The broken meeting hall.

Everyone's eyes were on Jinbei.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh……"

He was covered in burns and gasping for breath.

After a moment, Jinbei gritted his teeth, looked up at Tanya, and said in a deep voice:

"I've said it before, even if I die, I won't participate in this forced call-up!"

There are only losers in this meaningless war.

I will never participate in it!

The four looked at each other for a few seconds.

Tanya lowered her head and sighed softly:

"Oh, it seems I asked the question in the wrong way.……"

She rubbed her temple with two fingers of her left hand and changed her words:

"If you refuse, it means you have voluntarily given up your status as a Shichibukai.

I guarantee that tomorrow, the Five Elders will receive a report like this on their desks:

『The Sea Knight Jinbei is secretly colluding with the Four Emperors Whitebeard, and all the pirates of the Sun Pirates have been completely annihilated by Admiral Black Crow! '"

Suddenly, Jinbei's pupils shrank:


They actually threatened their own crew members, is the navy so despicable!

"So, what would you choose?"

Tanya looked down at Jinbei on the ground with a dark and sinister smile on her face:

"I have to say in advance that I have been very idle recently and I am very interested in playing hide-and-seek with your crew!"

Among the four admirals, she is the only admiral with the strongest enemy detection.

Therefore, no pirate has ever escaped from Tanya!

Anyway, when I return to the Navy Headquarters, that grandson of Sengoku will put me under house arrest.

So it won't be bad to stay on Fishman Island and hang out for a day or two...

At this time, Prince Shark Star said embarrassedly:

"That, General Black Crow, please understand Master Jinbei."

The second prince, Huangxing, also echoed:

"Yes, after all, the millions of residents of Fishman Island are able to live and work in peace and contentment thanks to Whitebeard's kindness.~~"

No one else dared to speak, including Neptune.

After all, he was the king, and some words that favored pirates could not be said in front of the navy.

Being in a high position and having power, one must be careful with words and actions!

But there is no doubt.

Most of the residents of Fishman Island.

Are grateful to the pirate!

When you have received favors from others, you must always remember them in your heart.

If you are ungrateful, or even repay kindness with enmity, how is it different from an ungrateful person?

This is why Jinbei refused to be an enemy of Whitebeard!

This is a great insult to him!

"Please understand my position."

Tanya said in a bored tone, took off her military cap, glanced at the two mermaid princes, and asked:

"This time, the Five Elders personally gave the order, so I can't return empty-handed, right?"

She tidied up her blonde hair and aloof hair, then put it back on, adjusting it left and right.

"I know Whitebeard has done you a favor, so I guess you, Jinbei, must have a close relationship with that old man, right?"

Speaking of this, Tanya glanced at Jinbei, and her arrogant eyes seemed to hide a bit of teasing.


Jinbei pursed his lips tightly and remained silent in embarrassment.

Indeed, he often went in and out of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But because of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, this was all done in secret, and the navy didn't know!

And his overreaction this time seemed to have exposed something...

If the Seven Warlords of the Sea were connected with the Four Emperors.

This reason is definitely enough for Tanya to deprive him of the title of Seven Warlords of the Sea!

So she had seen through it a long time ago, and threatened to destroy the Sun Pirates, right?

Jinbei couldn't help but secretly sweat a few drops of cold sweat.

That was a kind of fear of being held accountable by others...

The life and death of himself and the pirate group all depended on Tanya's thoughts!

It seemed that he had realized something.

Tanya shook her head and said seriously:

"However, this public execution is the highest order of the government.

Not to mention you alone, even if all the Seven Warlords of the Sea protest together, there is no room for negotiation!"

Jinbei really thinks that he can stop the war at the top by protesting with his life?

That is too much to underestimate the determination of the World Government and the Navy!

Tanya asked herself, not to mention herself, even Sengoku can't stop this war!

When a person decides to remove a tumor.

Whether it is benign or malignant, it must be removed.

Will not stop because of pain and risk!

"So, I will ask you one last time."

Tanya showed a murderous look, stared at Shinping, and asked coldly:

"Do you accept the mandatory summons from the World Government?"

This time, Jinbei was silent for a while.

This was not an order from the Navy, but the will of the government.

The answer of"absolutely not allowed" was a refusal...

That's why the Five Elders sent Tanya, the devil admiral, right?

If they didn't agree, the government would decide to wipe him and the Sun Pirates out!

Jinbei exhaled lightly and said helplessly:

"I understand... I accept it!"

Since the war cannot be stopped and she has to protect the Sun Pirates, she can only accept it. As soon as these words came out, everyone was happy.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Tanya also silently retracted the Mangekyō Sharingan, which symbolized hatred.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, she was too lazy to kill Jinbei, and there was no military merit to be gained...

The mission of the Five Elders was to capture him alive, or to persuade him (by force).

And this was also the goal of Tanya's trip.

After all, as a soldier, it was her duty to complete the tasks assigned by her superiors.

If she messed up... what was the difference between her and Kizaru?

But at this moment, Jinbei, holding his injured shoulder, staggered to his feet and said:

"But, if the Whitebeard Pirates are defeated and the world situation is turbulent, what will your navy do?"

He stared at Tanya with a questioning attitude.

It is true that he accepted the call to save the Sun Pirates.

But Tanya said it so beautifully.

After destroying Whitebeard, the navy will not leave a mess, right?

Then he might as well be an undercover agent and betray at the critical moment!

"Oh, of course we should continue to eliminate the pirates."

Tanya sneered:

"As long as we turn the clock back 22 years, everything will be back to normal."

Because the Great Pirate Era began, Fishman Island became barren.

With no other options, we can only use pirates to fight pirates, which is a temporary solution.

But as long as all the pirates are eliminated, the fishmen and mermaids of the Ryugu Kingdom will naturally be able to live and work in peace.

The first bird to stick its head out will be shot, and Whitebeard is only the first target.

Then it will be Kaido, Big Mom, Red Hair, and then the Seven Warlords of the Sea... Eliminate them step by step!

"Of course, a brief period of unrest is inevitable, and then it will be your turn as a Shichibukai to step in."

Tanya glanced at Jinpei, then stretched her shoulders:

"Our navy will be very busy by then, if I can spare some time, I can provide you with some help."

She just hates pirates, civilians will generally help if they can, as long as they are not idiots...

Besides, killing pirates will also increase your military merit!


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