Without any accidents, the shell hit the raft.

After the smoke and dust cleared, the entire raft turned into flying ash in the face of powerful firepower.

“Haha, it’s not a loss to Brother David, it’s quasi!”

“Man, that’s not it, Brother David is a sea thief with a reward of up to 30 million!”

“Haha, that’s what I said!”

“Oh, okay guys, it’s just a trivial matter, hurry up and keep moving, those damn navies should catch up!”

Captain Tom’s command broke the discussion with a smile on his face, clearly in a good mood.

“Yes, Captain!”

After hearing the order, the crew also began their work and prepared for escape.

But their faces were less nervous than fugitives should be, more excitement.

That’s right, it’s the excitement after the killing.

They were hunted down precisely because they had slaughtered an entire town.

They had just finished the massacre, and there was not a trace of guilt in their hearts, but a sense of pride that the bounty had risen again.

“Haha, the navy is really a bunch of waste, Laozi killed so many people, and as a result, he couldn’t even catch up with me!”

“With Lao Tzu’s strength, it shouldn’t be a problem to dominate the new world!”

Captain Tom took a sip of spirits, stood on the bow of the boat, and said with a very swollen voice.

“That is, with the strength of Captain your 150 million Baileys, you should go to the New World!”

“Roar! Captain, it’s time for us to conquer the new world, Lao Tzu has long wanted to try the strength of the Four Emperors! ”

“It is estimated that even if they arrive in the New World, those soft eggs will still run away in fear when they hear the name of our Red Shark Pirate Group!”

“Haha, that’s a good little one!”

The captain walked to the center of the ship and raised his hands high.

The crew knew that this was a gesture of the captain as he was about to announce important affairs, and they all quieted down.

“Then let’s go to the new world to dominate the world!”

Tom almost shouted the words with a roar.


“Fuck your new world!”

“Long live Captain Tom!”

After hearing the passionate words of their captain, the crew also began to shout as if they were beaten with chicken blood.

“Well, what are you happy about? Make me happy too?! ”

At this moment, an unfamiliar voice sounded.

Not big, but miraculously reaching everyone’s ears.

Like a basin of cold water, it instantly extinguished their excited flames.


As the captain, Tom reflected for the first time, and his hand subconsciously took out the fire bolt on his waist.

The crew also reacted one after another, drawing guns and pointing at an extra person who did not know when.

“Who am I?!”

Chu Tian smiled.

“Didn’t you welcome me very warmly just now? ”

“Little doll, this is not where you can be.”

Seeing that it was the child on the raft before, Captain Tom’s tense nerves relaxed a little.

After all, what can a child do?

As for why the other party was able to get on the boat, Tom did not reflect for a while.

“Haha, we are not good young people who respect the old and love the young, little dolls!”

“Since you got on our pirate ship, you can’t go on alive!”


Chu Tian shook his head.

“I would like to thank you for sending me food and record pointers!”

“What do you mean?”

The crew was a little puzzled by Chu Tian’s calmness.

A child who looks to be only ten years old will not be afraid in the face of so many guns?

“You’re going to die soon, won’t this ship belong to me?!”

“Stop talking nonsense with him, shoot!”

Chu Tian’s voice fell, and a sense of uneasiness rose inexplicably in Tom’s heart.

The instinct of perennial combat made him regain his vigilance.

As a pirate, Tom has always been known for being cruel and leaving no chance.

Even if the other party is a child, he will still choose to go all out!

Hearing the captain’s order, the crew did not hesitate, and the fire bolts in their hands spewed out tongues of fire.

For a time, hundreds of bullets flew out in unison.

This is also the merit of the Red Shark Pirates, absolutely obeying the captain, and leaving no room to annihilate the opponent.

This decisive attitude helped them defeat many benevolent enemies.

Unfortunately, they met Chu Tian.

Seeing the bullet flying towards him, Chu Tian just stretched out his hands to the side and held them.

“Gas wall!”

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