Then, he took out a pill from his bag and looked at the pill, his eyes flashed with fleshy pain.

"Captain, this is a God-Awakening Pill that you only have a share per month, isn't it necessary." Ke Xinlong was shocked when he saw the pill. Why did the captain take out such a valuable thing?

"How can it be unnecessary? You see Lin Huai's face is pale. This is a manifestation of mental exhaustion. A bad one will have a great impact on the future."

Wu Wenguo gritted his teeth with a touch of flesh pain, and put the pill into his arms. Lin Huai’s mouth was dying.

Lin Huai pretended to refuse, but the resistance was too weak, so Wu Wenguo forced it in.

When Ke Xinlong came out with the name Awakening God Pill, Lin Huai secretly asked No.1 to scan the pill. It was definitely not a mess that the pill was named.

"Xing Shen Dan has the effect of quickly restoring mental power and slightly increasing the upper limit of mental power. Formulated medicine:"

If ordinary medicine can produce a pill that increases the upper limit of mental power, No. 1 has already analyzed it. Since there is no, then it must be the Xing Shen Pill with special ingredients added.

Sure enough, Lin Huai glanced at the formula table and found an unknown elixir that was not in the No. 1 database. The other elixir, no matter how they were combined, did not have the effect of enhancing mental power. Then, the problem must be this. Above the unknown elixir.

I don't know where the source of this elixir is.

The effect of Xingshen Pill was really nothing. Although Lin Huai felt that the quality of this pill was not very good, it was really strong when it came into play.

Not long after Lin Huai ate the Xing Shen Dan, he felt that some of the mental power he had just lost was recovering at an extremely fast speed. All the mental power was restored, and the medicinal effect with nowhere to go began to limit his mental power. Start to improve.

Although the upper limit has not been increased very much, and the total amount is still very slight, the ability to increase the upper limit has already made Lin Huai very happy.

As long as he had a awakening **** pill some time ago, he would not be stuck on a bottleneck for so long.

The Alien Management Bureau is right, there must be more treasures waiting to dig deeper.

Lin Huai's complexion became rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, except for a faint paleness, the rest returned to normal blood.

"How is it, do you feel the increase in mental strength?"

Ke Xinlong asked with envy, Wu Wenguo had nothing to say, so he would explain to Lin Huai: "This is the best awakening pill for improving mental strength. Even our captain can only get one share per month. , But now it is used by you to restore mental strength."

There was an attitude of ruining a good baby in the words.

"Thank you Captain, I will double the pill to you in the future." Lin Huai thanked Wu Wenguo.

No matter what he was thinking about, when Lin Huai needed it most, he at least extended a helping hand. Even if Lin Huai had no problems in fact, he still had to remember the kindness.

"You don't need to pay it back, just as I gave it to you, don't think too much."

Wu Wenguo waved his hand, and when he delivered the pill, he was still a little painful. Once he delivered it, his mentality immediately adjusted back.

Some things should be used or should be used.

Seeing Lin Huai regaining his previous vigorous appearance, he explained to Ke Xinlong:

"Ke, you take Lin Huai around our headquarters, introduce him to key places, come to the registration office to find me later."

After that, Wu Wenguo nodded towards Lin Huai and left with the young woman.

"They arranged follow-up training and companions for you."

Seeing Lin Huai's doubts, Ke Xinlong explained a little bit, "Let's go, I will show you around our headquarters, you still have to recognize some places."

Lin Huai followed, and the two started from the second floor, slowly moving upwards.

The second floor was very noisy. As soon as the door was opened, many phone calls came into Lin Huai's ears, which was mixed with the crackling of keyboards, which was very lively.

Ke Xinlong introduced: "The second floor is the information center. The people who work here are usually ordinary people. On this floor, there are our dedicated operators and information analysts. They are responsible for reviewing cases reported by the public security bureaus in Jiangbei Province. In addition to the information provided by the public, we also have a network supervision department, which is specifically responsible for collecting information on the strangers on the Internet in order to make correct treatment."

There is a unified computer on the desk, and the operator with a formulaic smile is listening to the phone while quickly recording the news on the computer.

Ordinary talents are the main body of this world, and no matter how powerful a person is, he still needs ordinary help.

The two went up.

"The third floor is the place where our supernaturalists gather. This is the place where the quests are delivered, and there is also the exchange office for rewards. Every time you complete a quest, you can get the corresponding quest points. Only if you have quest points, you can redeem them for the Aliens Exchange the things on the list."

"This exchange method is basically similar to the Martial Arts Association, but our mission points cannot be exchanged in kind. They can only be obtained by completing missions. We only talk about contributions here. No matter how much wealth you have, you cannot convert them into our mission points."

Ke Xinlong walked into the third floor as he introduced.

Compared with the second floor, there are a lot fewer people on the third floor. Except for the staff, there are only three or four people on the whole floor.

"Ke, bring new people again?"

"Ke, every time Captain Wu asks you to bring a new person, don't you feel annoying?"

"Good new person, looks so handsome, tell my sister, what is your name?"

Everyone seemed to know each other. When they saw Ke Xinlong coming in, almost everyone raised their heads and exchanged greetings.

Even Lin Huai afflicted Chi Yu and was asked for his name.

"Hello, brothers and sisters, my name is Lin Huai, and I will take care of it in the future." Mengxin Lin Huai greeted them lovely.

"Wow, so cute."

"Ke, he has not been assigned to an old man. If not, assign him to me."

"Hoof! If it hadn't been for me to have assigned me a novice in the I would definitely fight with you this time."

Ke Xinlong was dumbfounded.

It's a good bet, why is there a fight, you don't know what his power is, just fight here, are you afraid of being cheated by him in the future?

Is it so handsome? !

I am envious, I want it too.

No, I can't let Lin Huai fall into such an embarrassing situation!

"Brothers and sisters, don't fight here. Our team leader will decide who Lin Huai's companion is. It's useless for you to fight. It's useless to give way to trouble. I'm introducing our headquarters to Lin Huai."

Ke Xinlong's attitude is a bit humble, it seems that his status is indeed not very high.

Anyway, they escaped from the hands of a few peach-eyed sisters, and Lin Huai was sweating for himself.

No, it’s so ugly already, everyone still thinks handsome, so it’s just a little bit ugly.

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