The truth about Yangjia Village has emerged.

This group of demonic villagers already had an almost crazy worship of the ghost mother.

In the beginning, they would place some raw food, melons and fruits in front of the shrine of the Oni Mother, as an offering to the Oni Mother.

However, as time passed, the ghost mother became more and more dissatisfied.

The tribute changed from raw flesh and fruit to dead toads, and then fingers and ears on humans.

Finally, the ghost mother's appetite grows and begins to devour the baby.

Astonished, these ignorant villagers had not even realized that they were worshipping an evil god until this time, and even competed to sacrifice their own babies.

Because in their understanding, being able to be the sacrifice of the ghost mother is the most honored thing for their children.

However, Yangjia Village was originally a small village, plus the ghost mother wanted ten babies a year, and within two years, all the children in the village had already been sent.

So what to do?

Of course it's raw!

The women of the village became the means of breeding, and the men of the village, as long as they were still viable, had to start cultivating the "farmland" every day.

Rao is the woman sobered up, and she couldn't get out.

This village has become a breeding ground for evil gods.

Boys born like assembly line workers are given to the oni mother, and the girls keep the containers for raising the next generation.

Day after day, there were fewer and fewer young men in this deformed village, and only young women remained.

As a result, the farmland was abandoned, the opportunity to develop the scenic area was abandoned, the village became half-human, and everyone was trying to have children, naively thinking that this would get the favor of the ghost mother and glorify the ancestors.

It is possible that the person with hot blood flowing in the body is not a human, but a devil!

"You... What are you doing? Looking

at Xia Feng, who walked in from outside, there was an extra gasoline barrel in his hand, and he panicked.

The village chief squirmed desperately, trying to escape.

"Fellow countryman, didn't I say, I'm here to send you warmth."

Xia Feng opened his mouth, revealing a harmless smile of humans and animals.

He then poured gasoline on every corner of the room.

It turns out that the warmth in your mouth is a real warmth, hey!

The village chief could not complain and shouted resentfully: "We have no grievances and no hatred, why do you want to put us to death!"

He couldn't understand why his village had not provoked anyone and had fallen into such a situation.

Xia Feng shook his head and said with a solemn attitude: "My Ott boy has acted all his life, so why do I have to explain it to you?" When

all this was done, Xia Feng retreated to the door.

In the room, there are still some evil spirits with a residual breath, and they are whimpering in pain.

The village chief was looking at him with hatred, and his mouth was full of extremely vicious curses.


Xia Feng was expressionless and lit the lighter in his hand.

This village will receive its final baptism in the roaring fire.

He then threw out his lighter and cut a graceful arc in the air.

The huge flame burst into flames, illuminating the dark night.

The crackling sound of the wooden beams burning and the painful screams of the evil spirits were intertwined with the swearing sound of the village chief's small mouth smearing honey, and they never stopped.

And everyone was also attracted by this monstrous fire.

When they heard that Xia Feng told everyone this absurd story, everyone fell into a long shock and couldn't extricate themselves.


Looking at the firelight, Li Dongzheng let out a long sigh.

"We are awakened and ghost hunters."

He sighed a little, and his tone was a little more lonely: "But ghosts kill more, but sometimes it is not clear the difference between people and ghosts."


Xia Feng nodded, and also had a look of understanding: "I also often wake up by my own face in my sleep, and I don't know why God created such a perfect man as me." "

Everyone: .

"Next, we just need to go to the ancestral hall and destroy the statue of the Ghost Mother, and we can finish it, right?"

Luo Ze asked.

"It's not over yet."

However, Xia Feng shook his head, his eyes kept staring at the burning heat wave in front of him, and the corners of his mouth grinned:

"You see, even the heavens are jealous of my beauty."

Everyone looked at the burning house, and their expressions changed greatly.

None of them noticed it, and I don't know when, the flame that burned to half the sky actually condensed into a hideous grimace, staring at them fiercely.

And the originally normal flame also turned into a dark green ghost fire, and the incomparably rich ghost breath oppressed everyone and could not breathe.


I don't know who it is, and swallowed saliva with difficulty.

Is this powerful ghost breath a ghost curse or a ghost head?

For a time, Li Dongzheng, Luo Ze and others had lost their will to fight.

It's not because they're afraid of death.

But the terrifying ghost breath is too powerful, and the hands and feet no longer listen to the command.

"The old turtle has finally come out."

Only Xia Feng actually lifted up the entropy and walked slowly towards that grimace.

"When it comes to beauty, you can't win."

He raised his right hand and made a standard javelin throwing posture, throwing the entropy in his hand like a bow and arrow ready to fire.

"Is he crazy?!"

That's a ghost head.

Only a three-turn awakened person can kill the ghost leader!

However, the next scene made everyone can't believe their eyes.

The arrow-like entropy actually directly pierced the grimace's face formed by the condensation of flames.

Then, the grimace slowly dissipated.

"This..." "

Don't forget, the ghost mother's ability can make people's hearts collapse."

Xia Feng slowly spoke, "In that case, as the most loyal licking dog of the ghost mother, she naturally has the ability to create these illusions, right?" "

As we all know, when the SAN value is lowered, it is normal for people to lose their minds and hallucinate.

Xia Feng nodded his braincase and explained, "If you listen carefully, you should be able to find that from the beginning of the house burning, you can hear the sound of mosquitoes and flies like chanting." Hearing

this, everyone suddenly realized.

The sound of the house being burned was too noisy, covering the chanting and being subconsciously ignored.

In fact, even if they heard the sound early, they couldn't do anything.

Even if the ears are covered, the sound will still go in.

It's just that the summer wind is too buggy.

His SAN value can never fall below 90, and naturally it is impossible to be affected by it.

Xia Feng yawned, looked at the shadows in the distance, and said lazily:

"So you still don't plan to come out?"

Hearing this, everyone instantly concentrated and their spirits were concentrated to the extreme.

A figure slowly walked out.

He lowered the black robe that covered his head, revealing a face that was extremely uncomfortable.

That face was filled with scripture like the previous believers.

However, his scriptures seemed to be burned, and the black-purple scab looked as terrifying as a nightmare under the firelight.

His scarlet eyes stared at Xia Feng fiercely:

"It turns out that you are a variable in the big population!"

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