Life is as plain as water. After a few days, it shows its original appearance.

After that incident, Su Qingjiu always wanted to find a chance to explain it to Qi Moxuan. She felt that it was very necessary for her to talk about her current situation. However, Qi Moxuan always changed the topic for her, and later she gave up the explanation.

After all, their lives haven't changed much.

In the early days, Qi Moxuan now completely depends on her mood. When she went back to King Mo's house, she would bring her favorite food. Since sikongling told her something about the demon night, Su Qingjiu thought of some bad strategies.

Nanhuang is sure to go. If she can, she wants to go back and find out something now. But whenever Su Qingjiu looks into Qi Moxuan's eyes, she has a feeling that she can't speak.

Although Qi Moxuan has fulfilled his wish for many years, he will still hesitate if he wants to go back to Nanhuang or stay in Jicheng with her.

As long as she can postpone, as long as she is not in a hurry and doesn't force him, and his sense of self deception, maybe they are really like this.

"Xuan, there is something I want to tell you..."

"Jiuer, there's something I want to tell you..."

When two people talk at the same time, they have something to say. Su tilted her head to the left. She had some depression and helplessness. She had put it in her heart for a long time. She didn't want her to say it. She really felt oppressed.

"You say it first, it's not a matter of great importance to me." she touched the bridge of her nose, and Su tilted her body to embrace her arms.

The best is something important, and the best is not something important. In this complicated mood, Su poured wine and pursed her lips tightly. She felt uneasy, which was not a good sign.

"Qi Chenzhe, coming back..." , took a long breath, Qi Moxuan said in a smooth tone.

Su Qing wine subconsciously bit to the lip, this is not good news.

Since the last time Qi Moxuan was placed in the army, Qi Chenzhe has been a disguised imprisonment for Liu Yi. With the relationship between Qi Moxuan and Liu Yi, it is very easy for him to return to Jicheng safely.

He also knew that the risk of leading the troops out this time could not be compared with the risk of coming back. I don't know how many people hope that he won't come back.

"Wine, what can I do for you?" After telling his own story, Qi Moxuan asked about Su Qingjiu. If she had nothing serious, she would not have spoken so formally with him.

Su Qingjiu shakes her head. At this time, she really doesn't know how to tell Qi Moxuan about her. Not to mention his relationship with Liu Yi, that is, her relationship with Liu Tianli, she can't be blind.

This time, it's the last thing she did in Jicheng.

Qi Moxuan steps forward and holds Su Qingjiu's hand. He feels the chill and frowns on his hand. He couldn't understand the system of Su Qing's liquor any more. She was cold and had something to hide from him.

Raising his face to see Qi Moxuan worried eyes, Su Qingjiu laughed at himself. The smile is so helpless that she can't say it.

It seems better to be wronged by one person than by two people.

"Qi Moxuan, I want to go out for a walk. I don't want to stay here. When are you free?" Leaning on Qi Moxuan, Su Qingjiu sighed.

She said it mildly. She can't stay here. When can he leave with her.

Qi Moxuan holds Su Qingjiu in his arms. What she says is not what he thinks. But people live in this world, can't exist alone, his responsibility simply can't all throw away!

"Jiuer, I'm sorry...".

Sorry, that's probably the last thing Su Qing wants to hear in the world. If sorry is useful, where does regret come from.

"It doesn't matter. I'll go to the protectorate. I'll talk about it when I come back." Su Qingjiu finally admitted the fact that they couldn't leave.

Qi Chenzhe is not only the fifth Prince of Qi. You should know that military power is in your hands, which is a matter of great confidence.

There is Qi Hao inside and Qi Chenzhe outside. The situation is really bad for them!

Su Qingjiu meets Liu Tianhao at the National Palace. He said that he could mobilize the power of the protectorate government, but this confrontation involved the imperial power, and only one power was too small. He hoped to get more support.

In addition, he felt that they also needed a backbone, the backbone of the candidate is Qi Moxuan.

In the end, he had to take part in it. Su Qingjiu understood Liu Tianhao's words. Qi Moxuan was the most suitable person to fight against the emperor.

He has the most difficult popular support and enough strength.

After talking with Liu Tianhao for a while, Su Qingjiu returns to King Mo's residence. It seems that the Huguo government is going to put all its eggs in one basket.

Sometimes the emperor's orders are hard to accept. He is too egocentric.When Su Qingjiu came out of the Huguo mansion, he didn't expect to see any acquaintances in King Mo's mansion, nor did he expect that the two acquaintances could talk about each other.

"Brother, why are you here?" Su Qingjiu was surprised.

"What do you mean? Why can't I come? "Su Qingye was extremely dissatisfied with Su Qingjiu's words. He also got the news and came to care about it.

"Princess, long time no see", Bai Chengxiao took the initiative to say hello, for the princess, he is really convinced. He was not the only one. His whole village seemed to be quite convinced when he got to know her.

"It's good for Bai Da to be in charge of the family," Su Qingjiu held out his hand and said hello.

Bai Chengxiao can come. It seems that something big has happened or they are planning something big. People like this don't really want to see things.

"Well, since the princess is back, let's talk about it again," Shuishui said.

The stone table is not too big or too small. This time, people are sitting in a circle. The atmosphere is quite dignified. Su Qingjiu is also interested in Shuishui. This time when it comes to war, it's not just their war.

Maybe, the whole Ji City will change the atmosphere.

"Mr. Wang, now because many mountains around AI mountain have collapsed, the route most of the marchers go through is the new city we built. However, it's only a year. Except for those who are soldiers themselves, only a small number of young heroes can meet the requirements of combat. "

"It can be stopped, but it won't be long." Bai Chengxiao is analyzing the situation. He just understands his intention after listening to Su Qingjiu. It seems that Qi Moxuan is not willing to do something.

Things have not yet developed, it is a bit beyond imagination, this feeling is really not good!

PS: I'm free these two days, but if I want to use the board, I have to install a driver for the computer. As a result, the U disk is broken, the backup documents are broken, and the computer software is not good. I have repaired it for two days

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