Xie Lan still said loudly next to him: "It seems that your little boyfriend likes you very much. I want to take the toys back when I was a child."

   Qin Zixin did not retort surprisingly, her heart was full of shame, but her head lowered lower.

   Uh, what's the situation?

   Just as Lin Huai suppressed the joy of finding the treasure, he saw that there seemed to be something wrong with everyone. He didn't understand what happened until he heard what Xie Lan said.

   This is not a toy! This is a treasure!

   Lin Huai growled inwardly.

  All the opportunities have been delivered to you, if you don't cherish it, don't blame me for my wise eyes.

  Of course, it’s better to solve the misunderstanding. I don’t want to fall into the affair of my children so early. Besides, Qin Zixin’s face is not in my consideration for the time being.

   "Don't get me wrong, I just think this stone looks very strange, and it should be good to take it home as a decoration. Don't think too much."

   Lin Huai quickly explained.

   "Don't want too much, don't want too much, how can we think too much!" Xie Lan's eyes were full of joking, as if to say: Let you pretend to be useless, we all see you through.

   "Yes, we didn't think too much, Master Lin Huai likes this toy, so he can take it with ease." Jiang Xing also said ambiguously.

   As for Qin Zixin, she was still like a quail, buried her head on her chest, motionless, she could barely see her cheeks, still crimson.


   I'm telling the truth, everyone doesn't believe it, right...

   Lin Huai was a little melancholy, and wanted to tell the truth, but thinking about the fact that the wealth is not revealed, it would not be embarrassing to tell the truth if the Qin family wants to go back.

   There is no way, for the treasure, reputation, etc., sacrifice is sacrificed.

   "Okay, just think what you like." Lin Huai shook his shoulders as if nothing had happened.

   Jiang Xing and Xie Lan look at each other, each with a smile in their eyes.

   Those of us who come here, how can you not see your true intentions, be honest, in front of us, there is no need to pretend.

   Regardless of these gossips in their minds, Lin Huai looked at the debris area.

   Originally, he hadn't seen the debris area in his eyes, but the appearance of this sheep rock made him realize that in this debris area, it is very likely that there is a crouching tiger, a hidden dragon.

  Thinking about it, too, based on the ability of the appraiser who was killed just now, he can tell something.

   Ordinary spirit objects can distinguish, real treasures, maybe they have been missed. Even Lin Huai's eyesight and insight can be missed, let alone this appraiser.

   Fortunately, he also did a reliable thing, that is, throwing things that he couldn't identify, but felt strange, into the debris area.

   At this point, Lin Huai felt that he had some foresight. If his mouth was too bad, he should have spared his life just now.

   Lin Huai stood still, eyes on the debris area, and said to Number One:

  "To scan the entire area ahead."

   "Scanning started..."

   A blue light that only Lin Huai could see, shot out from Lin Huai's eyes, scanning all the objects in the debris area from front to back.

After    scanned it again, the blue light was turned back, and a thorough scan was performed from back to front.

   There are too many and too many items, and the inspection of No.1 has become more rigorous.

   "Beep, damaged birch wooden chairs, ordinary stones, ordinary spiritualized withered grass, Zerg remains are detected..."

  Zero Zero has scanned thousands of items in total.

   The names of so many items appeared in Lin Huai's mind instantly, almost making him feel confused, and his current mental power has improved a lot, and the computing power of his own brain has also been correspondingly improved.

  As soon as the name came out, Lin Huai sorted out these things.

   Seeing the test results, Lin Huai felt speechless.

   The appraiser didn't kill it at all. What kind of junk stuff is in this debris area.

   withered grass, ordinary limestone, fragments of wooden chairs...you can't even identify these things, and you put them in the debris area. How useful are you.

   Of the thousands of items, 99% are such garbage, and only the remaining 1% are worth seeing.

   For example, this Zerg remains, Lin Huai turned it over in the first place, it is not a bug, it can be called a Zerg.

   said it was a wreck. It was actually a black strip. In the middle of the strip, there was a joint-like part. Through the joint, the object can change to a certain extent.

   should be a leg of the worm. Lin Huai guessed in his heart that this leg alone was nearly half a meter long, and the whole body of the worm was definitely bigger.

   "What is this? When was it collected?" Jiang Xing was also curious when he saw what Lin Huai had picked up from underground in the debris area.

   "It looks like a Zerg's leg, you Qin family, have you killed the Zerg before." Lin Huai asked curiously.

"Oh~ Zerg, a few years ago, a few big bugs broke through the line of defense~www.ltnovel.com~ they emerged from the ground. As soon as they were about to wreak havoc on the whole city, they were beheaded by our father. Their bodies were also treated by the father. The trophies were brought home. I remember that they were all used up at that time. Why is there a leg left."

Zergs are full of treasures. The indestructible carapace can be used to make armor. Except for a few special zergs, the flesh and blood of other zergs can be eaten directly. It has the same function as the beast meat. There are eyes, tentacles, wings, and various parts. There are different ways of using them.

   Picking up a zerg corpse is similar to picking up a golden mountain.

Lin Huai carefully inspected the inside and outside of this leg, and found that there was still a little dry white meat inside. He couldn't help but moved in his heart. Without saying anything, he just stuffed this leg into the big bag that Jiang Xing was holding. in.

   Jiang Xing's eyelids twitched, and he felt a bit painful, but this leg was buried so deep that the Qin family had never noticed it. Instead, it was discovered by Lin Huai, who came for the first time, and he took it away.

   Seeing the uneasiness on Jiang Xing's face, Lin Huai counted.

   Lin Huai didn't say anything about the next few good things picked out by Number One, so he picked them up and put them in the bag.

   has been silent, only focusing on selection.

  Lin Huai was silent, Jiang Xing became uncomfortable. He saw the things that he didn't understand and was put into the bag by Lin Huai, and he scratched his head curiously.

   Are these things good or bad, and what are the effects?

   It just looks like, it really can't be seen, Master Lin Huai can pick out the Zerg's leg, his vision should not be bad.

   "Master Lin Huai, is there anything peculiar about this thing?"

   Jiang Xing pointed to a piece of yellow-brown soil that Lin Huaigang put into the bag, and couldn't help but ask.

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