"What brand of car is this, why have I never seen it before?"

   "Look at this, look at this shape, the price of the car is definitely not cheap."

   "You guys, you are just ignorant. I usually let you learn more online, and you are all playing mobile phones there. Now you don’t know anything!"

   "You are great, don't you know?"

"Nonsense, this car is Tengyun newly launched by Dongyun Automobile Group. The outer shell is all made of spirit mine, bulletproof and explosion-proof, and there are also small-sized aura stones inside. The concentration of aura in the car is better than some aura gathering places. Much higher."

   "Great! Great!"



   Workers on the go are busy discussing the style and appearance of luxury cars.

   This luxury car has become their focus.

   The vehicle arrived at the entrance of the laboratory. Feng Anping and the workers he had called were already waiting here.

   Lin Huai got down from Tengyun and looked back at this cute little blue car. His face was calm, but he made up his mind that he would definitely go and get a car like this in the future.

   It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality. Lin Huai, who has experienced luxury cars, no longer wants to squeeze the bus.

   "Master Lin Huai, then I'll go first." The driver of the Tengyun car greeted Lin Huai and left.

   Lin Huai greeted Feng Anping and directed them to start unloading.

   Bags of elixirs were filled into the large laboratory outside, and the corners of Lin Huai's mouth tilted upwards unconsciously.

   After the removal, Feng Anping took out the prepared money and distributed it to each worker.

   This kind of work that can make money if you move it casually, I don't know how many people are staring at the entire plantation.

   Feng Anping, who was still like Xiao transparent, became a hot spot among workers after Lin Huai worked under him.

   Such status and power also made Feng Anping more loyal to Lin Huai.

   After all the chores were completed, Lin Huai closed the door of the laboratory and concentrated on his own business.

   took out the semi-finished agile potion in the safe, Lin Huai prepared the rest of the materials, settled his mind, and continued to make it from where it left off.

   An hour later, an extra bottle of blue potion appeared in his hand, and the familiar fragrance appeared in the air again.

   The most troublesome and time-consuming steps have been completed before, but the subsequent lack of medicine is the addition and mixing of drugs. As long as the timing and strength are grasped, the configuration process is very simple.

   Perfect quality first-order agility potion!

   Looking at the pure blue potion in his hand, Lin Huai couldn't help laughing.

  Each medicine prepared is of perfect quality. For a researcher, it is simply the best enjoyment in the world.

   is configured, of course, I won't leave it alone. The physical fitness is up. It is also good for the subsequent configuration of other medicines.

   Lin Huai drank it without hesitation.

   The cool liquid medicine enters the throat, turns into a warm current in the body, and reaches the cells throughout the body.

   Lin Huai could clearly feel the changes in her muscle tension and the transformation of internal organs. This change continued for a period of time, and then slowly stopped.

   The gene liquid in the cell acts a small part when it first enters the human body, and most of the rest do not move at all.

   The body naturally absorbs a limited amount of liquid medicine at one time, and the subsequent liquid medicine will be slowly absorbed by the body over time.

   This is the so-called talent in the interstellar world. Talented people will absorb more liquid medicine each time, so their physical fitness will naturally improve quickly, while those without talent will absorb less liquid medicine and slow progress.

  From the first absorption, it can actually be seen how the body's ability to absorb liquid medicine is.

   Lin Huai was a little disappointed.

   This physical talent is not much different from the body of the previous world.

   are all at a low-to-medium level. Compared with ordinary people, they are slightly better, but compared with those real geniuses, they are not a little bit worse.

   Just as his mood was a little depressed, there was an abnormal movement in his body.

   The animal energy energy that also resides in the cells feels the gene medicine liquid squeezed in hard, and their homes are occupied by strange things, which makes them very unhappy.

   These animal qis, after the liquid medicine stopped working, they saw the time and swarmed up to fight the genetic medicine liquid.

   Lin Huai's body has a lot of animal energy, but evenly distributed to each cell, the animal energy is very scarce.

   Although the amount of gene medicine contained in each cell is not a lot, it still has the upper hand compared with animal gas.

   Under the crisis of extinction in the homeland being occupied, these beasts are extremely aggressive. They are not afraid of the seemingly powerful opponents, and their entire bodies rush towards the liquid medicine.

   The scene looks very tragic. The strength of the two sides is very different. The strength of the liquid medicine side is at least a hundred times that of the animal spirit side.

   Two things from different worlds come into contact. The shocking thing happened.

   Although there are many liquid medicines, they can't do any harm to the energy of animal energy at all. On the contrary, they seem to be very weak animal energy ~www.ltnovel.com~ They do majestic blessings on the liquid medicine, and even take a bite from time to time.

   The liquid medicine that was bitten disappeared forever, and the animal energy that swallowed the liquid medicine also increased a bit.

   won't hurt, it's still good if you eat it, that's it!

   I absorbed a little bit of the beast energy of the liquid medicine, and became excited instantly, and the whole group of beast energy fell on the liquid medicine, sucking frantically, as if eating something very delicious.

   Such a strong change occurred in a single cell, and so many cells in Lin Huai's body were undergoing such changes at the same time.

   His body turned blood red shortly after drinking the medicine, and the amount of animal energy on his body increased rapidly under the nourishment of the medicine.

   The increase in animal energy spontaneously led to the improvement of physical fitness. Lin Huai felt that his body was getting lighter and lighter, as if he was about to float.

Lin Huai knew that this was the illusion brought to him by the drastically improved agility attributes in his body. Although he had not experienced it, he had read the autobiography of geniuses, which described in detail how easy they were when taking medicine and improved their physical fitness. Time, how fast.

  Before, he would only imagine these things when he was dreaming, but he didn't expect that he would really experience this feeling in reality.

   Ten minutes later, the blood on the body surface disappeared, and Lin Huai's body returned to calm.

   Lin Huai moved his right hand lightly, and his entire hand moved across the air with an afterimage, so fast that his eyes did not react.

   He couldn't wait to shout to Number One:

   "Detect itself."

   "Lin Huai, physical fitness strength 13.6, agility 15.6, physical fitness 13.7."

   Seeing the test result, Lin Huai's eyes widened, and he felt that it was the same thing, but it was another thing to actually see the result.

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