Headquarters of the Navy, Marinfodo, Marshal’s Office.

“Sengoku, what are you doing, didn’t we order you to send someone to the Chambord Islands?!”

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Sengoku’s brows furrowed.

He always felt that his fortunes did not seem to be good recently, and his ears were always irritated by these five old guys.

“Yes, I sent five additional fleets to ensure every area on the Chambord Islands, and also sent the Black Lord’s General to…”

“Shut up! Do you know?! Draco, Charros Saint is dead! What are your guards doing?! ”

“However, Your Excellency Fifth Old Star, his death was entirely caused by throwing off the surveillance of the navy and robbing the people’s daughters!”

“You mean to say that we Draco are wrong?!”

Sengoku: “…”

The Warring States were speechless for a while, and their faces were gloomy.

“Tell you! Warring states! Remember that we Draco can’t go wrong! ”

“We are the descendants of the Creator of the world! The world is supposed to be ours! So whatever we do to the world! All right!!! ”

“Also, find out your identity, your marshal status is given by our world government!” If you can’t protect us Draco, we can remove your position at any time!!! ”

Hearing this, Sengoku’s palms clenched, and his brows were almost squeezed together.

But he still didn’t open his mouth to refute it.

The other party is right, under sending people, it is so helpless.

“Also, what new general you sent, the Black Lord, actually didn’t go to protect the Draco at the first time on the island?! It’s ridiculous! ”

“Doesn’t he know that the highest priority of the general is to protect the Draco?! Sengoku, you must punish him well after that! ”

“However, at that time, the Black Lord’s general had just landed on the island, and he didn’t know the location of Charros Saint!”

When mentioning Chu Tian, the Warring States finally couldn’t help it and retorted.

In his heart, Chu Tian is an absolute future star, the hope of the navy.

Seeing that the world government actually wanted to suppress him, the Warring States could not understand.

“Moreover, according to the latest report, the Black Lord’s general has successfully prevented the chaos of the fruit auction! Single-handedly defeated the three imperial deputies! Such a feat ! This kind of strength! Who can compare?! ”

“Shut up! Warring states! We say that it is his dereliction of duty, it is his dereliction of duty! No excuses allowed! ”

“Moreover, compared to guarding the Draco, what is the merit of calming the chaos of the auction?! Now a Draco has died! ”

“Have you figured it out! The death of a Draco is a more serious matter than the total destruction of the Chambord Islands! ”

At this time, there was another five old stars on the other end of the phone to speak.

“No… I think young people can’t do big things after all! Although the potential is good, whether it can be owned by us, it is indeed necessary to investigate well! ”

The other end of the phone was replaced with another five old stars again. Tone said.

“I see, I have to find an opportunity to knock one and test him…”

The Warring States clasped his palms, but did not speak for Chu Tian again.

Because he knew that these five old guys would not listen to his words at all.

It will only provoke a rebellious mentality.

That way, it is undoubtedly more troublesome.

The Warring States could only forcibly swallow this breath, thinking about waiting for the other party to calm down, and then finding an opportunity to speak for Chu Tian in the future.

“To get back to business, Sengoku, according to our CP0 report, it was a man with eight wings and black feathers who killed Charros Saint.”

Speaking of this, the voice of the five old stars paused, and his tone was angry:

“I think it’s that damn ‘Tenjin’!”

“This man is simply the worst bastard ever! Just three shots! But each time it was an unbearable and significant blow to our government! ”

“The first shot, destroy nearly half of the naval headquarters! Wild! ”

“The second shot, release the undersea prison, advance a large number of prisoners in the city, including the two sea pirates on the sixth floor! He even killed Deputy Warden Magellan! ”

“And this third shot!”

Speaking of which, the voice on the other end of the phone has begun to gnash its teeth.

“It directly brutally killed our Draco, Charros Saint!”

“This series of actions is not only a blow to our Draco, but also a provocation to our world government! It is a declaration of war on the whole world! ”

“So! Sengoku, I order you, continue to raise the bounty for fallen angels! And send more troops to surround the Chambord Islands! ”

“Make sure not a fly can fly! Whoever finds a fallen angel will destroy him at all costs! ”

Sengoku swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his eyes were full of heaviness.

He knew that when the other party said whatever it takes, he meant the destruction of the entire island…

The Chambord Islands, in the eyes of the angry Draco, are nothing at all.

Or rather, it is a presence that can be erased at will.

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Sengoku said slowly in a low tone:

“I have already dispatched in advance, and the general Akainu, who was still recovering from injuries, has arrived…”


Hanging up the phone, Sengoku walked to the window and looked at the gloomy sky in the distance.

The mood is a little upset.

At this time, a few strands of white hair, in the breeze, quietly floated down, attracting the attention of the Warring States.

Looking at the gray hair, Sengoku couldn’t help but ponder.

This era, it seems, is gradually being pushed under an unknown force.

Can this “old man” keep up with the changes of the times?

The Warring States thought of several more five old stars.

The bottom of the eyes sank.

And will the justice that he insists on come to?



On the other side, the Chambord Islands, Island 16.

The vicinity of H13 Bar has been reduced to rubble…

The dragon claw fell, Chu Tianjian couldn’t dodge and simply didn’t dodge, and directly swung out a palm, pulling all the air around!

“Sky Collapse!”

The two attacks collided together again, still unable to tell the winner or the loser.


After flicking off Kaido’s dragon claws, without waiting for Kaido’s other dragon claws to arrive, Chu Tian teleported and got out of Kaido’s attack range.

Looking at Kaido, who had a huge body and extremely high defense, Chu Tian raised his eyebrows.

Why do you always touch some meat recently???

“It seems that I want to beat Kaido, but I still can’t continue to keep my hand!”


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