“At that time, I was afraid that I would smash too much and couldn’t afford it?”

Chu Tian teased, his body suddenly changed, and he turned into a fallen angel form again.

“It seems that it’s time for me to appear…”

Under the collective attack of more than ten sea kings, even the red dog could not please for a while.

I had to fight and run and was completely trapped.

As the only effective combat force on the naval side, he was trapped, and the navy’s resistance suddenly became more difficult.

Even if there are several vice admirals on the warship, at most, one person will carry a sea king class.

You can’t die for half a day.

The situation slowly poured towards the fishman.

Neptune led by the fishman army, I don’t know when he had an extremely beautiful scepter in his hand, constantly waving it.

The whole body is made of a material like sapphire, transparent and brilliant.

The top is engraved with a sky blue orb that exudes magical light!

At a glance, it makes people feel very awesome.

“What is His Majesty the King holding in his hand?!”

“I don’t know, it is said to be an heirloom of the royal family!”

“What! Heirloom? That must be awesome stuff! ”

“It must be very awesome, you see these sea kings that suddenly appeared… Don’t you think it’s a little strange?! ”

“It seems a little strange for you to say this, they seem to only attack the navy, not us fishmen!”

When it comes to this, the fish people who were originally angry reflect it.

Something was wrong.

You know, fish people do have the innate ability to communicate with fish.

However, the fish people can’t communicate with the sea kings!

No matter how they communicate, the sea king class will not give any response, and sometimes, the murderous sea king will take the initiative to attack the fish people.

Therefore, fish people have always believed that sea kings have low IQ and cannot communicate.

The situation at this moment tells them that their previous speculation was wrong.

Now the Sea King class is clearly helping them fight the navy!

“Could it be because of the scepter in His Majesty’s hand?!”

“It must be like this! This must be the artifact of our fish-people family, with this artifact we can communicate with the sea king class and let them fight! ”

“Haha, so it is! Long live His Majesty! Come on Neptune class! ”

“Long live His Majesty! Come on Neptune class! ”

“Long live His Majesty! Come on Neptune class! ”

“Long live His Majesty! Come on Neptune class! ”

The so-called three people became tigers, in order to spread falsehoods, the more people came to believe this “truth”

Morale instantly rose, and people kept coming to the port to cheer for them, and even some fish people joined the sea king class to attack the navy together!

After the morale of the fish entered the war, the navy that had been in battle disintegrated more and more rapidly!

All this, waving Quan Pton, naturally looks in the eyes.

But he is not optimistic about this seemingly advantageous situation.

For everything he did was carried out according to the commands of the fallen angels.

Including wielding the scepter of this royal heirloom.

Thinking of this, Neptune shook his head.

This seemingly magical scepter certainly does not have the role of commanding the sea king class itself!

The engraved orb in the front section emits a magical light that only has a soothing effect that makes people ‘calm’.

“Is it because of this scene that I am making a appearance?”

Neptune only felt a chill in his heart, without some contemplation.

“If yes… Fallen angel, you are really terrible, you can’t get it right…”

Neptune raised his head and looked at the broken naval fleet.

“More terrifying than Draco.”

Tough force can be intimidating.

And the terrifying intrigue is even more chilling.

On the side of the Navy.

The warships gradually converged near the No. 1 warship.

Because the navy found that only a large number of shells exploded at the same time to cause some damage to the sea kings.

It’s not a lot, but it’s better than nothing, so they chose to pool.

“Captain Ham, if this continues, we won’t be able to destroy a few sea kings if the shells run out!”

“At that time, we will definitely die!”

Several Navy captains stumbled to Ham to report.

“Damn it!”

Ham, who is the interim captain, is even more anxious.

As the descendant of the headquarters of the navy and vice admiral, Ham participated in this battle only to mix up military merit.

Originally, with the strength crushed by the navy, hitting Fishman Island was like playing.

Therefore, the position of temporary front-line commander is definitely fat, and Ham naturally mixed up by connections.

Who knows, now this is the case.

Not only can you not mix, but you also have to receive bad news from everywhere.

This is nothing, after all, those navies are not his subordinates, and he will not be distressed no matter how many deaths.

The problem is that now that the sea king class is getting closer and closer, Ham himself is difficult to protect!

Looking at the huge figure that gradually surrounded him, Ham was so scared that he was about to pee his pants, and he had to endure and continue to command.

At this time, his eyes swept over the port, and Ham also found the scepter that Neptune was holding.

Suddenly, he shouted excitedly:

“It must be that scepter that is ghosting! These sea kings only attacked our navy, it must have been the damned Neptune who controlled them with a scepter! ”

“So it is! Captain Ham is really careful and intelligent! ”

“I just said why this group of sea kings attacked so ferociously, it turned out that the mermaid king was commanding!”

“Then we only need to destroy that scepter and be able to turn defeat into victory!”

Seeing this, the navy also thought it was true, and while patting Ham’s, they all thought of a way.

“Destroy that scepter?!”

Ham shook his head, his eyes full of greed.


Saying that, Ham stepped aside and waved his hand, signaling his cronies to come over.

“This is a good thing to control the Sea Kings! How can it be easily destroyed?! ”

“So, Lord Ham, what do you mean?!”

“Of course, it is forcibly taken and taken for one’s own !!!”

A crazy look flashed in Ham’s eyes.

“At that time, I will dominate the battlefield, won’t all the military merit belong to me? Even red dogs can’t be distinguished! ”

“After the matter is over, I will hand over the scepter to the Draco, and I will definitely be promoted to lieutenant general!”

“That’s not right… With the terrifying ability of this scepter, it is impossible to get into the marshal position with the help of the Draco! ”


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