Inside the auction hall.

The fighting is escalating.

“Ah, don’t!”

“Please, let me go, I don’t want fruit… Yes. ”

“Guys, when we hack this group of bastards, let’s go up and get the fruit together, haha!”

“No… Damn, you actually betrayed me! ”

The entire auction hall was like a human Asura field for a while, full of killing, crying, wailing, betrayal, chaos…

Blood had overflowed the high-grade carpet of the auction hall, turning the originally pink carpet into crimson.

Stump arms and severed limbs, everywhere …

“Haha, it’s finally no one who gets in the way!”

The Black Pirate Group, Kanwo Bu Yaoqian threw the machete in his hand.

Blood from the machete instantly splattered everywhere.

From this tiny detail, it can be seen that he killed an unknown number of people in a short period of time.

“Hehe, boss mighty!”

“Following the boss is a thrill!”

“That is, there is a famous saying in our hometown, reading hard, reading thunder, it is better to participate in the black club!”

The remaining members of the Black Pirate Group all gathered around and complimented one after another.


Kanwo Bu Yao smiled smugly.

After all, their record is indeed something to be proud of.

In the entire eastern passage of the auction hall, only their pirate group was left.

The rest either died, or saw that they were timid and ran.

Although their pirate group also suffered casualties, it was not worth mentioning in comparison.

“Okay, guys, since no one has robbed us, let’s go on stage and accept the loot!”

Kanwo Bu Yao said with an evil smile.



Auction house, west passage.

“Ah, don’t! Stop licking… Yes! ”

“My hands, my hands are added! Boss, help! ”

“Damn… There are too many of these tengus, and I can’t kill the boss, and my hands are numb! ”

Buffith opened his bow left and right, and the two diamond-shaped swords rotated wildly and chopped down.

In an instant, he took the lives of more than ten tengu.

However, there was no pleasure or pleasure in killing enemies on his face.

Anyway, he looked at the screaming subordinates very solemnly.

“Red spades 2, plum blossoms 7, cubes 9!”

Buffys roared lowly, wanting to move to save people, and after taking two steps, more than ten tengu surrounded him!

After Buffith killed these Tengu in seconds, it was too late to rescue.

Three pirates with a reward of hundreds of millions of dollars, just like that, in the Tengu pile.

Even the bones were constantly added by the tengu who were exhausted.

“You damn it!”

Buffith stood out, and the two diamond-shaped swords he held under his feet and in his hand suddenly lit up with fire.


“King Fried!”

Dozens of explosive sword qi shot violently.

A large number of tengu were killed violently in an instant.

“You are not allowed to desecrate the corpse of my companion!”

Buffis flicked the blood stained with his swords, and his eyes stared fiercely at the crowd, where the old god was in Bu for ten days.

“Haha, it’s worthy of Buffis, the 56,000 king bounty is really not blown out!”

Bu Shitian had a rampant smile on the corner of his mouth, and his words changed:

“However, even if you are strong today, you will have to die in this !!!”

“Even if you can kill ten, twenty, what about fifty? What about hundreds?! What about five hundred people?! ”

“The last thing Lao Tzu lacks is manpower!”

“Brothers, let’s go up for the sake of ladies! Kill them this bunch of trash! ”

“Yes, the boss is mighty!”

“Madam! Lady! Fight for the lady and die without regrets! ”

“Kill them, then snatch the fruit and give it to the ladies!”

With Bu Shitian’s order, dozens of pirates rushed towards Buffith in an instant, as if crazy.

Among them, there are also a large number of other pirate crew members who did not wear dog hats!

Buffith’s face sank, and he knew that this was the terrible assimilation ability of the fruit of faith.

That is because of this, no matter how they kill the enemy, the enemy has not become less!

Even if they are an elite pirate group, they can fight one against a hundred, but they can’t fight a thousand with one enemy!

What’s more, these maniacs who have been manipulated are not ordinary people, they are originally a group of vicious and murderous people, and their combat power is even more fierce…

“Captain Buffys, you run first, let’s break off here!”

While speaking, the only four remaining crew members of the poker pirate group gathered around Buffits.

“Shut up! How can I abandon my crew and run away privately! ”

Buffis’s eyes were full of anger, and the hands holding the sword burst out with blue tendons.

“What’s more, this bastard actually killed nine of my crew members, today, I must take his dog’s life!”

“But… Our physical strength is close to the limit…”

“Forget it, J of Spades, since the boss has made up his mind, we will accompany you!”

“Haha, that’s it, it’s a big deal to die!”

“Even if I die, my Spades A will pull out the dog’s teeth on the day of the ten days!”

“Haha, then since everyone has decided!”

Buffys smiled and rushed out first.

“A. J of spades, Q of twists, K of squares, this is the captain’s last order, hack this group of dogs to death for me!”



Middle passage of the stage.

The battle between the JNTM Pirates and the Brother Gui Pirates has also come to an end.

The Brother Gui Pirate Group almost occupies the overall lead.

The female cannons of the JNTM Pirates were tightly suppressed to the ground.

The women who still want to struggle, the petite male body, can not withstand the wrestling of the strong men of the brother and gui pirate group!

After several failures, the members of the JNTM Pirates all fell to the ground and rolled their eyes.

Apparently fainted.

On the other side, the battle between the captains, Billy also achieved a huge advantage.

Another heavy punch was punched, and it was directly hammered on Lai Kun’s belly.

The beaten Lai Kun even squirted out gastric juice.

I almost rolled my eyes and fainted.

But Lai Kun did not dare to faint, and he was the only one left in the whole group.

Looking at these muscular men, Lai Kun didn’t dare to imagine what would happen if he fainted too!

“Hehe, don’t struggle, little fresh meat, we can communicate well.”

Saying that, Billy clasped his hands behind his head and straightened his waist.

“By the way, let me teach you wrestling properly and exercise your not-so-manly body!”


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