

Early in the morning, Chu Tian took the warship and left the messy naval headquarters.

On the deck of the warship, Chu Tian lazily leaned on the beach chair.

Wearing sunglasses, drinking juice, cigars, basking in the sun and blowing the sea breeze.

Well, this life, moisturizing, dashing, jovial!

Chu Tian leisurely exhaled a puff of smoke, not like he was on a mission, more like he was on vacation.


At this time, a female navy with a phone worm in her hand hurriedly ran over.

“Black… Black Lord, you… Your phone! ”

“Hey, Sister Avril, although we know each other very well in private, you still have to listen to the order!”

“Didn’t I say that I am not allowed to disturb during my lunch break?”

Chu Tian raised his eyebrows and said.

“Yes… Sorry, Black Scourge General! Can…… But this is…”

Avril was said by Chu Tian, and her anxious tears were about to come out.

I wanted to apologize, but Chu Tian didn’t hear anything clearly for a long time.

“Okay, Sister Ivy, I guess it’s the phone of that old man in the Warring States, take it.”

Although Chu Tian was disturbed, he was a little unhappy to rest.

But after all, the other party is his own hand-picked accompanying navy, and it is not good to say much.

As for why it was hand-picked, it must be because the other party has a strong ability to assist.

It is not because Avril has big breasts and beautiful legs, nor is it because there is something to do, nothing to do….


Getting back to business, as soon as Chu Tian picked up the phone, he heard the familiar voice of the Warring States.

“Chu Tian boy, do you know what happened last night?”

“What happened last night? What’s going on? ”

In order to talk on the phone properly, Chu Tian had to spit out the precious cigar that he had just smoked in his mouth.

Damn, the Navy has a low salary, there is not enough to smoke.

No, you have to find a way to get some money after that.

As the saying goes, a navy that can’t make money is not a good admiral!

“You don’t even know?!”

“What, last night in order to be able to seriously carry out the task, I went to bed early, after all, children, rest is still very important.”

“Oh, that’s how it is.”

Seeing that the Warring States dispelled his doubts, Chu Tian raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

He was talking nonsense casually, trying to delay time and think of other excuses.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually believed it.

Chu Tian thought about it, it should be an old man, and he couldn’t think that a child would cheat people.

Maintaining the principle of making a full set of plays, Chu Tian asked:

“No wonder I woke up in the morning and found the whole headquarters tattered, with burnt marks everywhere.”

“I thought someone was using a bomb as a gift in this department.”

Sengoku: “…”

Use bombs as flowers???

That’s what you’ll do!

Sengoku just wanted to open his mouth to complain.

Chu Tian did not give him this opportunity, and his words changed.

“So what happened?”


After being silent for a few seconds, Sengoku finally let go of his mind to complain.

“Last night, an alien man with eight black wings attacked General Akainu.”

“Interracial men? Handsome? ”


Sengokuqiang gritted his teeth and spit out a word:


“Am I handsome?”


“Ten times more handsome than you little brat!”

Hearing the roar of the Warring States on the other end of the phone, Chu Tian pouted disdainfully.

Avril asked on the side

“Marshal of the Warring States said, someone is ten times more handsome than me, sister Avril Avril do you believe it?”

Seeing Chu Tian turn around, Avril was shocked at first.

After hearing Chu Tian’s question, the second reaction was stunned.

Looking at the front of him, there is a childish and cute, and a little mature man’s handsome face.

Avril Lavigne’s eyes flooded with autumn water, her expression was intoxicated, and she subconsciously wanted to reach out and pinch.

As soon as she stretched out her hand, Avril reacted and quickly stopped.

What are you doing!!!

Although the other party looks like a child, in fact, he is his own boss!

It’s an admiral!

After Avril dealt with her emotions, she was already too embarrassed to look up, and just replied in a low voice:

“No… Unbelief. ”

“Look, old man of the Warring States, I will pick a retinue at random and say I don’t believe it.”

Chu Tian nodded in satisfaction and continued.


Sengoku swore that he had been speechless since he was a child not as many times as this time.

“That’s not the point!”

“Handsome, it’s a lifetime thing, it’s very critical!”


Sengoku was silent, trying to calm his agitated emotions.

He knows that the other person is the kind of person who bases his happiness on the anger of others.

So he didn’t want to make the other party so happy.

After a long time, the Warring States spoke again:

“Don’t you want to know why that man attacked General Akainu?”

“Does this still need to be said? The coffin face of the red dog is not born to look for fighting? Do you still need a reason to hit him? ”

Chu Tian talked.

“For example, if I wasn’t with his colleagues, I would also want to hit him.”


The Sengoku was silent again.

“Well, let’s change the subject, do you know the outcome of this battle ?!”


Chu Tian smiled disdainfully.

“Do you still need to guess? The red dog, a waste that I can beat stupid with two punches, must have been abused into a dog. ”

“No, he’s a dog, well… It should have been beaten into! ”

Sengoku: “…”

“How? Did I say something wrong? ”

“No… As a result, you’re right. ”

“That’s not it!”

Speaking of this, Chu Tian heard the sound of the Warring States breathing deeply.

After a while, Sengoku spoke again, and his tone was much heavier:

“In short, the purpose of my call is to remind you to be more careful!”

“That attacker, the strength is very strong, as the three major generals, the red dog was quickly defeated.”

“Not only that, I and the other two generals were present at the same time, and they couldn’t leave that guy!”

“His ability and strength are extremely strange and powerful, and the purpose is currently unknown, and it can only be guessed that he deliberately attacked the navy.”

“So, if you encounter it, if you are not defeated, run quickly!”

“Although this seems very embarrassing, but you are the future of the Navy, even if you are defeated now, you can easily defeat him in the future!”

After Chu Tian listened to the words of the Warring States, he was still a little moved in his heart.

So solemnly replied:

“Don’t worry, Marshal of the Warring States! There is no need to wait for the future, even if I meet him now, I will definitely beat him fiercely in the competition! ”

Sengoku: “…”


(Ask for evaluation tickets, ask for flowers, ask for tips, ask for monthly passes, ask for everything, can give points to ah everyone QAQ!)

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