
"One high is the best! One high is the best!"

"Is he really a man, I admire you!"

"Good! Good! Good!"


The whole audience was boiling, and everyone was cheering for Luo Gaoli.

The feeling of suffocation suppressed by remote areas, the feeling of powerlessness being questioned by no one can stand, at this time, all disappeared.

Luo Gaoli's behavior of surviving from the Jedi and turning defeat into victory has perfectly proved to everyone that there are many geniuses in provincial capital cities, and there is nothing wrong with putting resources on the provincial capital.

The other three arena matches have been ignored. At this time, everyone has only one focus, and that is one high, which is Taishan City one high.

Students and teachers in a high rest area in Taishan City were also cheering.

They already know that White Horse High School is definitely not a weak team like it used to be. In the past, the name of a strong team is definitely indispensable.

To deal with such a strong team, Luo Gaoli can still trade one for two, which is really amazing.

The two fifth-level martial arts apprentices were also cheering. They were cheering for Luo Gaoli and at the same time cheering for themselves.

Fortunately, I didn't go!

It's really going to happen, the dog's brain can be beaten out.

They don't have the strength of Luo Gaoli, let alone the second level six martial artist of Baima High School, even the first level five martial artist, they are not opponents, going up is simply self-inflicted.

At the same time, the two of them looked at Lin Huai who was standing in the middle of the team with great gratitude.

On the stage, when the cheers were all moving for Luo Gaoli, the players from White Horse High School stood motionless, with self-blame and despair on their faces, and they trembled constantly.

Obviously, it was a win-win situation, just because I vented my inner injustice, I was caught in the loopholes.

why? Why is God doing this to us?

We were born in a poverty-stricken mountainous area, and even the opportunity to study was asked door-to-door by teachers. Finally, we encountered a rejuvenation of spiritual energy. Without the help of resources, we still did nothing.

I finally saw a glimmer of opportunity. After eating the pill that the principal had bought at a high price, the follow-up path was cut off because of excessive impurities.

This league is our last hope, but not only did I meet a strong team in the first game, I also made such a big mistake.

What did we do wrong?

God you have to treat us like this!

Self-blame and regret eroded his heart.

His face was hideous, and there was a faint expression of madness.

The country attaches great importance to education. The resources allocated by the high school league are extremely precious resources, which cannot be bought casually with money or even merit points.

A school like Taishan City with such a rich financial strength is so concerned about the distribution of resources, not to mention the poor Baima High School, which can’t wait to split a penny in half.

The referee on the ring, seeing the expression of the white horse player, rushed forward, grabbed his clothes, lifted him high, and shouted to the principal of White Horse High School:

"Take him back to me! How do you teach in your school? You don't even have the ability to bear this snack, so you can practice martial arts! Transfer to liberal arts as soon as possible!"

This is the most disgusting thing about ring referees, because they fall into despair and can't jump out because of the win or loss of a game.

Who has never failed, and if you fail once, you can double your efforts and win back.

Self-pity is the most disgusting.

He had no idea that if this league loses, this student will never have a chance to win it back.

The principal of White Horse High School sighed without arguing, and jumped into the ring to lead back the student who was thrown on the ground by the referee.

"The game is not over yet, everything is possible."

Captain Deng Peng looked very ugly, but he still reluctantly comforted the players who staggered back: "Maybe they just put the strong ones in front, and the rest are weak ones. Only we kill the opposite second. There shouldn’t be much problem with a female captain who has won the game."

He said that, but he didn't even believe it.

Not to mention that to deal with the female captain of the seventh-level strength, you need to fight off a few people on your side, even if you do, there is a final sixth-level martial artist on the opposite side.

Deng Peng felt extremely regretful, regretting why he didn't make the first appearance. If he could be the first one, the pressure on his side would be much less, and there would be no chance for that silly Luo Gaoli to perform.

Still thinking of consumption, and then consumption, all the players will be consumed.


The referee shouted: "In the next round, will Taishan No. 1 High School make a substitution?"

Luo Gaoli couldn't stand still now, and the substitution was a sure thing, he just shouted a routine.

But unexpectedly, Luo Gaoli didn't even have the intention to go on.

Sitting on the ring, he shouted boldly: "I can still fight, let me consume them another wave!"

The principal Yuan Hongchun just had a peach-faced face, and he suddenly became black~www.ltnovel.com~ He roared: "Get it down! Your current injury can be healed quickly, but if it gets more severe, it can It can't be cured in a short time. Why, you just want to participate in one game, and you won't participate in the next game?!"

Luo Gaoli's spirited face became stiff, and then a touch of embarrassment appeared.

It was hitting the top, and I forgot such an important thing.

With the advent of the Aura era, medical technology has indeed been greatly improved. In addition, the league is equipped with the best medical team in the province. As long as the injury is not too serious, it can be cured in a short time.

But if the fight continues and there are fractures or other serious injuries, even if he is eventually healed, it will not be possible to heal in such a short time.

Controlling injuries is also a skill.

Luo Gaoli, who was in his head, completely forgot about this matter. If it is the finals now, Yuan Hongchun has absolutely nothing to say. It is very cost-effective to use a serious injury for the opponent's physical exhaustion.

But now it's only the first game. At this time, I was seriously injured.

Luo Gaoli regained his composure and stopped paying attention to his image. He immediately limped off the stage.

The White Horse High School player standing on the stage was expressionless and didn't care about such an episode. He had to concentrate all his energy and physical strength to deal with the upcoming female captain.

"Try to do it myself, I don't bother to be on stage." Lin Huai said with a smile to Qin Zixin who was eager to try.

"Don't worry, you won't have a chance to play!"

Qin Zixin clenched her small fist and waved it a few times in the air, looking very violent.

Turned around and jumped onto the ring, Qin Zixin, who was very cute just now, immediately turned into a cold look that no strangers would enter.

The expression on her face changed so quickly that the opponent who had been secretly paying attention to her felt an instant sense of astonishment.

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