Xie Lan turned to look at Qin Zixin, and said, "Zixin, your strength was low before. I have never mentioned this. Now that you have come up, you just know about it. Of course, with our support, you will definitely not encounter it. This kind of thing."

   Qin Zixin nodded, expressing understanding.

   As Xie Lan said, the animal spirit has become a backward and useless symbol in her heart.

   The research value is not great, how could it not be?

   Lin Huai was speechless.

   These people put Baoshan in front, so it's not easy to develop them.

   This kind of rapid physical ascension method, if it is known by the powerhouse of the interstellar world, I still don't know what it will be like jealous.

   The cultivation of vitality is indeed a very broad road, and the utilization of resources is relatively not too high, but its cultivation speed is really not very fast.

   And the cultivation of animal spirit...Since the world has a fixed name, just follow the trend and change the blood energy that you named yourself to animal spirit.

The cultivation of    beast energy, as long as there are enough resources to support, the promotion speed is extremely rapid, even to the point that ordinary people can't imagine.

   This kind of special resource, for others, it may take a long time to find it, let alone get it.

   It is no wonder that so many researchers think that it is worthless to continue to study. The energy of beast energy is indeed not as universal as Yuan Qi.

   It's okay to cultivate a research study alone. If you really want to expand it, the whole world can't find so many resources.

   Lin Huai, of course, doesn't have such troubles. Gene medicine is a kind of special resource. This kind of resource that is difficult for ordinary people to find, he can easily configure it with ordinary medicine, and naturally does not feel any difficulty.

   Lin Huai originally wanted to absorb some research ideas on animal spirits from Xie Lan and go back, and study independently. Although he knows a lot, there is always something unexpected.

   After knowing that the world's research on animal spirits was not very deep, Lin Huai completely gave up.

   Let's study it myself, maybe my research on animal spirits can still be at the forefront of this world.

   The two continued to talk for another hour, until Lin Huai had asked all the questions he had been holding in his heart these days, and he let Xie Lan, who had been in a state of unrequited love a long time ago, been let go.

   Xie Lan lay on the stone table feebly. Tiredness is of secondary importance. Her heart is almost exhausted and paralyzed.

   She bit her silver teeth and vowed secretly in her heart that if Lin Huai came to ask questions in the future, she must avoid and say nothing. Such thankless work is really torture.

   Jiang Xing and Qin Zixin looked at Xie Lan who was pretending to be dead with dumbfounding.

   After living together for so long, they knew what kind of character Xie Lan was. Although he was just over thirty, his behavior was actually no different from that of Qin Zixin, a little girl. Sometimes, even more naive than Qin Zixin.

   All the questions, in fact, only a small part of Xie Lan can answer positively and in detail. For other things, either he doesn't understand, or he only knows the fur.

   That's all, it makes Lin Huai very happy. With so many questions, I can't find anyone to ask for. It is really uncomfortable for him who likes to ask if he doesn't understand.

  Lin Huai was a little embarrassed looking at Teacher Xie Lan, who was tired lying on the stone table.

   finally caught a sheep and almost bumped her wool at once.

   There are contacts, no matter what the reason, since tutor Xie Lan has helped Lin Huai so much for free, Lin Huai is not a stingy person, he naturally has to return something.

  Pills, martial arts, own research results?

   What can I send?

   Lin Huai looked at Xie Lan again.

Ugh? Stupid stupid.

   There is one thing that Mentor Xie Lan must like.

   "Thank you, tutor, thank you very much for teaching me so much today."

   Lin Huai thanked him sincerely. Xie Lan lay on the table without raising her head, just waved weakly, indicating that there was nothing serious.

"Can I take the liberty to ask, why didn't Teacher Xie clean up the pharmacological remnants of the Zhenyuan Pill in your vitality? If you continue this way, it should have a great impact on your continued promotion. Is it deliberately staying? Do you practice some special martial arts?"

   Lin Huai asked tentatively.

   There are indeed some bizarre martial arts, which require a certain kind of pill remnants in the vitality to really play its role.

  Lin Huai didn’t quite understand, what do people think about this kind of martial skill, just because of a special martial skill, it will greatly increase the difficulty of continuing to advance. Is it really cost-effective?

   Qin Zixin's face changed. The instructor hated other people telling her about impurities in her vitality. This thing has become her negative scale.

   No matter who said, she would be very angry.

   Sure enough, Xie Lan's body just stretched out, Rouran's body suddenly stiffened, as if he had heard something he didn't want to hear.

She stopped pretending to be dead, raised her head with anger in her eyes, and was about to lose her temper. Seeing Xiaoqiang standing behind Lin Huai~www.ltnovel.com~, she seemed to have thought of something, and took a deep breath. The irritability and anger in my heart was suppressed.

   pretended to calmly said: "Frankly tell you, I also want to clean up these remnants of medicinal power, these remnants, not only prevent me from continuing to improve, even in the realm of martial arts, has become a very weak existence."

   "But my mentor and I tried various methods and failed."

   There was a trace of lingering hatred in the seemingly calm tone, and a little anger at Lin Huai's mentioning this matter.

   Deep down in her heart, she is ravaging a handsome villain named Lin Huai, punching and kicking, doing everything she can, as if to vent all the anger suppressed by her heart on the villain:

   "Let you mention this, let you mention this!"

"It's also special martial skills. I will go to your special martial skills. This kind of thing is really not what you can think of. The true essence pill is a kind of auxiliary cultivation pill. Have you ever heard that special martial skills that require the power of the true essence pill are not successful !!!"

  Lin Huai certainly didn't know that Xie Lan's inner world was so rich, nor did he know that the villain who looked like himself was being severely ravaged in Xie Lan's heart.

   He said softly: "I have a way to purify vitality, I don't know if the tutor needs it?"

   Xie Lan's face was not as ecstatic as he had imagined, but instead was an obvious numbness and despair.

   If she heard this kind of news a few years ago, she would still be happy and keep trying, but after so many failures, she was already ashamed and accepted this unchangeable fact.

   Knowing that Lin Huai is thinking about her, her tone changed a little bit better: "It's useless, the method that can purify vitality, my tutor and I have tried it all, but it didn't work."

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