"How is it possible, Mr. Yang, don't make a mistake."

"That's right, Mr. Yang, take a closer look. You can't talk nonsense like this."

"Old Yang, it’s not that we don’t believe it, but that it’s too ridiculous. We can see this pill clearly. It was made by this little guy. But before this little guy, it was difficult even to become a pill. Could it be this master? Can the guidance of the company have such a big effect?"


"Don't quarrel, Mr. Yang is right."

Before Mr. Yang could explain anything, several senior old people who had received the pill came forward to speak for him:

"So many of us have identified that it is the result of Yang Lao. Yes, you will feel incredible, but the fact is that the quality of the pill that this young man has just refined is higher than all of us here. ."

The atmosphere freezes instantly, and the audience is silent.

It is as if faith has been broken and fantasy has been exposed.

With just a few words of instruction, a person's abilities have reached this level. At this moment, they feel that their three views are somewhat subverted.

The young alchemist exulted for a while in the quiet atmosphere, and knelt before Lin Huai with a bang.

"Thank you, Master, for teaching me the technique of alchemy. Thank you, Master, for taking me into the door of the alchemist."

After speaking, bang bang bang, there are three rattles on the ground.

Lin Huai didn't dodge or hide. After receiving the bow of the young alchemist, he nodded slightly, his face still full of faint smile.

The knowledge taught by oneself can make a novice who can't even refine a pill to be directly promoted to an alchemist who can refine an excellent basic pill.

In Lin Huai's view, it is normal to express such a big gift.

The kowtow of the young alchemist awakened the alchemist who was still in shock. They saw the young alchemist kneeling on the ground with a pious face, and Lin Huai, who had never been surprised from beginning to end.

The shock was slightly reduced, and he knew what he should do now.

These alchemists immediately surrounded Lin Huai, and words of advice and compliments popped out of their mouths.

"Master, I have been stuck in this bottleneck for a long time, can you help me see why?"

"Master, I can't refine a complete pill, can you help me guide and guide like him."

"Master, Master, I'm kneeling for you, so teach me. I really can't make a pill."


Lin Huai, who appeared in the Alchemist Alliance for the first time, was directly crowned with the title of a master.

This title is owned by only four or five people in the Alchemist Alliance. These people don’t know how much work it took to get this title. I didn’t expect Lin Huai to easily get everyone’s approval and was very passive. Got this master title.

"Don't worry, take your time one by one."

Lin Huai smiled and said to everyone.

These are all his subordinates in the future, and their alchemy skills have come up, which means they can make more money for themselves, and of course they must teach them well.

At the very least, you must use most of the half-heartedness so that they can refine, at least inferior pill, so that they can bring more profits.

Of course, Lin Huai would definitely not really use his heart to teach. At most, he would teach the refining methods of first-class pill, higher-level techniques, and he would not easily disclose it.

What's more, even if he puts the operation method in front of these people at the higher level and above, they will not be able to refine it.

Refining pill, still need to pay attention to talent.

It has been so many years since the spiritual energy has recovered, and the alchemy is still half-hearted, saying that they are alchemists, and the people of the world are promoting them.

Even if they have some talent, they will definitely not have more.

Of course, although talent is critical, it is not essential. As long as you practice more, you can still become a senior alchemist even with a little talent.

Note that it is more practice, this is more, as much as you want to vomit.

It was too slow to answer the doubts one by one. Lin Huai answered a few questions, and his mentality of being a good teacher became a bit irritable.

Straw bags, all straw bags!

These guys are asking all basic questions. After studying for so long, they didn’t even touch the door of the alchemist. Finally, someone asked a little technical question. They just explained it in words. These dumb guys don’t understand. .

"Well, I already know what the problem is with everyone."

Lin Huai stretched out his hand and pressed it down. The noisy yard just now quieted down.

This kind of prestige is already comparable to the high-level members of the Alchemist Alliance.

"I will show you from start to finish and explain the refining method of the basic pill. You will memorize it carefully. In addition, I allow you to take notes, but you are not allowed to use any video equipment. Once I find out who uses it, I will Kick him out of the hospital right away~www.ltnovel.com~ I hope you won't let me down."

Xiaoqiang flashed a few times in the yard, and forced the cameras that were facing the yard to the other side.

What he wanted to teach was simply incomprehensible only by the words in his notes. Only by watching it in person or seeing the complete video can he truly understand it.

Therefore, in order not to leak information, he needs to take protective measures early.

Hearing that Lin Huai wanted to explain in detail in person, all alchemists were extremely excited.

If the master doesn't like video, then don't video.

As long as the master is willing to explain to us in detail, we are willing to do anything.

"Already paid attention to me. If anyone dares to take out a mobile phone or something to record, we will never end with him.

"Yes, if anyone dares to ruin our chances, whoever is our greatest enemy."

Lin Huai didn't say anything threatening, and the crowd spontaneously began to warn each other.

He still didn’t understand the treatment he should have as a master alchemist. You must know that although there are master alchemists in the Alchemist Alliance, they don’t have the time to spend on this group of newcomers, and second, they don’t even have them. Know how to teach newcomers.

These master-level alchemists are actually piled up with a lot of resources. All they have is the touch, allowing them to refine the pill, but it is really difficult for them to teach others.

No matter what you ask, the answer is to practice more and practice more, except for this, there is nothing else.

There is no such obvious effect when Lin Huai taught.

In the minds of these alchemists, Lin Huai's alchemy ability is actually higher than that of all alchemists in the Alchemy Alliance, but the highest name they know is only the master, so they call it the master.

If there were titles such as Grand Master, Grand Master, they would have called it that way.

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