Liu Yuan looked down at Changmo at the moment, "little rabbit, if I don't give you a lesson, you won't have a long memory. How can you turn your elbow out. We are all Fang family members. How can you be partial to an outsider? "

"The warmth and coldness of human feelings, such as drinking water, are naturally known in the heart. There are so many differences between sister Xiaohua and you selfish people

Iron bone Zheng Zheng finish this sentence, then lead to flow kite more angry.

Tongyanwuji said the most true words in the world. Liuyuan has always been in a high position in the Fang family, so she is unscrupulous. No one has ever spoken to her like this. The woman who is arrogant and flattered becomes more angry.

Liu Yuan raised her arm high to fight the dying child who had been tied up.

Looking around, Zhang Xiaohua found that her entourage was as dull as a string puppet. She was indifferent to the tragedy that was about to happen. What kind of puppet's house is this?

At this time, a cup of overnight herbal tea was poured on Liu Yuan's delicate face.

Her carefully painted make-up was broken up in an instant by the water. Things like rouge and white powder are blurred into a ball, which looks like a tiger and a ghost.

When waiting for the current kite to react, she found that it was Zhang Xiaohua's good deed and immediately screamed.

"How can you do this to me, you slut! I will make you pay for it

A group of servant girls saw that their master was treated like this, and they all gathered around Liuyuan.

"How is the girl? Girl, is the rouge in your eyes

It's all some cold and warm bullshit. Liuyuan simply wipes away the residual Rouge powder with the cuff. The ferocity and coldness of the corners of his eyes showed.

"Good! I discipline the servants of the Fang family, and I get support from outsiders. Come on, give me Zhang Xiaohua, a dead girl, and beat me to death! "

Although the servant girls hesitated, they couldn't ignore Liu Yuan's words. They got up one by one and walked in the direction where Zhang Xiaohua had been. However, there was no one there. When she looked around, a copper basin flew towards the crowd.

The noise was so loud that the girls trembled with fear when their hands were empty.

Zhang Xiaohua takes advantage of the chaos to untie the rope of Changmo and place him in a relatively safe corner, and then protects Changmo.

"People are good at being cheated and horses are being ridden. I see how brazen you can be! To bully a child in the mansion, it's better to go outside to punish those wicked and wicked people. It's good to point a knife at one's own people? "

"Zhang Xiaohua, you are a shameless countryman! How many rounds of Fang's affairs are under your control? Don't think you dare to do anything here by virtue of your own beauty! "

Liu Yuan has already stood up straight at the moment, "anyway, Lord Fang is not here. If I don't give you a lesson today, I won't call Liu Yuan!"

Many women came to beat her fiercely.

Zhang Xiaohua was beaten black and blue in an instant, and felt that his arms and chest were not his own.

At first, she still had the strength to catch a servant girl and fan her meat and vegetables, but her strength alone could not stop so many people's attacks, and gradually fell into the wind.

Chang Mo is very distressed, looking at Zhang Xiaohua was beaten into this pair of miserable, loud dissuasion, can get the response is these maid's sneer.

"The little traitor who elbows out, you are the next to suffer after we finish fighting him."

Long Mo did not hesitate, see dissuade useless, directly ran to the crowd to protect Zhang Xiaohua.

He knew that his words were useless. Looking at Zhang Xiaohua's empty eyes, he could not stand it any longer.

Finally, when these women tired, finally stop hand, at this moment, although Zhang Xiaohua is weak, but still try to stop straight, she struggled to help long Mo up?

She wanted to turn around and keep her last face, but she didn't want to let Liu Yuan get angry. She came up with another idea. She tripped and fell on the ground suddenly.

As it was in the middle of winter, the stove protruding from the ground was directly under her abdomen.

All of a sudden, people can't bear the overwhelming pain, so gushed out.

The abdomen also has three months of pregnancy, this kind of Pain lets Zhang Xiaohua panic, the brain momentarily dizzy.

Body straight backward, long Mo see this in a hurry to help her over, but then is more startling, he peeped Zhang Xiaohua under a bubble of blood.

The child was in a panic. "Sister Xiaohua, sister Xiaohua You're bleeding

Zhang Xiaohua realized that the event was not good. She knew that the child in her belly was the blood of the Wang family, and there must be no mistakes and mistakes.

"Changmo Come on, go to the doctor, the child can't make mistakes

When Liu Yuan saw Zhang Xiaohua's panic like this, she felt very comfortable in her heart. She moved leisurely to Zhang Xiaohua's side in a disdainful tone.

"I'm so sorry that you're about to miscarry. Why don't you just say it? If you're pregnant, you're pregnant. You're still hiding here. But Zhang Xiaohua You are disgusting. Being pregnant can't stop you from seducing Lord Fang. "Zhang Xiaohua shed a cold sweat, pain is about to faint, this time also can't say anything to refute, but Liuyuan still does not let her go.

"Shiyi said that you are the destiny of heaven, I bah! A cheap life, now also don't blame me cruel, how can the child fall? Anyway, it's not the kind of game! You're dead just as I want you to be! "

Liu Yuan roared and then showed ferocity. She kept kicking Zhang Xiaohua's belly. The blood on her clothes and robes was only a little bit from the beginning to the end. Zhang Xiaohua finally stopped. But Liuyuan was just like a devil. After such a tragedy, she still felt angry.

She squatted down beside Zhang Xiaohua. "Look at your pitiful appearance now. If Mr. Fang sees it, he must really love you." Liu Yuan's smile is very delicate and lovely. Her fingernails covered with Cardan stick into Zhang Xiaohua's forehead. In an instant, her nails pierce into her skin.

Blood and Kou Dan have been indistinguishable, Zhang Xiaohua's face is bloody.

Zhang Xiaohua was severely beaten by many people. She was already very weak. Only this morning, she suffered two kinds of injuries. Liu Yuan has always hated her, so she is not easy.

Chang Mo goes to the doctor again. She has no help. If placed in the past can resist, but now Zhang Xiaohua has no ability to protect himself.

"Liuyuan Destroy my face, you will, but don't hurt my child! Shi Yi You will not be allowed to behave like this! "

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