"It's decided. I will only chase Lin Huai from now on. I won't chase other coquettish bitches!"

The girls’ dormitory, a young and beautiful woman, snapped a screenshot of Lin Huai’s appearance when she was on the stage, and then she happily tore up all the posters of her wall full of muscle stars.

"me too!"

"Good sister, send me a screenshot! If I don't look at my baby Lin Huai at night, I will never sleep!"

Several other girls in the dormitory, dressed in cool and good-looking looks, also screamed.


The four Luo Gaoli were naturally aware of this, and looked at Lin Huai with very envy.

Is it so handsome?

Lin Huai was also taken aback by the audience's reaction. He touched his face and concealed himself. He had already vilified himself so much. Why do so many people like me?

Don't understand, don't understand.

But at this point, this face has been exposed to the people of the whole province, and it is not easy to change it anymore. I can only barely accept the heat.

Oh, trouble.

Lin Huai sighed.

The crowd stood on the side of the ring. Ten people from the two schools stood on both sides of the ring and looked at each other.

Although the five people in Baima High School didn't say anything on the surface, they were extremely jealous of the treatment Yi Gao received.

When the two teams played, the limelight was all high. They didn't even pay attention to them. To the audience, they were no different from cats and dogs.

This kind of differential treatment is something that the participants of White Horse High School have to experience every year. Although everyone has been prepared in their hearts, they will still feel very angry when they encounter it.

Especially the little white face on the opposite side, not much strength, but a lot of ability to hook up girls.

Wait, no matter how high you stand now, you will fall miserably after a while!

Several people thought angrily in their hearts.

The referee on the ring announced the ranking of the participants.

The captain of the White Horse One High was very surprised that the finale was not Qin Zixin. It stands to reason that when encountering a weak team like them, shouldn't the two fifth-level martial arts trainees go first?

This just made them blow the opponent's self-confidence, but the opponent didn't seem to play the card according to the routine.

This is a bit difficult.

Captain White Horse was a little worried.

The average level 6 martial artist can't beat the level 7 martial artist. The few people who appeared in the front are likely to be eliminated by the opposing captain. Even if her physical strength is consumed and she can easily defeat her in the end, it will be difficult for herself. Deal with the remaining three people opposite.

The other four people also thought of this, their faces were very ugly.

The opponents changed their routines a little bit. They were originally confident that they felt difficult to parry. Are they paying so much, or just the same as before, they will be eliminated in the first game?

Regardless of what they thought, the referee immediately called out the players in the first round after reading the order of the players.

"Luo Gaoli from Taishan City, against Shi Haonan from White Horse High School."

After the two came on stage, Shi Haonan was the only fifth-level martial artist in White Horse High School. The surface was rustic and the inside was actually very fierce. He was able to suppress or even defeat the sixth-level martial artist in daily battles.

Putting him in the first position is to let him solve the two fifth-level trash fish that are one high at once.

Luo Gaoli, a sixth-level martial arts apprentice, is mid-range in strength among the first-high five, but he is keen on strength and is extremely concerned about strength training. Among the three attributes, the strength attribute is particularly prominent.

The first round begins.

It is still the start of vigorous physical training. This kind of basic martial art popularized throughout the country can not only be practiced, but it is also extremely powerful in actual combat. It is even better than many third-rate martial arts that focus on lethality. So every school, There is also no way to teach other martial arts ignorantly.

Lin Huai looked up.

In the battle between the two, Luo Gaoli definitely had the upper hand. His emphasis on strength fits the spiritual connotation of Vigorous Bodybuilding Boxing. Every punch is made with all strength, and the wind is whistling.

Without knowing the specific information, Shi Haonan accidentally received Luo Gaoli's punch, and his right hand was almost interrupted.

After that, he had a long memory, and ran around the ring, determined not to go head-to-head with Luo Gaoli. If he couldn't avoid it, he hit the deadly part of Luo Gaoli, wanting to replace the injury with the injury. At this time, Luo Gaoli would often hesitate a little. Willing to be hurt.

In a short period of time, the two had formed a deadlock in a certain sense.

Shi Haonan didn't dare to approach Luo Gaoli, and Luo Gaoli didn't want to deal with a small fifth-level martial arts apprentice, and even suffered injuries.

Deng Peng, the captain of the White Horse High School, looked very ugly. Don't look at the deadlock between the two now. As long as Luo Gaoli is a little tougher, Shi Haonan's elimination is a sure thing.

They have prepared for so long and paid so much, but they did not expect to encounter this situation in the first round, which made him feel very aggrieved~www.ltnovel.com~ too little actual combat experience! "

Lin Huai shook his head, and was a little speechless towards Luo Gaoli. Playing at level 6 at level 5 could actually drag on for so long.

Play a good hand with a pulpy.

Fortunately, Luo Gaoli also had some fighting talents, and it didn't take long for him to realize that something was wrong. He actually consumed so much energy on a fifth-level martial arts apprentice, that's not bad.

With one gritted teeth, one fierce blow, one grabbed Shi Haonan, despite his desperate resistance, with the other hand, against him was a full-strength exercise punch.


Just for a moment, Shi Haonan was beaten into a concussion, with gold stars in his eyes, and the whites of his eyes almost turned out.

Both hands and feet fell heavily to the ground, losing all resistance.

After being beaten by Luo Gaoli, he was almost interrupted, let alone hit the head.

Even though the skull is very thick, the punch strength attached to the fist is quite lethal to the fragile brain.

Luo Gaoli didn't care about these. The coach had reminded them that if they didn't hear the voice of surrender from the opponent or the other team leader, they would never stop.

Pretending to be dead was also a very useful strategy in previous battles.

As the coach is concerned, of course Rogoli must implement it 100%.

Pressing the head with the left hand, the right hand was squeezed into a fist and raised quickly, and the trend of continuing to hit downward was very obvious.

The audience at the scene or watching the live broadcast is timid and has subconsciously closed their eyes. Of course, there are still many people watching calmly.

No one said bloody, no one said cruel.

In the Aura era, there are more **** scenes, and everyone has been accustomed to them. Everyone will not sympathize with the weak. On the contrary, the powerful and unforgiving Luo Gaoli will be appreciated by the audience.

To treat opponents and enemies is to have such a personality.

Only when the next generation has such a performance will they feel relieved.

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