Generational Marriage

: The new book "Painting Spring" is released!

Sweet development articles, don't miss it when you pass by!

You can find it by QQ reading and searching for the title "Painting Spring Light"!


Tian Youwei, as a soft-spoken woman from Wu Nong, thinks that her life is her life. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden change, the family was destroyed, the dream was broken.

Returning from rebirth, she inherited the family business to take the lead, and also produced a peerless porcelain! To be successful, only life-long events make people worry.

Father Tian: Tong Yanghu! The most intimate since childhood!

Tian Mu: Secondly!

Tian Youwei is serious: you can't be too selfish, don't ask for retribution and regret, let go is the most beautiful!

Tong Yangfu or something, it’s enough to try once, this time she is determined not to Shao!

Shao · Imperial Red Man · Peerless Beauty · Fashionista · Both Civil and Military · Proficient in Multi-language · Daily Jin Dou Jin · Jing Calm Smile: Haha~

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