"Are you... looking for information?" Wu Wenguo didn't know how to speak.

"No, I'm just playing here when I'm idle. I can't even read the words clearly when I act like this. How could I be checking information." Lin Huai did not move, a lot of data flashed in his eyes.

However, in Wu Wenguo's eyes, his actions were dull-eyed and just in a daze.

Wu Wenguo was a little surprised. Now young people are bored to such a degree, are they wasting time here? When I was young, how could I always feel that time was not enough.

"If you have time, you can practice more meditation. With your talent, you only need to be a little bit diligent and it's very easy to become a strong one."

Wu Wenguo persuaded with all his heart.

The staff who are pretending to be working seriously, but in fact have been using the sidelines to look here, are a little surprised.

When did they see the second team captain such a motherly side, you must know that Wu Wenguo left them with the image of a tough guy.

Treating this differently, is this the son of Captain Wu?

The last name is not right, is it an illegitimate child?

A group of people began to think about it.

"I know, I'll just play around. If the captain has something to do, let's go first." Lin Huai issued an order to leave.

It affects my study, so hurry up.

Wu Wenguo heard the meaning of Lin Huai's words, hesitated for a while, and finally persuaded him:

"Be careful not to play for too long."

Then he really left.

He doesn't understand the minds of young people, but he knows that young people nowadays are spoiled and can't bear too many grievances.

He was afraid that if he said a few more words, he would scare this little genius away.

Unexpectedly, the captain was so easy to dismiss, listening to Wu Wenguo's departure, Lin Huai suddenly had such an idea in his heart.

So much the better.

Lin Huai continued to focus on the computer.

With so many people present, no one doubted what he was doing quickly.

Everyone thought he was boring and fooling around there, not to mention that Lin Huai stopped from time to time and picked a piece of content to check it carefully. This is even less doubtful, because of this kind of action, when they are irritated in processing data, Do the same.

The information in the information database can be called a vast ocean. Lin Huai quickly browsed for a few hours, and at most he saw the amount of a river. It is very difficult to master all the information database.

A river is very small compared to the sea, and the sea is not in a state of immutability. In fact, there are countless streams flowing into this ocean of information at every moment.

Unless these data can be directly copied to the chip in his head, otherwise, it must take a long time.

Unfortunately, for the sake of safety, the chip does not have a wireless data transmission interface. Of course, even if it is installed, Lin Huai dare not mess around like this.

It’s not a big deal. Many of the materials he wants to check have been found through the search function and recorded in his mind. Although the other parts are also useful, they are still useful for him now. no.

Lin Huai, who has so much information, has an understanding of the basic rules of this world, and also knows most of the latest research results.

The superiority and inferior quality of beast energy, the precautions of the vitality martial artist when breaking through each realm, the realm above the great martial artist, the current international situation on earth...

This kind of vital content, he understood clearly from the information database.

The content in the information database is more detailed and specific than Xie Lan's explanation. There are many things Xie Lan only understands. It is a feeling of understanding but not understanding. It really made her say that she couldn't tell. .

However, in the information database, this knowledge is explained clearly from beginning to end, from beginning to end, so that Lin Huai, who only knows some relevant knowledge, can easily understand it.

If he knew this information, he wouldn't be able to make a potion with auras like a perfect potion when he first prepared the potion.

When the physical body reaches its limit, it will not be so entangled, and it will almost burst the body with the massive aura rewarded by heaven and earth.


The importance of information is self-evident.

Fortunately, nothing major happened, all came over without danger.

After understanding the relevant content, Lin Huai also had a new perspective on the future road.

It seems that this world can bring myself a real opportunity to take off.


On the third day, the Alchemist Alliance's residence, outside a very wide courtyard, welcomed two uninvited guests.

Lin Huai dressed up as a middle-aged man, wearing a white robe, with a gentle and elegant breath, followed by bodyguard Xiaoqiang, his eyes were blank, his face was cold, and he was quite lethal.

There are several people coming in and out of the gate, there is no security guard, it seems that there is no qualification restriction.

The two raised their legs and walked into the courtyard gate full of the sense of the times. The courtyard is not small, but there is no sense of emptyness. The crowds who come and go are either serious expressions discussing the problem, or gathering in front of alchemy furnaces of different sizes. Fiddle with the stove.

These people, old and young, are of all ages, the oldest, with white hair, and almost losing their teeth. They are still on the trembling stove swinging, and the youngest has obvious faces. Sentimental, the true age will never exceed eighteen years old.

Although the ages were different, Lin Huai looked around and everyone was seriously discussing the problem of alchemy. No one took this in mind. The old man and the little kid could still talk very deeply about the problem of alchemy.

With the power of Lin Huai's ears, just standing at the door, all the voices in the courtyard can be heard clearly, so he knows what these people are talking about there.

Almost all are the problems of alchemy, or the problem of refining basic pills.

Among so many so-called alchemists, only half of them can refine the basic pill, and the remaining half are so-called half-hearted.

Either you don’t have the money to buy the pill furnace, or you are stuck in which step of the operation~www.ltnovel.com~ The latter has the largest proportion, so the people who ask the operation questions are the most, but the people who can refine the pill are actually more than half of them. With luck and feel, there is no such ability to teach people.

Despite this, these people are still trying to tell their own experience and teach their own operations, without any selfishness.

Alchemists at the current stage are all in the early days of Reiki, and they have experienced countless failures before they succeed. Therefore, they are very supportive of the Alchemist Alliance, an organization that can group together and exchange experiences.

"This is my power, what it should be like."

Lin Huai stood there, looked at the people in the yard, and nodded in satisfaction.

Technology is almost okay, you can teach yourself, but loyalty and heart are not something you can learn by teaching.

"Raise the furnace to 120 degrees, otherwise you will still fail this time in alchemy."

Lin Huai stood beside a young alchemist who seemed a little jerky in his technique, and said calmly.

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