“If you really have the ability, why shrink in the new world? Simply destroy the headquarters of the Navy. ”

Hearing this, Doflamingo was suddenly taken aback.

This kind of words, it is estimated that this person in front of him dares to say it.

Scolding the Four Emperors for coercion, if others say this, they don’t need the Four Emperors to make a move, and anyone who worships the Four Emperors on the side of the road will cut him off.

But it was Chu Tian who said this, it was different.

Doflamingo believed for no reason that Chu Tianzhen dared to provoke the four emperors at once.

One is because of character, and the other is because of strength.

Until now, Doflamingo has also seen Chu Tian strike several times.

And every time the opponent is not weak, the kind that starts with a billion.

But he was unable to see through the strength of the other party.

Even if he faced the two imperial deputies at a time, Chu Tian was as calm as water, and he was not shocked at all.

Even while fighting, I can laugh and chat with you.

Doflamingo subconsciously touched the tip of his forehead and wiped the cold sweat from his head.

“However, you are right, it is indeed a pity to send these three directly to the naval prison.”

Chu Tian suddenly said.


Doflamingo was a little surprised and looked up at Chu Tian.

Thinking the other person is going to change his mind.

Unexpectedly, Chu Tian’s words changed.

“Giving people to the navy will be exchanged for a bounty of more than a billion, which is too little.”

“Pinch people, directly ask them for money from the pirate group, it should be more!”

Doflamingo listened and almost didn’t spew out the wine he had just drunk.

“Ahem, ?!!what did you say, General Black”

“I said, I’m going to ask them for money from the pirate group!”

“Black Lord, do you know which pirate group they belong to?”

Chu Tian frowned and said:

“You are still the king of the underground world, and even the people under the Four Emperors don’t know about them?”

“Of course I know, the problem is…”

“Okay, okay, you know, don’t talk so much nonsense.”

Chu Tian continued:

“You should have their phone worm, right? Give me. ”

“This… Not okay. ”

“Why so much nonsense? Do you give it or not?! ”




Chambord Islands, Island 16.

It’s a notoriously lawless place, and the auction is over, but it’s still full of criminals.

H13 Bar, the largest bar on the island.

Of course, it is said to be a bar, but in fact, it is full of people with all kinds of fish and dragons.

Some are selling arms here, some are selling intelligence, some are selling drugs here…

In short, all kinds of interests and confusion are handed over here.

“Hey, did you hear that? That fruit auction! ”

“Of course! I knew an underground big brother before and went to participate! ”

“Wow, that’s really amazing, it is said that those who can go to the auction are either rich people or powerful pirates…”

“Haha, isn’t it, my eldest brother is a cadre of the underground sick cat group, so he has the honor to participate!”

“Underground sick cat group!!! Is that the awesome gang organization?! ”


The speaker, named Eddie, had a lewd middle-aged face and a western cowboy hat.

With a cigar mixed with unknown white powder in his mouth, he looked like a bastard.

There was no direct answer, just a secret snort.

But the smug expression on his face that was undisguised told the other party that you were right.

“Wow, with the strength of the underground sick cat group, it should be able to photograph a demon fruit!”

At this time, a big wave woman heard the topic and came over.

Because the action is too fast, it is too intense.

The mountain under the bikini swayed twice.

“Oh, by the way, my name is Abili, is it convenient to get to know each other?”

Abily took the initiative to reach out and introduce herself, and said, pretending to be surprised, and squeezed in front of her.

“Oh, it’s an honor, this lady, my name is Eddie.”

After looking at the other party for a few seconds, Eddie decisively extended his hand.

He did not hide the desire in his eyes.

Although Abili is not very good-looking, her figure is particularly hot.

This kind of woman, Eddie naturally did not refuse.

After all, there is a good saying.

It doesn’t matter how a woman looks.

After turning off the lights, how important is the figure!

“By the way, to answer your previous question, with the strength of the underground black cat pirate group, especially the eldest brother I recognize, it is definitely no problem to win the Devil Fruit!”

As a veteran, Eddie naturally knows how to get started with each other and immediately begins to play what he is good at.


“Moreover, my eldest brother himself ate the devil fruit, and this time he went to the auction, in fact, it was for me!”


Abili’s eyes instantly flashed with starlight.

At this moment, Eddie’s lewd face was much more pleasing in her eyes.

“Of course!”

Eddie replied.

“That… At that time, can you show people the legendary super rare fruit ability~”

Saying that, I don’t know when, Abily has already attached herself to Eddie.

Seeing this, Eddie smiled lewdly, he knew that his strategy had succeeded.

Just as he was about to say yes, suddenly, his body trembled back.

Pushed away by a force.

“I’m sorry, but you two hooking up in the aisle is indeed a bit in the way.”


Eddie felt that the power of pushing him away was not small, and he was ready to endure it.

After all, in this kind of place, there are many bad people, and there are naturally more strong people.

Mess with one, be killed, and cry without a place.

The reason why a wretched person like him can survive and make a name for himself is because he can observe words.

But after seeing that it was a child, Eddie’s face instantly became proud.

Adults can’t bully, there is a child, naturally you have to bully well!

It just so happened that it was also in front of the artillery friends of this evening, and he was in the limelight!

“Boy, you bumped into me and my girlfriend!”

“Didn’t I apologize?”

Chu Tian rubbed his hair, a little unhappy.

But after all, I have a loss, and it is nothing to apologize.

“Oh, it’s useful to apologize, what else does the navy do!”

Eddie laughed.

“If you can come here, it should be the child of a rich family, so let’s give a few thousand Baileys at will, and this matter will be settled!”


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