
Wang Qing glanced at the map of lack of virtue, and then looked at the community in front of him.

"It should be here, right?" There was some doubt in her eyes.

Tonight, she received a leave message from Xia Feng.

When he saw the shocking wound behind Xia Feng, Wang Qing was frightened.

But at the same time, she was a little puzzled.

Obviously, this year's Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day happened to be put together, why did the summer wind come specifically to ask for leave?

Thinking of Xia Feng's letter in X's letter that he would take leave to cultivate at home, Wang Qing's eyes instantly moistened.

"Students, Xia Feng accidentally burned his back when touching the kettle with his bare hands because of the performance. Later, you must persuade Xia Feng to go to the hospital for treatment. "

It's all burned like this and don't go to the hospital, obviously it's a financial constraint."

At this moment, a teenager walking towards him accidentally bumped into Wang Qing.

The boy looks sunny, has headphones around his neck, and can hear the black voice played inside.

"I'm sorry ma'am."

He smiled apologetically.

"It's okay."

Wang Qing nodded, and then asked, "Do you know where this funeral club is?"

She suddenly handed the phone over.

"Uh..." The

teenager looked at it for a long time, and finally scratched his head: "I don't live here, I'm sorry."

With that, he waved his hand and hurried away.

Wang Qing nodded, but didn't think much about it.

Young people like this generally do not live in such communities.

"Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely persuade him."

Huang Hao nodded heavily.

They were going to Wang Qing's cram school today, but they just heard about Xia Feng's injury, so they called everyone to form a group to visit.

"What other hospital do you go to, don't you know how big the incident in the First People's Hospital was yesterday?"

Some students said tremblingly.

"You're talking about that, I saw it, it's scary."

"What's going on?"

Everyone came up curiously.

Lu Renjia's live recording has been distributed everywhere overnight.

"This video is just the beginning, and now there are all kinds of extraordinary humans on the Internet."

"I also brushed one yesterday, the fire control, and directly set a monster on fire."

"Yes, there is another person who hammered a wall with one punch, old horror."

"My assessment is that it's not as good as Ott Junior."

Huang Hao shook his head and smiled disdainfully: "If it is written according to the novel, the Ultra boy definitely entered the mysterious institution for training since he was a child, otherwise you see, most of the supernatural in those videos are challenging a monster, which one kills a piece in seconds like him?" Hearing

this, everyone nodded.

"Recently, I often get up with low back pain, and it is difficult to concentrate, I think it must be Reiki revival, and the ability is about to awaken."

Huang Hao said with a heavy expression.

He is well aware of the fact that with great power comes great responsibility.

If his ability awakens one day, he will carry the future of ordinary people!

"As soon as you say it, I feel the same way."

"Yes, I feel it even stronger than you, and my legs will shake a few times in the next building."

A group of boys came out.

"Students, what are you talking about?"

Wang Qing said that he didn't understand, and instructed: "No matter what happens in the future, remember that you are all classmates, take care of the summer wind more in the future, did you hear it?"

She instructed earnestly.

Class leader Chen Xuexi smiled: "Teacher, what do you say, although classmate Xia has a perverse and stubborn personality, poor academic performance, and is not popular with girls, we will definitely take care of him."


Wang Qing didn't know what to say for a while.

"Huh? Do you feel that this Ultraman boy looks a lot like a summer breeze?

At this moment, a girl suddenly shouted.

"As soon as you say it, they all have long hair, right?"

Everyone looked at it, and although the video was a little blurry, they vaguely recognized the ball head.

A flash of incredulity flashed in their eyes.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Chen Xuexi shook his head firmly.

Summer breeze... That orphan from the funeral club turned out to be a big hero who saved the hospital?

Can't even write a script, right?

Everyone also felt that it was too mysterious, so they stopped thinking about it.

"I said squad leader, did you find her?"

Huang Hao saw that Wang Qing was asking for directions, and came to Chen Xuexi's side with a smile and asked.


Chen Xuexi didn't look over, pretending not to understand.

"Your goddess Zhao Xiyu, didn't she transfer some time ago?"

Huang Hao sighed when he said this: "I learned that she was gone, but I fell out of love for a while." "

Zhao Xiyu has countless suitors in the ten, and there is no lack of crushes and appreciation.

Just after learning that Zhao Xiyu had transferred schools, those suitors were like losing their souls.

Chen Xuexi is one of them.

"I couldn't find it, I visited all the schools in Xincheng, and I didn't hear them talk about new transfer students."

"She might... Went to other cities.

He smiled bitterly, his face was so sad: "To me, she is like a flashing meteor, a glimpse that amazes my entire youth."

When Zhao Xiyu's name was mentioned, Chen Xuexi instantly entered the emo state.

It is said that the story is the best match for wine, but I don't know that it is easier to make people cry.

My tears, your loot.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone, wrote the words just now, and sent them to the circle of friends.

Huang Hao didn't expect the other party to have such great stamina, and hurriedly comforted: "Squad leader, you don't need to be so sad, a perfect girl like Zhao Xiyu can only be appreciated from afar, it's better to put energy into the game."

"Why didn't I think that?"

Chen Xuexi's clenched fists trembled a little, and he said excitedly: "However, she didn't even give me the right to let me look at her from afar!"

"What are you talking about?"

Wang Qing was attracted by the movement here and asked curiously.

"Didn't... It's okay, old class.

Huang Hao said quickly.

Wang Qing has led the class for many years, as if he has already seen through Chen Xuexi's emotional setback.

She said seriously: "Xuexi, you lost ten places in the ranking of the whole school in this monthly exam, figure out the first thing now, and quickly adjust back, got it?" "

I... I know. Chen Xuexi said bitterly.

When Wang Qing walked away, he clenched his fists and looked up to the sky and lamented:

"Without you, what use would I have for this false score!"

Looking at Chen Xuexi, who was extremely grief-stricken, Huang Hao shrugged.

He didn't understand why he had to be sad like this, no matter how good a woman looks, can there be interesting games?

The location of the funeral club was very remote, and Wang Qing followed the map for a long time before finally finding it.

In front of them, mottled and dilapidated residential buildings are hung with signs of white affairs and dragons. In front of the corridor, there are all kinds of small advertisements such as "seeking children with heavy money" and "interest-free loans". The potholed ground still retains water left over from the rains of the previous two days.

The residents of the neighborhood have almost moved away, leaving only a few widowed elderly people.

This kind of community will face demolition in a few years.

Seeing this scene, she became more and more sure that Xia Feng did not have the cost of going to the hospital for treatment.

Which of the students in their class is not using the latest mobile phone, discussing which skin is worth krypton gold, and which pair of sneakers is being hyped up again.

Only the summer breeze, a black robe all year round, the style of clothes has never changed.

He was still a child, why did he suffer so early?

Thinking of this, Wang Qing became more and more distressed.

"Students, everyone whisper, let's give Xia Feng a surprise."

If the teenager knew that there were so many people who cared about him, he should be very moved, right?

After saying this, she was about to knock on the door of the funeral club.

However, the sound coming from inside made her hand stop in the air, stunned in place.

The noise in the room was loud, and everyone outside the door was already stupid.

"Summer breeze!"

Wang Qing's screams echoed in the corridor for a long time.

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