A chill crawled from the vertebrae to the back, and Chen Dayi's goosebumps instantly exploded.

When exactly?

"Don't go, voyeur."

Xia Feng firmly pressed his shoulder and asked softly.

Chen Dayi trembled, and the sixth sense of danger surged like a wave.

Will die!

"Big brother, I was wrong."

He whispered pleading.

Xia Feng's smile was simply more terrifying than the devil.

"You really know it's wrong?"

Xia Feng came to him and asked.

"I was so wrong."


"Really, big brother."

Chen Dayi cried and lost his face, feeling unloveable.


Xia Feng nodded and looked at his right hand hidden in his pocket: "Then can tell me why the drone above the northeast and under the beam is secretly flying to me?"

Chen Dayi's pupils shrank sharply, and he stared at Xia Feng with some disbelief.

The obscenity and fear in those eyes instantly dissipated.

In the next second,

sound waves that resemble white noise on a TV slowly spread outward.

Xia Feng turned his head and saw a small drone swooping towards him, bursting with a warning red light.

Hackers are not only proficient in network technology, but also can use drones to self-detonate unexpectedly and paralyze enemies.

From the beginning, Chen Dayi has been creating a weak image of himself.

"Newcomer, senior will teach you the first lesson well!"

A flash of madness flashed on Chen Dayi's face, and he pressed the button hidden in his sleeve.

There is an art called explosion!

However, a sledgehammer spun from the air and directly smashed the drone to smithereens.

Chen Dayi opened his mouth wide, looking incredulous.

"Shake people, you actually shake people!"

He pointed to Zhao Xiyu, who slowly came out of the darkness, and screamed: "What kind of skill is two dozen and one, there is the ability to single me out!"

Xia Feng had a harmless smile on his face, and his fists clenched and creaked: "It's so loud that you can't obey?" As

soon as the words fell, a punch slammed into his face.


Chen Dayi flew out upside down and spat out a mouthful of blood, mixed with two teeth.

"You just said you wanted to beat me into a pig's head, right?"

Xia Feng approached him step by step, and the smile on his face was even greater.

"Pot, I poked the pot."

Chen Dayi curled up in a corner and waved helplessly for mercy.

"It's useful to admit mistakes, why do you want the police?"

A punch roared and slammed into his right cheek.

Another tooth flew upside down.


Chen Dayi let out a chicken cry and rolled twice on the ground.

"Young man, are you brave enough to dare to peep at me?"

Punch after punch, Xia Feng's fist smashed on Chen Dayi's body like a storm.

Chen Linger's eyebrows twitched, and she whispered, "Don't beat it to death."

"Don't worry, I'm measured."

Xia Feng let go of Chen Dayi, who had swollen into a pig's head, and asked, "There are still two teammates, let them come back now."

Chen Dayi shook his head inexplicably, looking miserable.

Even if he dies, he can't betray his good brother who goes to life and death with him.

This is the capture!

"Zhongyi, I like it."

Xia Feng gave him a thumbs up and nodded.

"In that case, then don't blame the brother."

Xia Feng glanced at Chen Dayi, who was still pretending to be dead, and sighed.

With that, he turned and walked in the direction of the computer.

"You... What are you doing?!

Chen Dayi's gray eyes burst with essence, and he stumbled to his feet.


Xia Feng sighed, grabbed the long bag next to the computer, and unzipped it.

"Don't touch my wife!"

Chen Linger and Zhao Xiyu showed disgusted expressions on their faces at the same time.

A life-size doll was pulled out by the summer breeze, and a two-dimensional beautiful girl was painted on it.

"Let go of my wife!"

Chen Dayi wailed like a pig, his legs fell to the ground, and he crawled towards him step by step like a maggot.

Those green bean-sized eyes were about to crack.

"Choose, brother, or wife."

Xia Feng laughed badly and took the doll in his arms.

"As long as I use gentle force, your wife's delicate body will be torn in half~

" "Devil, you devil!"

Chen Dayi knelt on the ground and looked at the summer wind in fear.


Xia Feng squeezed the puppet's arm and looked at Chen Dayi, who was extremely struggling, with a slight force.

Tear pull ~

a piece of cotton leaked out.


Chen Dayi's worldview collapsed in an instant.

"I listen to you, I will listen to you whatever you say, please don't kill my wife!"

He actually cried out directly with a handful of snot and tears, which was extremely miserable.

That look, it really looks like his wife was robbed by the summer breeze.

"Take it."

Xia Feng couldn't stand it anymore and threw the doll out.

Seeing that the other party grabbed it and hugged it tightly in his arms, Xia Feng's face was complicated.

It turns out that there is such a dead house in this world.

"Okay, hurry up and work, now contact your captain and let them come back."

Summer Breeze scanned the abandoned warehouse, which was perfect for ambushes and just waiting to catch turtles in an urn.

"I... I know.

Chen Dayi shuddered, trembling and dialing the communicator of the two.


Dahang B&B.

At this time, several students in the class were playing werewolf killing in the cool, and there was laughter.

"Hahaha, Lao Tzu is a wolf, I didn't expect it, there is a kind of you will come out of me, and give me the sword of the prophet at night."

Huang Hao threw his identity tag and shouted confidently.

"Didn't you support me from beginning to end, why a wolf?"

Chen Xuexi looked at him incredulously, "I believe in you so much!" "

Barb Wolf hasn't heard of it?"

Huang Hao said with a look of disdain.

"Oh, did you find out, why is it suddenly so quiet here?"

A classmate asked curiously.

Just now there were people eating barbecue and chatting below, and suddenly there was no sound.

"I'll look for it."

Chen Xuexi frowned, got up and walked out.

"I, I'll come with you too."

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the rest of the students were a little scared, and quickly followed behind Chen Xuexi.

However, strangely, the classmates and teachers disappeared as if they had disappeared.

"What's going on?"

Eight people felt that something was wrong.

The dim corridor is like a game called Silent Hill, and the world becomes dead silent in an instant.

The whole world seemed to be left with only a few of them.

"Why, I always feel like someone is staring at us?"

Huang Hao felt a little hairy and touched the goosebumps on his arm.

"How... How can it be? "

The B&B seemed to be empty, even the staff were gone.

"Don't look for it, let's go back to my room first."

Chen Xuexi couldn't resist the trembling voice.

"Okay, I agree."

Everyone hit it off and walked towards the room.

"They should be out to play, isn't there a Daxing Mountain Music Festival tonight?"

Chen Xuexi showed a smile and opened the door of the room.

Everyone looked terrified and trembled, as if they had seen a terrifying scene.

A clown mask does not know when, right in front of him.

Hidden under that funny expression are a pair of eyes full of killing intent like a beast.

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