(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for tips, ask for everything!) )


Ten days later.

The warship slowly sailed into the dense fog sea known as the [Devil’s Triangle].

Chu Tian calculated the time, at this time, Moonlight Moria should have just driven the terrifying three-masted ship in.

The reason why this sea area is called the sea of dense fog is precisely because it is wrapped in thick fog, which makes it difficult to distinguish the surroundings and leads to getting lost.

Fortunately, this most advanced warship is equipped with the most advanced instruments, and the thick fog cannot make an impact.

“General Chu Tian, you can see the island!”

In the cabin, Chu Tian lay leisurely on Ain’s knee pillow, enjoying the fruits handed by the other party.

Heard the sound, sat up.

“Oh yes?”

“However, there seems to be something strange about this island.”

Chu Tian put on his naval uniform and walked to the front of the ship.

“Of course it’s strange, this is not an island, this is a ship, don’t you see the sails?”

“Not an island?!”

Being reminded by Chu Tian, all the navies were startled and looked up.

Sure enough, through the thick fog, you can faintly see the huge sails.

“This… This is actually a ship! Such a big ship! ”

“Terror three-masted ship, Moria’s lair, don’t make a fuss, turn the warship’s megaphone to the maximum for me!”

After Chu Tian took the shouting device, he immediately shouted at the opposite side.

“Zombies on the ship, listen, I’m Admiral Chu Tian, young master, I don’t want to get on this disgusting ship!”

Chu Tian continued.

“So limit you three minutes to let Moria get out and meet me, or I will slaughter you!”

After speaking, there was no response from the terrifying three-masted ship, but there was a faint black shadow moving in the grass.

“Stiff… Corpse? Black Lord, is there really a zombie creature?! ”

When the navies heard Chu Tian’s words, they trembled.

“Of course, it’s just that Moriah made it.”

Chu Tian said lightly.

“Wouldn’t it be nice if we were like this?”

Hearing this, Chu Tian frowned.

“Tell you, being a navy means having a fearless heart! No matter how terrifying the pirates are, they will not be our opponents! ”

“Behind us, there is the righteous glory of the navy, and the expectations of everyone, how can we afford to retreat!!!”

“Yes, General Chu Tian!”

Under Chu Tian’s encouragement, all the navies stopped trembling, stood straight, and were no longer afraid.

The eyes that looked at Chu Tian were full of adoration, and there were several good-looking female soldiers who even moved secretly.

Chu Tian saw that the group of black shadows on the shore did not seem to move, frowned, and opened the domineering sweep.

In the next second, the whispers of zombies reached his ears.

“Hey, the navy is coming, are you going to inform Lord Moria?”

“What’s the notice, didn’t you hear what he said?”

“Such arrogance, Lord Moria will definitely be angry when he hears it!”

“Hmph, it was they who begged Lord Moria to be the Seven Martial Seas, and they dragged it like this!”

“I’ll take a look at the district navy, dare you step into us!” When the time comes, they will have no return! ”

“That’s right, that’s right!”


For these whispers, Chu Tian smiled disdainfully and waited quietly.

“Black Lord! Three minutes have passed! ”

“Then start attacking!”



In an instant, dense shells blasted towards the strange terrifying three-masted ship.

On the high-end naval ship, the artillery was so powerful that it was terrifying, and it instantly flooded a large forest.

Chu Tian stood at the bow of the ship, picked up a bunch of shells with air, and ejected them violently.

Under the high air pressure, the originally slow shell becomes as fast as a bullet!

And when the shell landed on the ground, Chu Tian detonated the cyclone attached to it.

In an instant, a whirlwind blew up, and the wind fueled the fire, forming small flame tornadoes!

“Groove! What a fight! ”

“This group of navies is really despicable, they actually don’t get on board!!!”

“Ah! My hand seems to be on fire! Yes! My feet are on fire too! It’s over, my head is on fire too! ”

“It’s over, I’m going to die, and the whole forest will be burned down!”

“Stupid, we are zombies, we will not hurt or die!”

“Go and inform Lord Moria…”


Under a round of bombardment, the zombies still chose to admit it.

“What’s going on!!!

On the other side, Moriah, who noticed the movement, went to the balcony.

The first thing you see is a sea of fire.

The burning fire even made the gloomy sky of the thick fog sea appear red.

Moriah suddenly became angry.

“What the hell is going on! Why is there such a big fire, why is the ship shaking so violently! ”

Before Moria’s words fell, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Above the castle, a cannonball came straight at him.

Moriah quickly ducked to the side.


In the next second, the shell exploded violently.

Just when Moriah was glad that he had dodged in time, the explosion flames suddenly spun and turned into a whirlwind of flames and continued to spread.

Before he could react, Moriah was directly engulfed in flames.

“Shadow Warrior !!!”

Fortunately, he used his life-saving skills in time at the last minute.

It was difficult to dodge, but unfortunately it was still affected in several places, and the whole body was full of dust, which was extremely embarrassing.

“Damn it! Who the hell did it! Lao Tzu is going to slaughter him! ”

Moriah was even more furious.

And at this moment, there was a shout outside in time.

“Listen! We are the Navy, let Moria get out and meet me at once, or destroy you!” ”


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