With his current body, it is very difficult to stop the attack of ordinary heat weapons, let alone a sniper rifle with such a powerful force.

   The first shot was completely subconsciously working on the body, and Lin Huai did not react subjectively.

   The subconscious mind cannot control and cannot rely on it completely, so now I can only escape.

  The huge death threat made Lin Huai unable to hide his strength. If he hides his strength, he can only suffer.

   In an instant, he burst out with all his power.

   With an average of 13 points of physical attributes, under the ability to precisely control the physical body, it is fully utilized.

   Pushed **** the ground, his body turned into a **** light in an instant, and he turned over the wall at an extremely fast speed. After hiding in the wall, there were several ups and downs, and disappeared in front of everyone.

   Everyone in the alley was stunned.

   After hearing a loud sound, they subconsciously turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

   Then I saw a high school student posing in a strange posture, and there was a hole with a big bowl on the wall in front of him, and thick blue smoke came out of the hole.

   Then they saw the high school student, with a look of horror on his face, and instantly disappeared in front of them.

   After a daze, the experienced people in the crowd reacted immediately and exclaimed:

   "This is how it can be shot with a sniper rifle."

   As soon as he finished shouting, the man immediately ran outside.

   Hearing this horrible news, I saw the high school student and the man who had just fled.

   Other people also fled out with fear. Some people screamed while running.



   is the time when TS City No. 1 High School ends school, and there are many people who walk this way.

   Suddenly encountered an attack, the scene was instantly chaotic.

the other side.

   Yu Liao, who was staring at Lin Huai with a scope, was also taken aback.

   "Can this be avoided?!"

   The first shot was shot, and he was ready to stop and run away. He actually saw Lin Huai avoiding his bullet in this incredible way.

   Almost immediately after he shot, Lin Huai turned his head to the side, looking like a science fiction movie.

   In his sniper career, it was not that he had never met someone who could dodge bullets, but it was the first time he saw someone who can dodge bullets like this.

   But surprised, he immediately recovered his calm.

   "Escape? Did you escape?!"

   Standing on a high place, he can have a panoramic view of Lin Huai's movements.

   This kid is indeed not as experienced as an ordinary high school student. At this dangerous moment, he escapes for his life and looks for cover from time to time.

   Even if his body shape is exposed, he can only see a shadow of him. It is impossible to take advantage of this gap to snipe him.

   If it were an ordinary sniper, he might have escaped.

   But, I am no ordinary sniper!

   Yu Liao's eyes were full of playfulness.

   Do you really think you can resist it by finding some cover?

   Some sniper rifles of the old era can easily penetrate 20 cm thick reinforced concrete walls, not to mention the new era sniper rifle in his hand.

   20cm thick steel plate can easily penetrate!

   He continued to aim, anticipating Lin Huai's move, and when Lin Huai habitually hid behind a wall, he aimed at the wall and fired instantly.


The   zi popped out of the chamber and drew a perfect arc in the air.

   After a while, the special bullet carrying a powerful force, once again blasted the wall where Lin Huai was avoiding a deep hole.

   "What the hell!"

   Lin held her bleeding abdomen in her arms, her eyes were red, and she scolded.

   This sniper bullet is too difficult to hide.

   The shot just now was still barely avoided by his subconscious mind, but this time the bullet hit the body.

   Although he barely avoided the front of the bullet, Lin Huai's abdomen was still marked with a deep blood mark on the corner of the bullet.

   As for the splash damage of countless rubble, it is even more inestimable. Although it is not fatal, the pain all over the body still makes Lin Huai gritted his teeth.

   The most important thing is that Lin Huai can clearly feel that there is a clear sense of exhaustion from the depths of his body.

   He knew that it was no longer possible to continue to hide from the subconscious mind.

   One more shot, I will definitely die!

   "Good, good!"

   Lin Huai saw red all over her body, her limbs trembled violently, and she smirked.

   He was cruel in his heart, don't let me know who did it, I want you to survive, or die!

   quickly opened the backpack, and five white figures flashed out of the bag.

   Five white mice stand in a neat row on the messy ground, their red eyes with respect.

   Lin Huai's eyes flashed hesitation, but it was immediately replaced by the color of determination.

   There is no better way.

   Lin Huai guessed that the enemy might not dare to take action when he escaped into the school.

   He also heard something about the school and knew that attacking the school would have serious consequences.

   But after eating the first few losses, he understood how stupid it is to put the hope of survival on other people.

   In case this enemy is determined to kill him, the school power like paper will not play a blocking role at all.

   Even if the country really pursues this matter in the end, what can it be?

   I am gone a long time ago.

   So, at the beginning of his escape, he tried to escape to a distance by himself, and did not use escape into school as an alternative.

   Now, as long as he stays on the ground one more point~www.ltnovel.com~, there is more danger of being hit. He has no choice.

   With a thought, five white mice jumped onto Lin Huai's body and grabbed his limbs and head respectively.

   Lin Huai let out a breath, calming down his nervousness.

   Quickly follow the method of the previous exercise, and simultaneously link and control the mouse.

   After a while, this strange combination turned into a stream of light and entered the ground.

   "Huh? Dead? Not right?"

   Yu Liao observes the movement here from a distance.

   After one shot, Lin Huai did not continue to escape, which meant that he was hit by a bullet.

   But Yu Liao, who is experienced in combat, still feels something is wrong.

   The way the bullet hits is not right.

  His special sniper rifle bullet hits the reinforced concrete wall, can blast it into a big hole, hit the human body, and it is even more powerful. Generally, it can see red.

   But he observed it, only the gravel and the raised dust, not a trace of red.

   "Isn't it dead yet?"

   Yu Liao is a little uncertain.

   His vision tells him that he has hit the target, but his experience tells him that he missed the target.

who cares!

   Yu Liao smiled indifferently.

   I’m not sure, then I’ll fill up a few more shots. It must be in that position, and I can’t hide in the ground again.

   He calculated the position and shot quickly.

boom! ......boom! ......boom!

   After a while, three big holes appeared on the wall.

After    three shots, the corners of Yu Liao's mouth showed a confident arc.

   With these three shots, he blocked all the positions Lin Huai could avoid, no matter where Lin Huai was hiding, he couldn't avoid it.

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