“Al Al-Al, that’s so lively.”

The yellow ape said playfully:

“If you don’t get it right, there will be more factions in the future.”

“It’s really hard to imagine that at only ten years old, not only is he powerful, but even his leadership is so amazing?”

Peach Rabbit smiled and said:

“Black Lord, you are really getting more and more curious.”

It has been said that curiosity is the emotion closest to liking.

If Chu Tian knew what Peach Rabbit thought, he would be very happy.

Then, prepare the room in the evening and answer the doubts in the other person’s heart…

But Chu Tian not only didn’t know now, but also didn’t have time to answer.

After he finished saying the details of joining his legion, he quickly left the stage.

No way, he finally realized the drawbacks brought by fanatical followers!

The people in the audience looked at him at this time, as if they wanted to ‘eat’ him.

What makes Chu Tiandan hurt is that he can still understand women, and he can accept especially good-looking women.

But the men are too much, if they are not useful in the future, Chu Tian wants to blind them!

In this way, the entire award ceremony ended with Chu Tian gaining a large number of loyal followers.

In the middle of the night, Chu Tian also rewarded Avril Avril the great hero of this operation!

Until Avril begged for mercy …


The next day, around noon.

“Bang bang!”

A continuous knock on the door woke Chu Tian from his sleep.

Chu Tian was very upset, but he could only get up.

After casually draping the navy uniform, he opened the door.

Seeing the person coming, Chu Tian raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

“Marshal of the Warring States, don’t sleep early in the morning, what wind is blowing you?”

“Early in the morning…”

Warring States frowned, and said in a deep voice:

“Chu Tian, are you sure your clock is set correctly? It’s twelve o’clock now! ”

“Well, isn’t twelve o’clock early in the morning?”

Chu Tian’s words suddenly turned:

“Okay, old man of the Warring States, let’s get down to business.”

“I was a little late yesterday, and I’m in a hurry to go back to sleep!”

“This way! Chu Tian, you are so talented, and people who work hard are really rare, but pay attention, don’t work too hard, at your age, it is also important to ensure rest! ”

When the Warring States heard Chu Tian’s words, they praised with satisfaction.

He naturally couldn’t guess what kind of exercise Chu Tian said, if he knew, he might be angry to death.

Hearing Chu Tian’s words, the Warring States also quickly entered.

Directly said:

“Chu Tian, I came this time to send an important mission.”

“Important tasks?”

Chu Tian frowned and said:

“Not long after the end of the last important mission, there is another task, old man of the Warring States, I have never heard of a general so busy.”

“Why don’t you let the green pheasant and yellow ape go, no more, although the red dog broke the dog’s paw, but it is no problem not to deal with the four emperors, right?!”


“Is it because the yellow ape doesn’t want to work overtime? Akainu called in sick? In that case, there is no reason why the pheasant should not go! ”

Chu Tian then teased.

“It’s not.”

The voice of the Warring States sank, and he spoke:

“Because of this mission, the five old stars specially assigned you to go.”

“Specially assigned me?”

Chu Tian frowned.

He didn’t have a good impression of these five old Wang Ba.

“What mission?!”

“To the Seven Capitals of Water”

Speaking of this, the Chinese of war became a little heavier, but his voice was lowered.

In a voice that only two people can hear:

“Search the blueprints of the ancient weapon ‘Hades’!”

Hearing these words, Chu Tian’s pupils shrank sharply.

Naturally, he was not surprised.

Rather, one thing came to mind!

The design of the battleship missing by the Free Army!

Chu Tian’s eyes lit up.

After knowing that the real ‘Hades’ is the nightingale of the Three-Eyed Clan.

Chu Tian knew that the super battleship was just a tool that could exert the ability of the nightingale.

But although it is a tool, the power of super battleships is still not to be underestimated!

And the design drawing of the ‘Hades’ of the Seven Capitals of Water, Chu Tian guessed, was the design drawing of that super battleship!

With such super battleships, what more naval warships ?!

It’s completely technology-crushed wood!

The Warring States on the side were also stunned when they saw Chu Tian.

Thinking that the other party was frightened by the word ancient weapon, he hurriedly explained:

“Chu Tian, don’t worry, although you are going to search, whether it really exists is another matter.”

“If you are dissatisfied with this decision of the five old stars, I will also try to help you shirk it.”

Warring States’ words completely reflected his maintenance of Chu Tian!

But when Chu Tian heard this, he was stunned suddenly, and said completely unappreciatively:

“Go! How can you not go?! ”

Chu Tian’s eyes were radiant, and he patted his chest and said:

“As a senior admiral, it is naturally my unshirkable responsibility to carry out tasks for the organization!”

“I won’t be as irresponsible as the lazy yellow ape and the disabled red dog!”

“This mission, I will decide!”

“Just tell those five old Wang Ba to rest assured! I will definitely not let the dangerous ancient weapon, ‘Hades’, fall into the hands of others!” ”

Chu Tian didn’t say a word, that is, it would definitely not fall into the hands of others, because he would swallow it well!

“Oh, it is worthy of the hope of the future of the Navy! This responsibility, this will, this effort”

When the Warring States saw the light of greed in Chu Tian’s eyes, they thought that they saw the light of justice.

The eye sockets were almost moist.

“Chu Tian, I believe that you will definitely become the pillar of the navy in the future! Maybe you can take my place! ”

Warring States said, having regarded Chu Tian as his successor, and constantly patted Chu Tian’s shoulder.

“Go! Go get the job done! I will await your triumphant return in the main department! ”

“Yes! Marshal of the Warring States! ”

Chu Tian adhered to the principle of making a full set of plays, and also gave a military salute very standardly!

At this time, Chu Tian seemed to remember something, and the words suddenly changed.

“That’s not right… Marshal of the Warring States, I remember the reward of the last mission, you seem to have another one that has not been cashed ?! ”

“Are you referring to the ‘life design drawing’ discovered by Dr. Vegapunk?”

Hearing this, Sengoku frowned.


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