"The one next door will come over to Lao Tzu!!"

The roar of the summer wind was mixed with the effect of the ghost roar, and the glass in the room shattered for a long time.

It was also this roar that made Zhou Yi's movements pause for a moment.

Then, he grabbed the chopsticks on the table and shot at the bronze statue.

However, in the next instant, the chopsticks stopped in front of the Buddha's face, blocked by the rich ghost breath.

Xia Feng seemed to have expected it for a long time, copied the entropy, and used the heart as a sword.

Draw the knife and chop!

The speed of this knife was extremely fast, freezing time, tearing the space, and slashing directly at the Buddha statue.

After comprehending the Heart Sword, Xia Feng didn't even need to open the Thunder Breath, and the speed was so fast that it could not be captured by the naked eye.

However, one after another tentacles flew out of the bronze statue of the Ghost Mother in an instant, and abruptly blocked this blow.


The octopus-beard-like tentacles fell to the ground, and at this time, Xia Feng discovered that the Buddha statue had become extremely disgusting.

The copper skin on its surface had completely fallen off, revealing flesh and blood mixed with blood vessels and green tendons.

And those tentacles are transformed from those hands.

What made the summer wind even more creepy was that the red cloth covered on the head of the bronze statue was slowly fluttering, and the mouth cracked to the root of the ear could be faintly seen inside.

Don't look at it, don't let it know your name!

These are a few taboos when facing the ghost mother.

Although he killed all the way, Xia Feng was extremely curious about the honor of the ghost mother, but he knew it very well.

Those who have seen the ghost mother have fallen into the beautiful world constructed by it.

At this moment, those few tentacles that had been cut off by the summer wind actually grew vigorously at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then rushed towards the location where Zhou Yi was.

"Not good!"

Xia Feng's face changed.

The other party wanted to absorb the nutrients in Zhou Yi's body.

However, at this moment, the door of the room was violently kicked open, and countless tongues of fire shot accurately at the tentacles.

Zhao Xiyu was extremely fast, and he hugged Zhou Yi, who had passed out in a coma, and put him in a safe area.

"Zhou Yi is a victim of ghost erosion, and he is usually secretly protected by the local ghost hunting department for a year, and he will only leave after making sure that he is completely safe."

Standing outside the door, Chen Linger withdrew the huge sand eagle pistol in her hand in a handsome posture and gently blew the smoke from the muzzle.

No way! The Ghost Hunter, who has always been criticized, was angry once.

"Unexpectedly, this ghost mother would even play the trick of black under the lamp, fortunately you found it."

She looked at the Buddha statue, and a trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

Zhao Xiyu nodded, "Yes, normally, victims who are generally attacked by ghosts will not be attacked by ghosts again." "

The probability of being attacked by a ghost again is like winning the lottery.

"Only, what is this?"

The two found that the Buddha statue was still changing, and their faces were solemn.

"I don't know, but the ghost breath on its body is not very strong, and it can even be said to be extremely weak."

"It always feels like something bad will happen if you wait."

Zhao Xiyu's brows frowned slightly, and a sense of crisis overflowed in his heart.

"Then do it and kill the other party!"

Xia Feng snorted coldly, lifted up the entropy and rushed towards the ghost mother.

The Heart Sword Mode began, and at this moment, the countless tentacles that rushed towards him became extremely slow.

"Entropy reduction trigger, please."

Xia Feng secretly said in his heart, and then violently waved without entropy.

In the next second, a sword light streaked through the living room, and it didn't stop for a long time.

However, it was obviously a sword light, but after staying in the air for a moment, it divided into countless blades and swept towards every tentacle.

Countless tentacles fell to the ground like hailstones.

At this moment, Zhao Xiyu fell from the sky and rotated the sledgehammer in his hand.

However, the ghost mother seemed to sense the danger and even jerked back with her wheelchair.

At the same time, it is constantly reorganizing its tentacles, wrapping itself in and forming a protective shield.


The hammer slammed heavily on those tentacles.

Green, red, black, and various colors mixed together with liquid will stain the ceiling, walls, floor, and stain of the room everywhere.

The glass of the nearby street was also shattered at this moment.

Countless tentacles turned into meat puree, and they were piled up on the ground so messily, turning the originally warmly arranged small home into a slaughterhouse.

And right in the middle of that lump of mashed meat, there was a person the size of a baby.

Its body was pink and tender, and its delicate skin resembled that of a newborn mammal, which seemed to tear with a single effort.

It was whimpering in pain.

It's just that the creepy thing is that this baby does not have facial features.

His entire face is a flat surface, except for two small holes in his nostrils, and he is breathing rapidly.

Ghost, turned into a human?

The three were stunned and looked at this scene in disbelief.

Xia Feng obviously heard a heartbeat from this ghost's body.

"Quick, quick! Its face is condensing!

Zhao Xiyu shouted anxiously.

At this moment, everyone discovered that the baby was not complete.

It seems to be condensing the facial features, and in the blink of an eye, you can see that there is an extra gap in the area of the eyes.

Never look directly at each other!

Just take a look and you're done!

Xia Feng took a deep breath, and at this moment he was unprecedentedly calm.

The world, become quiet.

Only his heart was left, beating firmly and powerfully.


he swung his knife violently.

The space shattered, and a black glow cut the front, leaving a narrow black hole.

And countless tentacles that are desperately blocking also melt and deconstruct in front of this black light!

Those tentacles could not stop the speed of the knife.

Everyone could only see the baby's head flying, but could not see the trajectory of the knife.


The head fell to the ground, and there was silence.

It's over.

Feeling the ghost breath quickly dissipate, everyone took a breath.

The two women saw Xia Feng standing in place stunned, thinking that the other party's body appeared after swinging a sword, and they wanted to care.

However, Xia Feng shook his head: "You guys deal with the ghost hunting division, I need to be alone for a while."

With that, he turned away and returned to the funeral house.

The two women were slightly stunned, they had never seen Xia Feng show such an expression.

Back home, Xia Feng relaxed, gasped for breath, and his brain thought quickly.

Zhou Yi lost his memories before being possessed by a ghost, and was admitted to the hospital after being rescued by himself, and in the hospital, Xia Feng just destroyed Ye Ming's plan for many years, and then he was targeted by the ghost mother and sent a heart eater to kill himself in the homestay, but the wrong estimate exposed his whereabouts.

And Zhou Yi became a believer of the ghost mother, but it was as if someone had deliberately sent it to him.

After all, as Zhao Xiyu said, after being eroded by a ghost, it will hardly become the second target of the ghost.

All this is too coincidental.

Who the hell is it?!

A coldness flashed in Xia Feng's eyes

, from becoming an undertaker to now rescuing Zhou Yi for the second time, making him more and more aware that it seemed that someone had been secretly observing him and was planning a chess game.

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