Genetic Specialist in Spiritual Qi Era

Chapter 128: Famous teacher

   Jiang Xing saw the emotional color on Lin Huai's face. Although he felt unnecessary, he still said politely:

   "If Master Lin Huai wants to come here to practice, our Qin family welcomes him at any time."

   Jiang Xing is the chief steward of the Qin family and the most trusted confidant of the Qin family’s head. He has a very high status in the Qin family, second only to a few sporadic direct lines.

   He is loyal to the Qin family with all his heart, and he does everything for the Qin family.

   Ordinary subordinates would be presumptuous if they said such words, but such words, coming out of Jiang Xing's mouth, appeared to be quite normal, even Qin Zixin felt it was taken for granted.

   "I have a chance in the future, but I want to come and try it." Lin Huai smiled politely.

  His cultivation relies entirely on medicine, and he doesn't need a cultivation environment. Moreover, even if he really needs it, he doesn't look down on the Qin family's martial arts training ground.

   It is faster to practice any pill to aid in cultivation than it is hard to practice here.

   A few people sat in the resting place of the martial arts training ground. The resting place was full of stone tables and stools, with some moss attached to it, which looked a bit retro.

   "Do you have any questions?"

   Xie Lan chose a stone bench to sit down, her chest raised her head, her legs tightly joined together, and her hands were placed tightly on her legs, like a pupil waiting for the teacher to ask questions.

   is clearly the object of consultation, but it seems to be the object of examination.

   was extremely inconsistent with the image of gloating on the sidelines before, and Lin Huai was a little uncomfortable.

   "Tutor your name?" After a long time, Lin Huai still didn't know what to call this middle-aged woman in menopause.

   "Thank you without your surname, and the single name is Lan. Thank you. Thank you. Go up the mountain and go down the wind. You can call me teacher Xie."

   "The word'lan' symbolizes mistiness, dust and tranquility. Just such a word can make people imagine a refined woman, delicate, quiet, dignified and beautiful, thank you, tutor, you are really a good name."

   Seeing that everyone was a little bit cautious, Lin Huai began to liven up the atmosphere. With his knowledge reserves, this kind of thing was completely open.

   "Hahaha, how can you say so well, I am a layman." Xie Lan has been obsessed with martial arts for many years. When did he hear such cryptic praise.

   naturally brought the delicate, quiet, dignified and beautiful to himself, and his smiling eyes narrowed.

   smiled, the atmosphere opened up.

   Lin Huai just started to ask questions: "Teacher, can you tell me the difference between martial artists in each realm? I don't have too detailed concepts about these things."

   Xie Lan is a little puzzled, isn't there such a big master next to you, why not just ask him.

   However, Xie Lan didn't express the doubts in her heart. Since Lin Huai asked, there was his reason, so she helped him explain it.

   "This kind of martial arts, you ask me right." Xie Lan smiled proudly.

Qin Zixin also assisted: "Tutor Xie graduated from Imperial Martial Arts University. Her teacher is also a researcher specializing in martial arts. Her knowledge of martial arts is not comparable to ordinary people. Our Qin family also spent a lot of money. It was a big price to invite Teacher Xie back."

   "Not that great. In terms of martial arts knowledge, I really have a good grasp, but when it comes to strength, I am actually embarrassed by the Imperial Capital Budo University."

   Xie Lan lamented, with unwillingness and loneliness on her face.

  The martial arts realm, among her graduates of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University, was considered to be the upper middle class, but for her, she was not satisfied.

  Knowledge is power, this sentence is not wrong.

   According to her reserve of martial arts knowledge, it should be very easy to use various means to improve her strength.

   But everything will not proceed as you want.

   She was gullible for a while, and without further examination, she slopped down a few true essence pills given to her by a friend. It was not until after eating that she realized that these few true essence pills were the most inferior varieties.

   In the end, this friend was severely punished, and Xie Lan's vitality became too mixed. Her mentor and her, using various methods, were unable to purify the impurities in the vitality.

  Her strength has never stopped at the realm of martial arts.

  The realm of a martial artist, for the average person, may be a realm that can be achieved through a lifelong pursuit.

   But for Xie Lan, the realm of martial arts is just a small threshold. Now that she will be trapped in front of this small threshold for life, how could she be willing.

   She hates the friend who is jealous of her, hates those few true essence pills, and even with all the inferior pills.

  Why was she so hostile to Lin Huai when she first saw Lin Huai.

   It was because Lin Huai wanted to lead Qin Zixin to the path of no return to the pill. She would never allow this to happen.

   "As for the difference you want to ask, I'll talk to you in detail." Xie Lan complained about herself for a while, and immediately got out and returned to her normal state.

   "The three realms you can come into contact with are martial apprentices, official martial artists, and martial masters."

"The martial arts trainee stage is different from the later stages. It is the only stage that focuses on refining. Your coach should have also told you that the martial arts trainee at level 7 can break through the official martial but this kind of martial artist, It is the weakest existence in the martial arts community."

   "They are also martial artists, why are they the weakest, because their physical fitness is linked to the total vitality that a formal martial artist can hold during the entire stage."

   "The stronger the physical fitness, the greater the total vitality that can be accommodated, and vice versa. Moreover, the total vitality, unlike the physical fitness, is a little bit worse, and there is not much difference."

   "There is a huge difference in total vitality. Even if the martial artist is at the stage of apprenticeship, there is a difference of 0.1 in physical fitness. When you reach the official martial artist, there will be a huge difference in total vitality, let alone a difference of a little bit or two."

"People with a little bit of foresight, after reaching the seventh-level martial arts apprentice, will not choose to immediately advance. They will work hard, take various spiritual things, and use various methods to improve their physical fitness. Increase the strength even by 0.1."

   "Until all methods are exhausted and they can't continue to improve, promotion will become their choice."

   Lin Huai nodded and slapped her legs in exclaim.

   This is what he wants to hear.

   This kind of thing is completely unavailable on the Internet, it involves details, and involves good research.

   deserves to be a graduate of Teito Budo University, but the explanation is different.

   Just a few words gave him a sudden sense of clarity. His understanding of martial arts trainees has never been as clear as it is now.

   Look at what Xie Lan said, and then compare what Coach He said.

   is simply the difference between cloud and mud.

   Although He Chengye said not to advance so quickly, but the reasons, the specific details, did not explain at all, and he did not leave any deep impression on everyone.

   Even if someone breaks directly out of curiosity, Lin Huai feels that it is normal.

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