At the moment, he frowned slightly, waiting for Peng Qiuqi to speak first. The man is very strange. He doesn't want Peng Qiuqi to say something to him. For example, the slave knows that he is wrong. What he wants to hear is what Peng Qiuqi wants to say from the bottom of his heart.

The atmosphere between the two people was very quiet. They didn't speak first. After a long time, Peng Qiuqi couldn't help but open his mouth.

"Thank you for your kindness today, or I will be dead."

What Peng didn't dare to comply with the edict of Qiu Heng was that he didn't dare to obey the edict of Qiuqi.

Ji Heng is his master. Even if Peng Qiuqi is kind to the small stool, he can't be as hard as a fool. At present, Peng Qiuqi knows that what he should do is to be soft in time. Who blames her for meddling.

Ji Heng listened to her talk like this and did not answer the question. Instead, he asked Peng Qiuqi a question. "Don't you know why I ordered you to be beaten?"

The reason why he asked this question was that even he did not know why he had to give such an order. Peng Qiuqi has always been unable to see the sufferings of people who have nothing to do with it. Today, it is reasonable to do so. However, he is burning with anger and wants to punish her.

Looking at Peng Qiuqi's tepid face at the moment, he subconsciously closed his eyes and thought, when he became so humble that he even let himself fall into unclear emotions.

Peng Qiuqi didn't know the confusion in his heart, because there was still a barrel for bathing in the room. At the moment, the hot water was steaming and the house was hazy. Peng Qiuqi could not see the emperor's expression now, but subconsciously replied.

"When I go back to the emperor, I'm a slave. I'm supposed to listen to the master's will. But I shouldn't mind my own business today. I'm going to trouble you."

This sentence is full of soft words, but Ji Heng didn't take up the words, and subconsciously moved his lips, as if questioning two people. How can we know who is right and who is wrong.

"I really don't blame you. In fact, when you think about it carefully, it's just a child of several years old. If you hit 50 sticks, I'm afraid the child's life will be lost. You're right to protect yourself like this. What's wrong with that? "

His words made Peng Qiuqi confused. What is the meaning of this? Is it not wine that comes here?

But there is one thing she has long memory, that is, do not be against the stem, when you can be soft, at least will not bear hardships. She is now this body bone but can not stand the toss, originally very moody, if any of his words annoy her, it is not to scrap.

She thought so, answered with a wink. "What's the emperor saying? The emperor is the king of ninety-five. All the status of the slaves is given by you. You don't have any reason to punish them. What's more, everyone has family affairs, and the servants in the royal family are not qualified to take care of them. Today, I've thought it over. I'll never do this again. "

In fact, Peng Qiuqi thought for a long time in the afternoon, and he had been avoiding a question, that is, what happened to Fang Shiyi in yunmengguo. Did Ji Heng remember her hatred or wanted to force her to tell her about Fang Shiyi, but she could not do such unfaithful things any more.

Her love hate entanglement in Fangshi's chess is not to be interfered by others. What she has to do is to be as firm as Xuezhu.

Seems to have seen through her mind, Ji Heng no longer talks, strides into the room, sitting on the chair.

Peng Qiuqi didn't know what he meant. He looked back at him. Ji Heng hooked her fingers again. She clenched her teeth subconsciously and got up from the chair to come to him.

There was always the courtesy of the monarch and the minister. She could only bear the pain of her body and kneel on the ground again.

"I don't know what you want from the emperor?"

Peng Qiuqi's haggard appearance is not pretending, at the moment the small face is very white, Ji Heng looks at its for a long time and says. "I know what you think in your mind, as well as those little calculations and worries. I'm not beating you today to get any news out of your mouth. Peng Qiuqi, I'm not that bad. "

She had no reason to feel a stiff body, quietly raised her eyes and looked at him. Ji Heng's eyes are still deep, but she was stunned for a moment.

Is she feeling wrong. Why do you think there is a trace of pity in his eyes. Ji Heng is famous for his cold-blooded cruelty. His heart aches But it's impossible for you to think about it.

But there is no doubt that Peng Qiuqi knew that she had made Ji Heng feel frustrated. The arrogant pride began to disintegrate gradually, so the emperor hated this feeling.

Because it's totally different from the feeling that you can't control with your whole body. Obviously, Ji Heng does not deny her intelligence, and is also reluctant to kill Peng Qiuqi.

How did he feel such a wonderful existence?

he used to be arrogant and thought that women were the stupidest animals in the world, but until Peng Qiuqi's appearance, he knew that there was a kind of intelligent, capable and more observant woman in the world.

From the first time I met her, I knew that her arrogance and self-confidence were from the inside out. He pretends to be stupid on the surface, but smart in the heart, so he has to enjoy it slowly. But I hope she can pay attention to you with a kind of worship.This kind of desire is not the same as the desire to bow your head to salute you. He has been thinking, Peng Qiuqi every time has outstanding performance, will be equal in wisdom with himself.

After all, there are too few people who are similar to themselves.

even more, he secretly investigated the woman. Although the turnover between the two men, but her heart has never been occupied by anyone. He wants to be a conqueror. A strong opponent, want to see her willing to bow to himself.

This is the wish of Jiheng now, but he has to admit that it is also the innate desire of men. What's more, the woman looks gorgeous, so it's not a loss making business anyway.

The more he turned his mind, the more confused he was, holding the table with one hand. But this appearance lets Peng Qiuqi think season Heng body is uncomfortable, then subconsciously gather together to its side to say.

"Emperor, you are in a good position. Do you feel unwell, or you'd better go back first..."

"Peng Qiuqi, I ask you, how can you tell me why I corporal punished you?" She so quickly took hold of Peng Qiuqi's arm, but her eyes did not look at Peng Qiuqi.

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