“Little ghost! What did you do?! Actually…… I actually hurt my mother! ”

Aunt looked at Chu Tian in disbelief, roared and slashed out again.

Chu Tian jumped lightly, and after dodging it, he said with a smile:

“This is a new use of armed color that I developed, gathering qi into a point, and then punching it into the other party’s body, how about it, not bad!”

Saying that, Chu Tian deceived forward again and threw out a punch!

“Holy Hammer – Lucifer!”

A fist like a battering ram, with endless armed color domineering, hitting the heart of Auntie!

He believes that as long as he is still in the biological range, the heart will always be a weakness!

Therefore, Chu Tian decided to smash the yellow dragon with one blow and send the other party to the sky!

But the aunt is the fourth emperor, and she had already foreseen Chu Tian’s actions with her sights and smells, and punched out in advance!

“Lightning strike!”



Thunder, holy light, exploded at the same time, scattered the earth, and shattered countless houses again!

The two clashed their fists, and both sides refused to give in, and once again blasted out the other hand!

Aunt held her own scimitar and slashed it down hard, accompanied by explosive sword qi!

“Elbaf’s Gun Mighty!”

This trick was learned by Aunt when she was young in the country of giants, and she used infinite strength to cut out the giant sword qi!

Chu Tian’s arm was slightly bent, and his index finger was extended!

With infinite holy light, blatantly and fearlessly, face it head-on!

“Holy halberd – Lucifer!”

The terrifying giant sword qi collided violently with the holy light halberd that Chu Tian’s arm turned into, making a bursting sound!

The terrifying sword qi penetrated through the body, but Chu Tian was unscathed and still moving forward!

The ‘Holy Halberd’ was directly pierced in Auntie’s chest!

The breath passes through the body and comes out of the back!


As another mouthful of blood spurted out, Auntie couldn’t help but slow down.

Chu Tian didn’t give anything, followed the trend with a flip, turned his feet into an axe, and swung it hard!

“Holy Axe – Lucifer!”


Auntie’s defenses finally collapsed, and her body flew out upside down.

A blood stain appeared, spilling a rain of blood!

“How come! Auntie actually bleed! Auntie was actually injured! ”

Tezzolo couldn’t help but tremble as he looked at the scene in front of him, and his whole body couldn’t stop trembling!

“Fight with the gods, mortals, you are too self-sufficient!”

Chu Tian’s tone in the form of white wings became more and more arrogant, and his figure was not at all stunned, and he flew out again!

Hand knife type, holy light condensation!

Get ready to rush out again!

“Holy Knife…”

Just when Chu Tian was about to split the hand knife, there was a boom in the distance, which made him eyebrow, and he turned his eyes!

“That’s it! Fallen angels! You’re around! ”

I saw more than ten men dressed in white with different faces hanging in the air!

“CP0?! The world government is here. ”

Chu Tian seemed to have expected it, and said in a flat tone, his eyes skimming towards Tezzolo, his eyes disdainful.

“Since you hate the Draco, you actually agree with the world government.”

“Is that your hatred? Tezzolo! ”

“What do you know?! This is all Strategy, this is all Zhiyue to complete the final plan! Just a temporary concession! ”

Tezzolo struggled and stood up, hearing Chu Tian’s ridicule, anger welled up in his eyes.

Almost roaring:

“It’s a win-win, understand?! Only by win-win can I gather more wealth and more strength! Only in this way can I reach the highest realm! ”

“Win-win?! Win-win with enemies, what a ridiculous mortal! ”

Chu Tian sneered, and his gaze swept towards CP0 who surrounded him.

“Do you think you can take me down with this group of waste?!”

“Hmph! Fallen angels! Don’t be too arrogant! We are all the fighting elites of the world government, CP0 organization! ”

Several CP0s said with gloomy faces.

“It was only three of them who dealt with you last time! But each of us is not weaker than them, dealing with more than ten at a time, I don’t believe you can hold on! ”

Speaking of this, CP0’s tone sank, and he said with a sinister smile:

“Moreover, we have already controlled dozens of warships to surround this ship!”

“As soon as a creature goes out from here, it will be immediately bombarded by the sky!”

“Now, you can’t even escape! Grab it! Fallen angels! ”

“It’s really a corny line.”

Chu Tian shook his head and said in an arrogant tone:

“No matter how many ants there are, how can they match the Heavenly Gods?!”


“Captain! Stop talking nonsense with him! Let’s go together! ”

“It is!”

Shouting, more than ten CP0s disappeared in place!


In the next second, like a waterfall, various tricks flew from the sky and rushed towards Chu Tian!

“Finger gun – break the air!”

“Arashi – Death Whirlwind!”

“Pieces of iron – meteorite impact!”

“Paper painting – a thousand paper cranes!”

“Moon Step – Night Dance!”

“Six Kings Gun – Mountain Cannon!”


Faced with such a situation, Chu Tian still smiled indifferently.

It was as if all this crisis, for him, was nothing more than a passing eye!

“Ephemera shakes trees, do not measure yourself!”

“Holy Wheel – Lucifer!”

Chu Tian stepped in the air and held his hands at his waist!

When the offensive is approaching, it will suddenly break out!

Ordinary people saw that Chu Tian’s arm had been placed in place, and even his body had not moved.

But those energies that were close to Chu Tian were all annihilated!

The people who attacked Chu Tian all spewed blood and flew out upside down!

“How is that possible?! Doesn’t it mean that the form of a fallen angel can only have the power of the flesh?! ”

“Is the intelligence wrong?! This is obviously a distant offensive! ”

“No… Wrong! ”

“What?! Captain, you mean! ”

“That’s right… He uses ‘melee attacks’. ”

Speaking of this, the CP0 captain swallowed his spit.

“It’s just that the speed of punching and moving is too fast! So fast that we can’t see the trace with the naked eye! ”

“I can only look at the afterimage of him still staying in place! And can’t see the slightest trajectory of his movement! ”

“How… How can it be?! This kind of speed, unbelievable! ”

“Mortals, they can’t imagine the abilities of gods!”

A CP0 sighed, and suddenly Chu Tian’s voice sounded in his ears.

His expression was immediately stunned.

Just as he wanted to fight back, a huge force touched his body first!

“Holy Hammer – Lucifer!”


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