Genetic Specialist in Spiritual Qi Era

Chapter 110: Dongjia Night Talk

   sneaked all the way to the vicinity of the Dong's villa. Lin Huai looked around carefully, found a bush that he thought was still hidden, and leaned in.

   On a dark night, an already gloomy bush, without knowing it in advance, there is no need to worry about being discovered.

   It stands to reason that if you act after drinking the first-order agile potion, you will have a greater grasp. However, it takes a long time to configure the semi-finished product into a finished product, plus there is a period of rapid digestion after drinking.

   In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Lin Huai still chose to start as soon as possible.

   After a few days, with the rapid improvement of physique, the level of mental power has also increased a lot. Although there has not been a qualitative change like physique, the amount has increased a lot.

   Eight mice are the total amount he can control now.

   As for whether he can control humans, he hasn't tried yet. There must be a big gap between the mental power required to control a monkey and the mental power required to control a mouse.

   Not to mention human beings stronger than monkeys.

   But Lin Huai felt that with the current total mental power, he should be able to control an ordinary person.

   If you want to control more, it probably won't work.

   The total amount of mental power in the early stage was so weak.

   Maybe after the mental power is also promoted once, there will be more significant changes.

   Lin Huai doesn't have too many special genes from other races, but he has a lot of special human genes. After the blood sampling business is expanded later, human special genes will be a constant supply of energy.

   It is also a good way to control humans in the later stage and form an army of supernatural powers.

   As for the current stage, if you use all your mental power to control a person, even if you let him have supernatural powers, the effect is too singular, and it is far from easy to control a few small animals.

   Lin Huai left five white mice on him as usual. Before he could win, he had to prepare to escape. The Dong family, a family that has dominated a province for many years, is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

   The failure rate of the plan calculated on the 1st according to a complex algorithm is still quite a bit.

   The other three white mice swiftly escaped and dived towards Dong's house.

   The magnificent hall.

   The Dong family brothers are discussing what happened today.

   The second master of the Dong family, Dong Mingkai and the third master, Dong Mingshi, knew that the attack tonight was done by their own family. They didn't even care about food, so they rushed back to the villa without stopping.

   "Brother, still can't get in touch with that guy Yu Liao?" Dong Mingkai sat on the sofa and asked speechlessly. As he said, he took a sip of spiritual cigarettes rolled from spiritual tobacco.

   The gas stays in the lungs for a few seconds, fully moisturizes every place, and then comes out from the nose and mouth.

   Scattered smoke formed in the air. Looking at the white smoke, Dong Mingkai seemed to see his scattered thoughts.


   "I can't get in touch, the phone is down, I have sent people to find the place where I live and where I often relax, and I haven't seen it at all."

   Dong Mingqi shook his head in anguish.

   "You said, will Yu Liao betray or be bought by someone, take the opportunity of this mission to blame this troublesome thing on our Dong family."

   The old third, Dong Mingshi, is self-conscious and very extreme. His first reaction when he heard the news was that Yu Liao betrayed their Dong family.

   As soon as he finished saying this, the eyes of some of his men who hadn't waved before, unconsciously became a little dull.

  A few of his subordinates are all dead members of the Dong family, and they usually live together. Naturally, they know how loyal Yu Liao is to the Dong family. For the Dong family, Yu Liao is willing to die.

   Such a heart of Akagi was still subconsciously suspected by Dong Mingshi. They couldn't help substituting themselves into Yu Liao's position, and they felt very uncomfortable.

   "If you don't know the situation, don't guess here for me."

  Dong Mingqi glared at Dong Mingshi and motioned him to stop talking about this kind of instigation. "Yu Liao grew up in our Dong's family. It is absolutely reliable. Even if you rebel, he can't rebel."

"Besides, if he really wants to harm our Dong family, he can choose to kill when the student is at school, then our trouble this time is absolutely not small." Dong Mingkai took the conversation, and he also felt that Yu Liao was innocent. The: "He chose to kill outside the school. The trouble is a little bit, but the subsequent impact is actually still within our control."

   "So, Yu Liao must be on our side. As for why he disappears inexplicably after the mission fails, then there seems to be only one reason..."

  Dong Mingkai thought it over, but didn't finish his words immediately.

   "Yes, he should be dead." Dong Mingqi's tone was very bad, and flesh pain flashed across his thin face.

   It takes a huge price to cultivate a dead man who is loyal to the family, let alone a leader among dead men like Yu Liao.

   In recent years, Yu Liao has done things for him that I don’t know how many secrets, he called his right arm and right arm. Without Yu Liao, he has broken an arm.

   "Dead? How could it be possible to die? A veteran sniper can't even hide, and there is no fighting movement at all."

   Dong Mingshi still doesn't believe that Yu Liao's strength is not weak, even if he encounters a strong man who is difficult to fight, it is okay to desperately release a little But they have not received any news yet.

This time, Dong Mingqi directly ignored Dong Mingshi’s apparently non-brained words, and said with a little regret: "There is a strong possibility behind Lin Huai. This time I was too careless and thought he was just an ordinary high school student. Yu Liaobai lost his life."

Dong Mingkai also nodded in agreement: "You have the strength of a formal warrior at a young age. Moreover, with strong reactivity, it can avoid long-range sniper bullets many times. Needless to say, there must be a strong and powerful person to guide behind. ."

"I understand." Dong Mingshi seemed to understand something and couldn't help standing up: "Yu Liao was killed by the strong man behind Lin Huai! He saw his apprentice being bullied so much, but he was so angry that he chose to do it himself. , So it makes sense."

   While talking, he scolded angrily: "Bah, dare to kill our Dong's dog, a covert guy, I think he doesn't want to live anymore.

   "Brother, hurry up and give the order, kill Lin Huai and that guy, I don't believe that Jiangbei Province has strong people that we can't afford."

   "You and he shut up." Hearing this, Dong Ming slapped the spirit wood tea table next to him with a slap, leaving a deep palm print on the table.

   "Is it time for revenge!!!"

   "The victim of the shooting at the school gate was lucky enough to survive the sniper rifle and was killed that night. Do you know what this is?

   "You are forcing our Dong family to die!!!"

   Dong Mingqi shouted hoarsely.

   If it wasn't for his own brother of the same blood, he would want to slap Dong Mingshi to death.

   At this critical juncture, he was still trying to fan the flames here, and the Dong family was killed by him sooner or later.

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