Xia Feng grinned and took the box that Li Dongzheng was holding in his hand.

Under everyone's gaze, the box slowly opened.

Looking at the things inside, Xia Feng was slightly stunned.

It was a black, thick red heart beating vigorously.

This thing is the essence of the ghost mother?

I didn't expect that the demagogic ghost mother would be a heart.

"Gee, it seems that this ghost mother still hides a hand."

Xia Feng sighed with a smile: "If it weren't for the fact that it was in a hurry and manipulated Lao Li to find his own body, we might have split the bronze statue and left."

"After more than ten years, if someone comes here again to find it, there is still a chance to make a comeback."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other and could see each other's fear.

The entire Ghost Hunting Division may become a believer of the Ghost Mother in the end, and the result is unthinkable.

This thing is too evil, too cunning.

"Okay, it's time to say goodbye."

Xia Feng took out the dagger inserted in his waist and was about to stab the ghost mother's heart.

"Wait... Wait a minute! At

the moment when the dagger was about to pierce the heart, a voice sounded in Xia Feng's head.

"Ghost mother?"

Xia Feng's knife froze in mid-air, and asked in his heart with interest.

"Don't kill me, I can give you whatever you want!"

The ghost mother said begging for mercy.


"As long as you can let me go, I can satisfy you with anything."

Seeing that Xia Feng did not make a move, it seemed to have moved his heart, and the ghost was a little more surprised.

As long as you can survive!

Although he is very evil, he can definitely make him a believer on his own.

Xia Feng lowered his head and pondered, and then nodded.

"Yes, in that case, I hope that from today onwards, junior and senior high school students will only have three days a week, physical education classes cannot be occupied by mathematics teachers, teachers of various subjects cannot leave any homework, all holidays, regardless of long holidays and short vacations, schools cannot be preempted in the name of make-up classes, do you see?"

Ghost Mother: ......

Xia Feng's words really made it dry and silent.

"I can't do it."

"Then what do you say you can satisfy?!"

Xia Feng was furious, feeling that he had been deceived.

"Except for this condition, I can satisfy you."

"Strong, don't you want to become stronger?"

The ghost mother said temptingly.

"But you can't even me, how can you make me stronger?"

Xia Feng asked.

Ghost Mother: ......

This sentence almost broke her defense.

"If you don't speak, it seems that you are lying to me."

Xia Feng's voice became cold.

The ghost mother had already found that Xia Feng was teasing herself, and her voice became cold: "You can't kill me, you dare to move me, the adults on my head will definitely not let you go!"

"It's good, now it's not just lying to me, it's threatening me."

Xia Feng smiled coldly, "It seems that I not only want to kill you, but also make your heart into a stir-fried pig's heart and eat it!" Hearing

this, the ghost mother's heart trembled.

He meows, who the hell is hey!

"Okay, go die."

Xia Feng was expressionless and swung his dagger fiercely.

"No, you can't kill me! You will pay..." Halfway

through the words, the dagger was already deeply inserted into the black heart.

Not only that, but the summer wind also stirred the dagger back and forth like a vengeance.

"You... No...... Can..." The

ghost mother's voice grew quieter and quieter, until she could no longer hear it in the end.

"It scared me to death, I thought you were also controlled by the ghost mother."

Lin Miaomiao patted her chest and said worriedly.

Xia Feng got up, threw the box to Liu Qing, and yawned.

"It's over, go home and sleep."


At this moment, Luo Ze, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

His gaze was fixed on the depths of the cave, and his right eye flickered faintly in the dim cave.

"There, there is an extremely rich ghost breath."

Roze's voice trembled and pointed there.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Could it be that the ghost mother hasn't killed her yet?

No, they both felt the ghost breath on each other's body disappear.

"No, it's not the ghost mother, this ghost breath is much more terrifying!"

Luo Ze shook his head, quickly withdrew the Eye of God, and gasped violently.

He had a hunch that if he looked any further, his eyes would be blind.

"Go, go inside and take a look."

Xia Feng also saw the ghost breath from the dead eye, got up and walked inside.

Although the ghost breath was terrifying, it did not feel threatened or aggressive from above.

Everyone followed the summer wind and walked in.

The further in, the darker the vision becomes, and the narrower the path you can walk.

"Wouldn't it be too deep?"

Lin Miaomiao followed behind Xia Feng, looking around vigilantly.

This extremely claustrophobic environment will have a sense of suffocation and crisis.

"Isn't it good to go deeper?"

Xia Feng took a flashlight and pulled away the gravel in front of him.

A space that was not too big was exposed to everyone's sight.

It resembles a natural stone house surrounded by smooth stone walls.

And the books on the ground, and the stone tables and stone benches, tell everyone that there are definitely people living here.

Could it be it?

Xia Feng thought of the black cat.

The ghost mother is a servant of the black cat, so it is most likely it who lives here.

"Just... Those books!

Luo Ze pointed to the books on the ground and said in a trembling voice.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Xia Feng picked up the book and looked at the content on it.

"If you don't manage the team, you can only work until you die." Chicken

soup books such as "The Power of Language

" and "Master of Success: Understanding Applause"

will appear in such a place, and there is such a rich ghost breath attached.

No matter how you think about it, there is a weird feeling of being out of place.

"These are just the most ordinary books, I've read them before."

Li Dongzheng was stunned, he didn't expect the development of the story to be so dramatic.

"According to legend, the big ghosts above the ghost soldiers will leave an extremely rich ghost breath in everything they have used, and if they are long, they can even turn them into ghost weapons."

Liu Qing said in a deep voice.

"That is, there was once a presence where at least a ghost general lived here?"

Thinking of this, everyone swallowed their saliva with difficulty.

Ghost general, that's an existence that can only be heard.

A ghost of this level would actually appear in Xincheng.

If Li Chengzhi knows, I am afraid that this year's KPI will not be preserved.

"Send these books to capture, where you can detect ghost breath and match the ghost generals on record."

Chen Linger said in a deep voice.

Every ghost general is an extremely difficult existence to kill and capture.

Their whereabouts are even more elusive.

Every appearance brings destruction.

Therefore, this secret is discovered, and the new city is very likely to become the hardest hit area, and the residents of the whole city will be forcibly evacuated.

"No need."

Xia Feng opened the cover of the book and said, "Isn't his name written on it?" Hearing

this, everyone was slightly stunned and looked at each other.

In the lower right corner of the book cover, the three words "Great Black Sky" are written.

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