I have to say that the Qin family is rich.

   This box almost wiped out all the martial arts apprentice medicinal medicines owned by the Budo Association, and some were not even in the Budo Association. I don’t know where the Qin family got it.

   These elixir are not of poor quality sold by Lin Huai. Each pill is collected by the Qin family and carefully selected by the appraiser, and the quality is almost above average.

   What Lin Huai has to do is to choose the best.

   The way he chose was very simple. He quickly looked at the pill in the box from left to right, and picked out three pill with very common appearance from the box.

   handed these three pills to Qin Zixin, Lin Huai confessed by the way:

   "Only these three are edible, and the others, for the sake of future, you try not to touch them."

   These elixirs are of medium quality on average, and there are some high-end ones, but there are only three of them. Now that you decide to take the elixirs, you naturally want to eat the best.

   Qin Zixin looked weird, and Lin Huai's casual attitude made her feel very bottomless.

   pretend to be, it's okay to choose carefully, you are so casual, how can I rest assured.

   Fortunately, someone immediately said what she wanted to say.

"Little classmates, at a young age, if you don’t learn well, do you know how to distinguish medicinal pills? Your casual attitude is fooling someone! These medicinal pills are carefully selected from the medicinal pills I have received. Can't touch it?"

   The appraiser next to Jiang Xing looked at Lin Huai, his eyes flashed with disdain, and said contemptuously.

   After he learned that the lady invited her classmates to distinguish the medicine, he was filled with a fire and asked outsiders to appraise it. This was because the lady did not trust him.

   If this classmate is really capable, he would think he is unlucky, but looking at his age, and looking at this perfunctory appearance, he doesn't seem to be skilled at all.

   He couldn't bear it anymore.

   "Who is he?" Lin Huai ignored this guy who barked like a dog, but asked Qin Zixin casually.

   "This is a senior appraiser that our Qin family paid a big price and dug from the Martial Arts Association."

   Qin Zixin replied, and then she said with some uncertainty: "Or you can look at it again, don't make a mistake, only three pills in a box can be used, it should be impossible."

   "Hahaha, little guy, let you pretend to meet an expert." Xie Lan laughed aloud.

   Such scenes of slaps on the spot are rare, especially those who get slapped are the hateful guys who call his aunt.

   "The same sentence, believe it or not."

   Lin Huai shook his head, too lazy to explain.

Today, he put aside the major event of refining pharmaceutical agents and took the time to come here. It has already given Qin Zixin a lot of face. He didn't want to waste his precious time anymore, doing science popularization for these ignorant guys, making them believe that he picked the best of.

   "Whether you believe it or not, my task has been completed anyway. As for the question I intended to ask..."

   Lin Huai paused and looked at Qin Zixin's instructor. The latter grunted, his chin upturned, and he was very uncooperative.

   "Since the tutor is unwilling to answer, then forget it."

   Lin Huai didn't take it too seriously, and it wasn't an urgent matter to ask. It's fine if you don't ask this time, there will be opportunities to figure it out later.

   "I have something to do, so I'll go back first." Lin Huai and Qin Zixin greeted them and planned to leave.

   The appraiser of the Qin family was ignored by Lin Huai and his lungs were almost exploded.

   When has he been so frustrated? In the past, he was one of the best appraisers in the Martial Arts Association. No matter who encountered appraisal problems, he would ask him for advice.

   After being invited back by the Qin family with a lot of money, the treatment has been improved, and there are more people who can command.

   When did he suffer from this kind of anger, but Lin Huai was the guest invited by the young lady, and he certainly couldn't move strong. He could only say a few words about Yin and Yang to relieve his depression.

   "This classmate, I think you are a friend of our young lady, where I am here, kindly remind you a few words.

   Learn techniques down-to-earth, don’t engage in crooked ways or take shortcuts. Once this is exposed, it will not only lose your own face, but also your parents’ old face.

   If someone asks your parents to see what kind of stuff you raise, the dogs are more honest than your sons. You ask them how to answer, right? "

   At first, it sounded like that, but the next few sentences became more and more excessive.

   This can no longer be said to refer to Sang Shuhuai, it is basically pointing to Lin Huai's nose, cursing him for worse than a dog.

   "Shut up!" Qin Zixin's expression changed, with some weird faces at first, instantly becoming extremely cold.

   In front of her, if he dares to scold Lin Huai like this, he is just looking for death.

   "Is my personality too good to make you think it's a bully." Qin Zixin's expression is cold, and his whole body exudes a cold breath, looking very oppressive.

   The senior appraiser saw that the young lady was angry, and felt bad.

   He was so angry just now that he unknowingly moved out the set of running on his colleagues in the workplace~www.ltnovel.com~ completely forgot what the occasion was.

   "Miss, I was wrong. I just saw him daring to lie to you. I was so angry that I couldn't hold back it for a while." The middle-aged appraiser immediately bent over and apologized to Qin Zixin.

   He would not say, because he was ignored, he would say such ugly things.

   He knows that the lady has a kind personality, and as long as she apologizes sincerely, there will be no big things.

   Lin Huai, who was still happy to complete the agreement, also stopped, turned around, his face was expressionless, his eyes were staring at the appraiser, as if looking at a dead person.

   "You can call me a dog, yes, I'm not brave."

   Lin Huai became angry, and the hostility of poisoning hundreds of people rose from his body. As soon as this hostility full of endless resentment appeared, the few people around him unconsciously stepped back.

   Jiang Xing and Xie Lan, the two were not greatly affected by the hostility, but their faces showed incredible expressions.

   "How could it be possible that he was just an ordinary high school student, how could he have such a heavy hostility."

   Lin Huai raised the corner of his mouth, smiled coldly at Qin Zixin, and said, "My mouth is too stinky. I want a tongue from him. Do you agree?"

   The appraiser’s mouth twitched, not because he was afraid, but because he couldn’t help but want to laugh.

   How could it be that the young lady has given the most severe punishment, and she was only dismissed. What do you think you are?

   Even if you are really Miss's boyfriend, Miss can't do such **** things.

   Of course, he definitely didn't say anything from his mouth, and his body still kept bending over to apologize.

   Sure enough, Qin Zixin's ideas are different from those of appraisers.

   just cursed a few words, although the curse is a bit ugly, there is no need to punish it so severely.

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