Everyone enthusiastically discussed what to bring to Daxing Mountain, but Xia Feng did not participate.

That beam of light just now was not simple.

The incoming light appears to consist of several plastic lenses, which are fisheye lenses commonly found in miniature cameras.

The distortion effect of this lens perspective is extremely exaggerated, but it has unexpected effects in terms of surveillance.

Could it be that the authorities have begun to spy on themselves?

"Then say okay, meet at 8:57 square the day after tomorrow morning, I will send it to our class."

Wang Qing shook his phone, got up and prepared to leave.

"BBQ, let's make our own barbecue then!"

"Rafting, farmhouse, sunrise, I'm coming!"

"I'm going to tell ghost stories before going to bed at night, hahaha!"

The students looked excited and decided to go to the supermarket to buy a lot.


Xia Feng smiled and sent everyone out, opening his arms: "Thank you for coming to see me."

Wang Qingqiao's face turned red, looked away, and said in a panic: "No need to thank you, the teacher cares about the students, this is normal..." Before the

words were finished, Xia Feng actually embraced her soft and delicate body in his arms.

"Summer Breeze, you... You, you don't have to..." Feeling

the broad chest, Wang Qing was so flustered that he stammered a little.

When did this kid become so sensible?

Last week, he joked with himself in public.

I have to admit that the hug of a handsome guy like Xia Feng is too lethal.

Although he is twenty-eight years old, he is still rippling.

"I won't send it~" Releasing

the young woman in her arms, Xia Feng waved her hand at everyone.

When everyone left, he closed the door and smiled meaningfully.

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Xiyu asked.

It seemed that she felt that Xia Feng's action of hugging Wang Qing just now was somewhat unreasonable.

Xia Feng did not speak, and put a piece of clay wrapped in electronic components on the table.

He found it from the back of Wang Qing's neck.

This position is covered by long hair, which is generally impossible to detect.

Zhao Xiyu's pupils shrank and looked at Xia Feng in disbelief.

They, wiretapped?

Xia Feng put his index finger between his lips, and then took out an ear spoon and pounded the bug.

After a moment, he spoke, "You can talk."

"Who do you think will do it?"

Zhao Xiyu fell into deep thought, and then said: "It can't be official, although they will monitor some unstable elements, they will not do such a thing as monitoring."

Xia Feng nodded.

Last time, Li Dongzheng and the three asked Xia Feng, there was enough time to install a bugging device in his home, but they didn't.

"Heart Eclipser."

Zhao Xiyu's face changed and said heavily.


Summer Wind heard the word for the first time.

"There are some awakened people who are affected by the existence of the abyss when they awaken or change jobs, and thus are contaminated with negative energy, and have an almost fanatical desire to hunt awakened people."

"Others are brainwashed by demons and voluntarily degenerate to become their devout believers."

The Heart Eclipsers slaughtered the Awakened until the official establishment united them, and the other party disappeared for many years.

Unexpectedly, this time they actually eyed the summer breeze.

In fact, it makes sense to think about it.

An existence like Ye Ming, if he wants to buy people's hearts, he only needs to beautify the identity of ghosts, and there must be many people willing to follow.

"It seems that this autumn tour will not be too boring."

Xia Feng asked with interest, "Do these demons have any characteristics?"

"Most of them are no different from normal people, but they have been suppressing negative emotions in their hearts and venting them whenever they have the opportunity."

Zhao Xiyu said coldly.

Compared to ghosts, heart-eclipsers are more hateful.

"If they want to spy on me, they'll definitely follow, even in a bus."

Xia Feng said with interest: "At that time, let me try their depth." He

was looking forward to this autumn outing.


"The bugging device was cut off."

Small room opposite the funeral house.

Zhou Tong frowned and threw down the headphones.

"This kid's anti-reconnaissance ability is a bit interesting."

The strong man's name was Ma Zhen, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

"In that case, Ling'er, you will take a bus with him tomorrow and be responsible for monitoring." The rest of the people drove with me to Daxing Mountain.

He looked at the girl in front of the computer.

The latter, who was looking down at a packet of potato chips, nodded.

"Head, this kid is surrounded by classmates and teachers, do you want to clear them out first?"

Xiao Zhou asked in a low voice.

"Go crazy."

Ma Zhen gave him a burst: "The target of this mission is only this kid, it must be low-key, if you let the official group of people know, it will be difficult to handle."

Speaking of this, a flash of confidence flashed in his eyes, and he raised his index finger: "What's more, the master's move never drags mud and water, and to solve that kid, I only need one move."

"Hehe, the head is wise!"

Zhou Tong turned into a licking dog and said in a colorful voice: "One day, the little brother will summarize your golden sentences, and the book will definitely sell well." "


Ma Zhen was quite used and patted him the back.

"Xiao Zhou, I like a young man like you, clever!"

Xiao Zhou was about to take another few more words while it was hot, but was interrupted by a sound of metal colliding.

"Lin Linger, you scared me!"

Seeing the girl slowly get up, Xiao Zhou shouted dissatisfied.

"I'm going to take a shower and sleep, are you still going to be here?"

Lin Linger's voice was ethereal, and she took off her coat expressionlessly.

The gray half-cut vest inside her reveals fair skin and perfect vest lines.

On the table, a black pistol glowed in the light.

Everyone's bodies trembled, and they looked terrified.

Ma Zhen hurriedly laughed: "Hehe, Ling'er, you wash, a few of us old men go to the living room to make do with one night."

After that, he pushed everyone out of the room, and muttered as he walked: "Who dares to peek at Ling'er taking a bath, Lao Tzu will cut his eyes off, especially you, dead otaku, don't let Lao Tzu see your drone!"

"Boss, you're insulting me!"

The glasses house was anxious, and cried out unjustly: "How can I be interested in a three-dimensional woman?

Xiao Zhou felt cold all over his body, and warned loudly: "Chen Dayi, tonight we squeeze the sofa and you dare to hug that disgusting pillow, Laozi will throw it out!"

"Zhou Tong, you dare to touch my wife and try it, believe it or not, Laozi took a drone to blow you up!"

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