"The loyal old man, a few of us want to go into the warehouse to get something." Jiang Xing said respectfully to the old man.

   The old doorman, named Qin Zhong, was an orphan adopted by the Qin family in the early years. Although he was not from the Qin family, he grew up in the Qin family and was extremely loyal to the Qin family.

   Although he is very old, he has reached the realm of a martial artist with the accumulation of resources of the Qin family, and his strength is very strong.

   "Grandpa Zhong, it's been a long time since I saw you." Qin Zixin stood up and said hello.

   Qin Zhong heard Qin Zixin’s voice, and when he lost the newspaper, he raised his head in surprise: "Miss, why are you here?"

Jiang Xing is a frequent visitor here. Qin Zhong was not surprised by his arrival, but he didn't expect the young lady to come here. When she was young, she would look for toys in the storeroom to play with. When she grew up, she rarely came to the storeroom. Up.

   "Grandpa Zhong, I miss you, can't I come to see you?" Qin Zixin pretended to be angry.

   "Hahaha, I can see, I can see."

   Qin Zhong said with a smile, even though he knew this was a polite remark, he still felt very happy when he heard it, and his white beard rose up unconsciously.

   He continued: "Miss, what do you need? Just say, I'll help you find it. There is a lot of mess inside. It takes a lot of time to find it by yourself."

   Jiang Xing showed a bitter expression on the side.

   This old guy!

  You also know that it takes time. Every time I come to the storeroom to pick up something, you let me find it myself.

   When did I see you so actively?

   "No need, Grandpa Zhong, you should continue to sit and leave it to him to find materials." Qin Zixin reached out and pointed at Lin Huai beside him.

   Lin Huai smiled purely at Qin Zhong.

   "This kid, can he do it?" Qin Zhong expressed strong distrust.

   I still wanted to say more, but when I saw Jiang Xing winking at him, Qin Zhong felt a little strange, and immediately changed his tone: "Then you can go in and pick it yourself."

   When other subordinates enter inside, he still needs to review it, but Ms. Jiang Xinghe personally brought them here. This review process is definitely unnecessary.

   A few people walked into the gate.

   The warehouse is very large. As soon as you enter the door, you can see rows of dark blue sturdy shelves, about 3 meters high, and each shelf is full of things.

   At a glance, a sense of satisfaction came out spontaneously.

   There is a special ventilation device in the warehouse. Although there are many things on display, there is not much odor in the whole environment.

   "Master Lin Huai, this is our Qin family's warehouse. There are almost all common and common spiritual medicines here. You can slowly find the raw materials needed for alchemy."

   Jiang Xing introduced the warehouse with a little pride. A family warehouse can best show the strength of that family. With such a resourceful warehouse, the strength of the Qin family in Jiangbei Province is very obvious.

   Lin Huai didn't speak, the dazzling array of things already made him dazzled.

   "Taihe Grass, Chenlei Grass, Liuyin Flower, Turtle Snake Grass...This is the material for basic genetic medicine..."

  "Vinality protection flower, green frost grass, red phosphorous soil, jade heng stone...this is the material of Qingyuan Dan..."

   "This is water rhyme! An important material for the first-order constitution potion!"

   "And these five-element flowers! Important material for the first-order power potion!"

  While watching, Lin Huai kept mumbling in her heart.

   At the beginning, he was able to maintain a calm mind, but when he saw the water rhyme grass, his calm mind was a little unsustainable. When he saw the Five Elements Flower, his mind was already full of distractions.

   With these materials, the three bottles of first-order genetic medicines that I need can be fully equipped.

   This kind of good thing about his own strength makes his eyes a little red.

   If it weren't for worrying that this was the warehouse of Qin Zixin's house, he had already started to grab it.

   "Lin Huai, are you okay?" Qin Zixin asked, looking at Lin Huai who seemed to be in a frenzy.

   A word of concern made Lin Huai calm down again. This is his good friend, and he can't mess around.

   He cut off the rising greed in his heart and restored clarity in his eyes again.

   "It's no big deal. At first I saw that your Qin family has so many resources, and I was a little shocked." Lin Huairuo said casually.

   The heart that Jiang Xing had been carrying was also released with these words. Lin Huai's apparently wrong state just now made him a little scared.

   The old man went out because of the Dong family. If the bodyguard behind Lin Huai really had an attack, no one in the entire Qin family would be able to suppress it.

   This is why he has always respected Lin Huai so much.

   He was not afraid of Lin Huai's lion opening his mouth, he was afraid that Lin Huai would rob him directly, force him, and still have room for maneuver.

   "This, this, and this, the quality has been reached, and it can be used as the raw material of the pill."

   Lin Huai was walking, while pointing the elixir with his fingers, Jiang Xing carried the bag, walked behind Lin Huai, took out the elixir he had specially selected and put it into the bag.

   Qin Zixin and Xie Lan are quietly eating melons beside them.

  How about the quality of these elixir?

   Qin Zixin did not speak, but motioned to Xie Lan with his eyes.

   Although I only know the basics of identifying directions, the quality of the elixir picked out is indeed good~www.ltnovel.com~Xie Lan also replied with her eyes.

   Qin Zixin: It seems that Lin Huai really has the ability to identify?

   Xie Lan: Yes, your little boyfriend is really amazing.

   Qin Zixin: I hate it!


   It was just eye contact, but the two seemed to understand each other.

   Lin Huai certainly noticed this. He thought that Xie Lan used the vital energy transmission to communicate with Qin Zixin in order not to disturb him. How could he have imagined that the two actually exchanged eyes here.

   At this time, he had no thoughts and didn't want to care about other things, he just wanted to wander happily in the ocean of spiritual things.

  The original intention to find the raw materials was long ago thrown away by him and don't know where it was.

   I don’t care about everything else, I just pick the spiritual object I need, water rhyme grass? Take it, the Five Elements Flower? All important, genetically contaminated pharmaceutical ingredients? Take it!

   Take, take, take, take it all!

   said it’s all, but Lin Huai really didn’t take much.

   He took all the things that he needed most, and the martial arts association was still relatively rare. He didn't touch other seemingly precious elixir.

   These things can be exchanged from the Budo Association for a little bit of time. There is no need to be so greedy here.

   After a lap, the big bag in Jiang Xing's hand was only half full.

With just a little bit, Lin Huai didn’t say anything, Jiang Xing was rather worried: “Master Lin Huai, is it because our warehouse has very few raw materials that can be used to configure pure yuan pills? Not enough for you to speak, I’ll go to the Martial Arts Association. exchange."

  He can't worry about it. Every time the Qin family asks the alchemist to refine the pill, at least ten bags of elixir are handed out. Now the elixir selected by Lin Huai only contains half of the bag, which is not enough.

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