Lin Huai drilled out of the ground and quietly appeared behind Yu Liao.

   Aiming at the spine, his right fist strikes fiercely.


   There was a crisp bone cracking sound.

   Yu Liao, who was addicted to fantasy the last moment, didn't understand what was going on, his feet softened and he collapsed to the ground in an instant.

   The sneak attack is shameless, but very effective.

   Especially a sneak attack by someone who is proficient in human body structure knowledge, the effect is more significant.

   When the spine is broken, a person's lower body is completely paralyzed.

   It is actually very simple to make a normal person disabled.

   Yu Liao struggled to get up, but he was horrified to find that not only the unbearable pain came from his back, but he also completely lost the feeling in his legs.

   This is... the spine was interrupted! ?

   He started to panic.

How can it be?

What happened?

  Who on earth attacked me?

  The hands that can still be manipulated, keep trying to turn his body over, trying to see who is the one who is shooting?

   After finally turning over, he clearly saw the figure standing in front of him. Yu Liao, with his muddy face, widened his eyes.

   The fingers holding the ground kept shaking, and said in disbelief:

   "You? Why are you?"

   "Why can't it be me?"

   Lin Huai said calmly.

   There is still one in ten thousand chances of admitting the wrong person, but the first sentence he said after seeing himself can already prove that he did not find the wrong person.

   "I don't know you? Why do you want to kill me?"

   "What kills or not, I don't understand what you are talking about? I still want to ask why you beat me? Beat me like this for no reason, are you sick."

   Yu Liao's eyes rolled, holding back the pain of his body, unexpectedly began to ask Lin Huai.

   He immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing subconsciously. He knew Lin Huai, but Lin Huai didn't know him at all. Therefore, as long as he didn't expose himself, he might still have a glimmer of hope of survival.

   "Hehe." Lin Huaipi smiled without a smile.

  Ming stubbornly ignore!

   He was bloodstained, his clothes stained with mud, and even his face was messed up. He looked very desolate, but the cold and cold breath that came out of him unconsciously made Yu Liao, who had experienced many battles, shivered unconsciously.

   After laughing, Lin Huai took a step forward, raised his foot, and stepped on Yu Liao's movable right hand at a lightning speed.

   13 points of strength exploded, and directly stepped on Yu Liao's right hand into a piece of meatloaf.


   Yu Liao's left hand desperately grasped Lin Huai's foot, trying to get rid of it, but that foot didn't loosen the slightest.

   He was sweating all over, his mouth kept crying, and while yelling, he cursed loudly: "You bastard, stop me."

   Lin Huai continued to grind with his feet, greeted with another painful cry, and then retracted his feet.

   asked again:

   "I'll give you another chance and say, who sent you to kill me?"

"I'm not going to say, if you have the ability, kill me, so you never know who wants to kill you. I'm just the first one they sent. After I die, there will be a second one. Three, you will live in the assassination forever, hahahaha."

   Yu Liao’s painful face was full of sweat, but when it came to this, he still laughed.

  He is trying to improve the value of his intelligence, so that this inexperienced high school student may still save his life. I really want to be honest, he has definitely been killed now.


   Lin Huai was not angry, his face lightly flew up and stepped on Yu Liao's only left hand.

   I make you laugh!


   Yu Liao cried out again, the loss of control of his limbs made this pain even more difficult. He didn't expect that when he was talking about this, Lin Huai would actually step on his own hand.

   He couldn't control the anger in his heart, and shouted sharply:

   "Lin Huai, if you think clearly, tortured me to death, you really don't know who wants to kill you."

  I heard footsteps in the distance, and someone was approaching here.

   Lin Huai knew that he couldn't play anymore.

   He smiled at Yu Liao and said, "I actually want to torture you to death. Okay, my anger is half gone. You can go to death."

   He controlled two white mice and controlled Yu Liao's head so that he could not move.

   Then he raised his leg again and placed it directly above Yu Liao's head.

   "Don't! Forgive me!" Yu Liao let out the final roar of his life.


   stomped down.

   Red and white splashed.

   burst like a ripe watermelon.



   The pain in his body, the horror of being shot, and the fear of being near death, disappeared under this foot.

   The grievances are almost gone.

   The person who instigated it should also be resolved as soon as possible.

   Although this guy is an enemy, what he said still makes sense. Just killing him is not a cure for the symptoms, and it is of little use.

   As for how to find the person behind it, it was actually very simple for Lin Huai. Yu Liao didn't say anything, but his body had already provided Lin Huai with obvious clues.

   However, the top priority is to deal with the scene.

Under the control of   , five white mice all went into battle, quickly dragging the corpses and accessory products into the ground.

   The corpse is buried deeper, and other things are buried shallower.

   This kind of simple transportation work is extremely simple for these After a while, there are no traces of blood on the ground except for some blood stains.

   Hmm... There is also a large suitcase.

   This kind of trophy was later dragged underground by the mice.

   Lin Huai estimated that it contained the gun that the assassin had just used. I haven't seen this guy with a gun. It should be in the suitcase.

   But who knows?

   What if there are traps or traps in it, as soon as you open it?

   Therefore, Lin Huai still intends to put the things away temporarily, and come to pick them up later when he is free.

   Then, he controlled the mouse and escaped into the ground again.

   His current image is hard to see.

   Not long after Lin Huai sneaked in, an aunt carrying a vegetable basket appeared in the alley just now.

   Looking at a pool of fresh blood on the ground, she fell into thought.

  Is this pig blood, duck blood, chicken blood, or is it a lunar affair?


   Lin Huai did not stay underground for too long. After sneaking into a hotel and making sure that there was no secret camera, he appeared in an unmanned room on the first floor.

   Cleaned up the blood stains on his body in the bathroom, and then carefully checked his injuries.

   Benefiting from his strong physique, all kinds of splashing stones can only cause a little skin trauma to him. When he checked, his body had spontaneously squeezed out the foreign objects stuck in the flesh.

   is slightly more serious, in fact, it is the abrasion caused by the bullet.

  The flat abdomen was plowed into a deep blood ditch. Lin Huai simply bandaged it with clothes to make sure that the wound no longer leaked blood, and he was relieved.

   It didn't hurt the organs in the abdomen.

   So, in general, it is not a big problem.

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