serious expressions, which was completely different from Le Xiao's bill hearing just now.

Okay, let me explain the qualifications of the two companies. At that time, the General Affairs Department found 27 companies, and the bidding plan was made by our councilors from District 113 and District 114. In the end, Haitian Co., Ltd. Two large companies, namely Tide Photovoltaic Co., Ltd., have won the project to renovate vacant housing areas.”

Qualifications, qualifications, Councilor Pengyu, you are an old councilman. Don't be too inkling when speaking. You don't need to explain briefly one by one. Why did you directly publish the bidding without discussing this matter with our wallet management department, and in just 1 minute? I decided within a few days. Do you think I'm an idiot or something? One of these two companies used to be in real estate, but now it's mainly engaged in the photovoltaic industry. The other used to be a pimp selling buttholes, and now it's in the food industry. How do these two companies fit in? Qualified?


For a moment, Li Ang scolded angrily, and the councilors looked a little uncomfortable. After all, as the chief of the wallet management section, he managed the financial industry in the city, and no one dared to offend him, especially the businessmen.

At this time, many of the businessmen sitting in the auditorium on the right side of the congressmen looked at Zou Yun and Chen Qiao, who were sitting in front, with a sinister look, and smiled coldly.

The renovation of such a large block is a unique business opportunity for many businessmen in the city, but these two guys jointly won it, and there was no chance at all. At this time, many businessmen were holding on to the idea. He looked like he was watching a good show.

Chen Qiao looked a little unhappy, and Zou Yun next to him smiled and motioned for him to resist.

I think Section Chief Li Ang may be looking at the two companies with colored glasses. After all, these two companies are high-quality companies. Among them, Mr. Zou Yun's company has made great contributions to the construction of many houses in the city. And they have continued to develop photovoltaic materials, allowing the city's power supply to increase year by year, so their company is an expert. As for Mr. Chen Qiao, although their company started in the special service industry, it means that they have a better understanding of the original needs of man. Desire, to put it crudely, means that they have a lot of information about men and women, so the two areas have to be built into areas suitable for lower-class residents. We have always felt that it is a good combination. After all, in terms of supply and demand, Mr. Zou Yun on the material level The company can solve the problem very well. On the spiritual level, Mr. Chen Qiao’s company can handle it perfectly. After all, the bottom class has lacked some formal outlets in recent years. Food and entertainment are the lowest level spiritual needs of people, so the two companies The company definitely meets the qualifications!”

Li Ang smiled coldly, and then put his hands on the table.

Then what you mean is to build a comfortable and warm nest, strip the women naked and send them in, spread their legs and wait for the men to enjoy and play after a busy day at work, and then build some so-called shelters for the lower class people. Entertainment is nothing more than gambling and drinking. Do you plan to increase the burden on District 29? Or do you think women are only suitable for special service industries? I suggest you send your old mother there to practice for a few days first. After all, women are in your It’s a great way to reduce stress.”

Peng Yu laughed coldly, not angry, but said.

It seems that Section Chief Li Ang needs to discuss with me about the humanistic sentiments. I am happy to accompany him, but please don't misinterpret my meaning. After all, there is no mention in the bill that the two districts will be built into Li Ang. Section Chief, you have such disgusting things to say!

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