“The effect this time seems to be a little too good, there are a lot of masters, I don’t know if the black lord can eat it, bang.”

Doflamingo had a certain expectation in his eyes.

“The party is all about getting as lively as possible.”

Chu Tian took a look and grinned:

“This group of people are all caught, they should be able to exchange a lot of money!”

Four Emperors, Whitebeard Pirates, Captain Ichiban, Immortal Bird Marko, Bounty: 1.53 billion Bailey!

Four Emperors, Aunt Pirates, Head of the Three Generals, Charlotte Katakuri, Bounty: 1,057 million Bailey!

Four Emperors, Hundred Beast Pirates, ‘Plague’, Quinn, Bounty: 1.32 billion Bailey!

These three people alone add up, they are almost 4 billion!

Plus, their true value is more than that!

“Now that the fish are all hooked, it’s time to close the net…”



Somehow, the originally clear Chambordi Islands suddenly became gloomy.

The sea breeze also became a little manic.

It seems that heavy rain will come at any moment.

The residents of Island 15 have long discovered that there are more and more pirates in the vicinity in recent days.

Those who were afraid of death were evacuated in advance.

The rest is a group of outlaws similar to pirates, watching the excitement is not too big, and they are also waiting for the auction to begin.


With the sound of the iron gate opening open, the huge auction hall door finally opened.

“Haha, finally on! I’d rather see what a show there is today! ”

“Hey, brother, are you also here to grab the fruit with me?!”

“What nonsense! The fruit is mine! Who dares to rob, don’t blame Xiaoye, I chopped you! ”

“Hmph, when the time comes, everyone will have their own skills!”

Everyone knows that this fruit auction, on the surface, who has more money and who wins.

But in fact, this is not the case at all!

Because these three fruits are obviously priceless treasures, money alone cannot buy them!

So in the end, it will definitely cause a big scuffle!

Of course, even if they knew the result, the pirates were still reluctant to give up these three fruits.

First, the pirates themselves represent the spirit of adventure, which is nothing to the pirates who dare to come.

Second, because the temptation is too great, so big that the price can be ignored!

For most pirate groups, if they get these three realities, they can double their overall strength several times!

“Captain Collier, the pirates have begun to enter, shall we go up?!”

A navy man hiding in the shadows turned his head and said.

“Again… Wait a minute, it seems that the general has not arrived yet. ”

“Without the leadership of the general, how can we act without permission!”

Gaulier spoke impassionedly.

In his heart, he secretly scolded this messenger.

You are stunned, so many terrifying pirates have gathered together, not waiting for the future, follow you in and send ah?!



Inside the auction hall, there is a lot of space.

After hundreds of outlaws were seated, there was still a lot of space.

“Haha, the Chambord Islands haven’t been so lively for a long time, and there are a lot of familiar faces here.”

In the back row of the auction hall sat an old man with gray hair and casual clothes.

The old man was drinking from the wine jug in his hand while watching all this with interest.

“Familiar faces? Old man, I didn’t expect you to have a lot of knowledge. ”

Chu Tian sat next to the old man familiarly, holding a cigar in his mouth, and talked.

“Haha, it’s some insight.”

The old man was surprised when he saw the child taking a cigar, and after a while, he seemed to find it funny, and patted his thigh with a smile.

“Boy, it’s not good to smoke cigars at your age.”

“Oh, cigars, can there be danger in this place?”

Chu Tian chuckled and shook his head, ignoring the old man’s persuasion, took another sip, and swallowed the clouds.

Hearing Chu Tian’s words, the old man felt that it was also right, so he did not persuade again.

After all, there are too many strange things on the great voyage, and he has seen a lot, so he will not make a fuss.

“Old man, since you are so familiar with these people, tell me about it?”

Chu Tian seemed to have no intention and threw out such a sentence.

“Haha, children are still easy to be curious, okay, I’ll tell you about it.”

The old man was also cheerful and agreed.

Pointing to the front of the seat, the most arrogant group said:

“They are the Black Pirate Group, the captain is called Kanvo Bu Yaogan, the bounty is 542.5 million Bailey, the strength was originally quite strong, it was one of the supernovas three years ago.”

“It’s a pity that the crew is too impulsive, and when holding a specific ceremonial astringent shaking, there were some clashes with the Kaido Pirates, resulting in heavy casualties in the crew, and this time to seize the fruit, presumably to restore strength.”

The old man shook his finger, pointed in another direction, and said:

“I saw the group of people with dog head hats, they are the Tengu Pirates, the captain is named Joan of Arc Hirai Bu for ten days, and the bounty is 502 million Bailey.”

“Although the individual strength is not strong, the number of crew members is amazing, and the faith is extremely firm, and legends have it that believers are all over the world!”

“Extremely strong faith? What faith do pirates have? ”

Chu Tian’s face was a little strange.

“Haha, their belief is very interesting, that is, not to harm women, to serve all women.”

Chu Tian: “…”

Chu Tian always felt that the pirate group of these two new worlds was strange, especially the name, as if it implied something.

Before Chu Tian could think more, a group of pirates in strange costumes poured into the door.

Especially the one who walks in the front, looks like a woman, but wears men’s clothing, a bit like a shemale.

“Old man, this shouldn’t be the legendary shemale pirate group, right?!”

This disgusting image made Chu Tian disgusted for no reason.

“Haha, little ghost, I used to think so, but don’t say that to your face.”

The old man smiled, picked up the wine jug in his hand and poured another sip, and continued:

“They are the JNTM Pirates, the crew seems to love to dance, the captain is called Kinomei Laiku, and the bounty is 380 million.”

“Not only is he not a shemale, but he also hates people calling others shemales, but then again, his fruit ability is quite fun, haha.”


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