
A week later.

Great Route, Naval Headquarters, Marlenfodo.

The luxury warship slowly docked on the coast.

In the cabin, a certain lounge.

“Well, Brother Chu Tian, the ship seems to have stopped, isn’t it time to get up…”

Ain blushed like an apple, looking at Chu Tian in front of him.

Three days ago, the young general was no longer satisfied with the softness of the knee pillow, so he took a nap in a different place.

A softer place.

“Arriving so soon? I also want to sleep more. ”

“Hmm… No! ”

Chu Tian rolled his head, causing Ain to shake in front of him.


“General Blacklord, he has arrived at the headquarters, Tina is happy!”

At this moment, the door opened.

Tina walked in with a look of excitement.

Although this mission stopped halfway, it still took a lot in terms of time.

Finally returned to the headquarters, and I felt a sense of relief

But when Tina saw the inside of the house, her face suddenly sank.

“What are you doing in the daytime! Tina was angry! ”

“No… No, it’s Chu Tian’s younger brother, he has to do this. ”

After speaking, Ain’s voice was already the size of a mosquito.

The head has been hooked, and he refuses to lift it shyly.

“Well, it turned out to be Sister Tina.”

Chu Tian woke up at this time, wiped his sleepy eyes and looked at Tina who was standing at the door

“Why, sister Tina, are you jealous?”

“Hey, there’s no way, Sister Tina, if you don’t agree, I can only keep looking for Sister Ain.”

“I’m sorry to snub you!”

“You… What are you talking about! That’s not what Tina meant! ”

Tina was said by Chu Tian, and her face suddenly turned red.

“Black Lord, you are so abominable! Tina was angry! ”

After speaking, he turned around and walked away without looking back while sulking.

No way, if ordinary men said this to her, Tina would have rushed up long ago and softened her in pain.

But the other party is just a ten-year-old child!

Still so cute and handsome!

Or her top boss!

Tina had to endure, clench her teeth and endure!

On the other side, Chu Tian saw that Tina was gone, and he didn’t joke about it.

After saying hello to Ain, he disembarked alone.


Headquarters of the Navy, Marshal’s Office.

“I just received the news that he has arrived at the headquarters.”

Sengoku looked serious and said to the phone worm.

“That’s good, that guy evacuated, and the establishment of our Seven Wuhai can be successfully completed!”


Sengoku scoffed a little, but didn’t say much.

“By the way, isn’t the arrangement of the Fifth Elder about the Black Lord’s general a bit too wasteful of his time?”

“A waste of time? You must know that he is wasting our time by destroying the Seven Martial Seas this time and destroying our plan! ”

“We have not withdrawn his position as a general, but only changed to a simple mission, which is considered our mercy!”

“But after all, he is a senior admiral, his talent and combat power are obvious to all, and sending him to do this is simply overkill!”

The Chinese was a little excited.

“Enough! Remember, you are a marshal of the navy, but also a member of the world government! ”

“This is the supreme order, no one is allowed to reject or change it!”

“That’s it!”

The other party used a tough tone, gave the order, and hung up the phone directly.

Sengoku had to look at the phone worm in his hand in a daze.



Suddenly, the sound of the broken window woke up the Warring States, and his eyes suddenly sharpened, and he turned his head to look.

“Yo, old man of the Warring States.”

While saying hello, Chu Tian flicked off the glass slag beside him.

“It turned out to be you boy, why didn’t you come in through the gate?!”

Sengoku’s sharp eyes returned to their original form, and he rubbed his head with a headache.

“Well, don’t care about these details, this building is too complicated, you don’t know, you have to waste half a day looking for a way to the main entrance, how troublesome.”

Chu Tian looked indifferent and found a chair to sit down.

“Say, old man of the Warring States, what’s the matter with calling me here?”

Warring States originally wanted to open his mouth to blame Chu Tian for a few words, but seeing that the other party mentioned the matter, he was not interested.

“Calling you back this time, in addition to canceling the Qiwu Sea mission, there is another thing.”


Chu Tian took an apple from the table and ate it.

“A new task.”

“New missions so soon?”

Chu Tian raised his eyebrows.

“Warring States old man, why do you always look hesitant recently, is the task too difficult?”

“No, it’s not difficult at all for you, it’s even too easy.”


Chu Tian was biting the apple while looking at the Warring States with a curious look in his eyes.

Sengoku took a breath before continuing.

“Next, the headquarters is going to send you to train a very special group of recruits!”

“Huh, send a general to teach recruits? Fix me on purpose. ”

Chu Tian sneered.

No matter how special it is, the Navy headquarters has never had a precedent for a general to teach recruits.

It is also an almost impossible thing.

Because this is obviously a waste of a general’s time.

“Warring States old man, this is the meaning of the old men above, right?”

Hearing Chu Tian’s voice, the Warring States just fell silent and did not speak.

“Want to sit me idle, frustrated? Interesting. ”

The smile on Chu Tian’s face was even greater.

“A few old immortals, and play such childish tricks.”

“Chu Tian, don’t be impulsive…”

“Don’t worry, old man of the Warring States, I will give you face, this task can be accepted!”

Chu Tian interrupted the words of the Warring States.

“However, I have one condition!”


(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for tips, ask for everything!) )

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