
The next day, noon.

According to the custom, Chu Tian lay leisurely on the beach chair.

Looking at the latest wanted warrant in his hand with interest.

‘Golden Lion’ – Shiki, with a bounty of 2,150 million Bailey.

‘Lonely Red’ – Ledfield, with a bounty of 2,320 million Bailey.

When Chu Tian saw the last one, the corners of his mouth grinned.

The bounty order is an incredibly handsome face.

Wrapped in black feathers, it looks mysterious and noble!

‘Celestial God’ – Fallen Angel, with a bounty of 3 billion Bailey!

Well, this amount is barely worthy of me.


Before Chu Tian could be narcissistic, the phone worm in his arms rang out with an eager voice.

“Hey, who?”

Chu Tian picked up with some unhappiness.

“It’s me.”

“Oh, old man of the Warring States, what’s the matter with me?”

“That’s right, under my application, the five old stars finally agreed to cancel the idle mission you are currently performing.”

Chu Tianguan smiled, and he had already thought about it in his heart.

“Warring States old man, you better don’t play official, there is something to say, I’ll hang up if it’s okay.”

“Don’t, I say, I say.”

The Warring States were afraid that the other party would really hang up, and quickly said:

“There is an auction going on in the Chambord Islands, I want you to go there.”

“An auction in the Chambord Islands? What does it have to do with me? ”

Chu Tian teased:

“Why, is this auction still not held by our navy?”

“It’s not.”

“Then why should I go?”

“Because of this auction, I don’t know what the reason is, a large number of vicious and powerful pirates have gathered.”

“Hey, I said old man of the Warring States, it’s not normal that there will be pirates in the auction.”

Chu Tian continued:

“As for such a big effort?”

“The most important thing is that the pirates gathered this time are too powerful! And there are Draco who will participate! ”

“Hey, as expected, because there are Draco people who are so nervous.”

Chu Tian chuckled

“Then why don’t you call the other three generals, I’m now, I’m just lying on the beach and basking in the sun, don’t say it, it’s very comfortable.”

“For a while, I didn’t want to go back.”


Sengoku was silent for a while before he spoke

“The red dog has not recovered from his serious injury, and the other two generals are currently out on mission, so I really need you now, Chu Tian.”

“I know that you complain about the idle government, but now is not the time to be angry, and I will find a way to compensate you later…”

“Okay, old man Sengoku.”

Chu Tian was impatient and interrupted the official words of the Warring States Standard.

“Don’t fix those falsehoods, you can go if you want me to go, and now I agree to the compensation!”

The Warring States did not expect Chu Tian to be so blunt, and the prepared words were instantly useless.

Very embarrassed, he paused for a few more seconds before he spoke

“Then say, what compensation do you want.”

Seeing that the plan had succeeded, Chu Tian smiled heartily and said, ”

“I don’t want too much, the first is what you promised earlier, let me take a few recruits.”

“Oh? Which recruits did you fancy? ”

“Luki, Kaku, Kalifa, Jesse four will do.”

Chu Tian reported the candidate who had been decided long ago.

“Everything else is easy to say, but this Luki… Something special. ”

On the other end of the phone, Sengoku frowned in embarrassment.

“Hey, old man, you won’t regret it, will you?”

“If you don’t even keep this basic credit, then let’s not talk about it, I’ll continue to bask in the sun.”

After speaking, Chu Tian directly hung up the phone.

Then continue to sip the sun, drink juice, very calm.

As an outstanding talent in the twenty-first century, Chu Tian certainly knows all kinds of conversation skills.

When you have the initiative, it is foolish not to raise the price.

Chu Tian was not worried at all, and the other party would give up.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for the phone bug to ring again.

“Hey, Chu Tian!”

“Warring States old man, you have something to say quickly, if you have a fart quickly, you don’t need money?!”

Chu Tian said slowly while sucking on the juice:

“Why are young people so impulsive, we can still talk slowly.”

“Although I am an honest person and do not hesitate to make small profits, I really can’t communicate with people who don’t keep their promises!”

After speaking, Chu Tian gestured to hang up the phone again.

“Don’t don’t, you this condition, I agreed!”

“I just said that the old man of the Warring States, you are so great, how can you not keep your promises!”

Chu Tian talked.

“Don’t worry, old man of the Warring States, a navy as good as me, it is incumbent upon me to eliminate pirates!”

Hearing the words on the other side that seemed to change faces, Warring States’ faces turned dark.

This wise general himself, shouldn’t he be played by a ten-year-old child?!

“Just a little more.”

Before waiting for the Warring States to rest assured, Chu Tian said again.

“And what?”

Sengoku suddenly had a bad premonition.

“You know, people, sometimes they don’t get motivated, and children are even more so.”

Chu Tian continued:

“Although I am an honorable and honest general, I cannot avoid this.”

Sengoku: “…”

“Chu Tian, if you have something to say, let’s say it directly.”

“Hehe, it’s actually not a big deal, it’s just that I heard that Dr. Vegapunk recently discovered the ‘Life Design Map’.”

Speaking of this, Chu Tian’s eyes habitually narrowed slightly.

“You know, kid, it’s always curious, so I want to see it, it should be fine.”


(This book is about to be on the shelves, kneel and beg the big brothers to give a first order, and those who want to fatten it should also order the first order a little first!) )

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