As the video played here, the light curtain became dim again.

After seeing this scene, many people immediately realized that the video about this entry has come to an end, and the rest, this is only one problem.

However, they are still very curious about the next question.

In the face of such a special rocket team trio, what questions will this mysterious light curtain ask?

Within a chat group.

Azov: “To be honest, I still don’t want to believe that they are really Rockets. ”

Matsuba: “I’m more concerned about now than that, what the next question will be.” ”

Tie Xuan: “Hahaha! I feel the same way. ”

Ah Bi: “It seems that everyone is starting to pay attention to the final questions. ”

Xia Bo: “Indeed, after all, the incredible thing that was rewarded with magical candy before, who wouldn’t want to get it?” ”

Vegetable seed: “If you are lucky, you may be able to enter the Heavenly King level through this.” ”

Winter melon: “This kind of thing is useless by luck alone, and you need something else, such as Pingyi and people.” ”

Denji: “Don’t mention this sad thing, instead of saying this, we might as well think about what the next problem is, if we really guess correctly, can we have more time to think?” ”

While everyone was still discussing in the group, this time the problem also appeared on the light curtain.

[Is Team Rocket trio evil or not?] 】

After seeing this problem, many people couldn’t help but be stunned, after all, the impression that Team Rocket is an evil organization can be said to have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But now that such a question has suddenly been asked, they really don’t know how to answer it.

And they have to admit that there are quite a few differences between the Rockets trio and the rest of the Rockets.

If nothing else, just the touching scene played before is already very telling.

But in the same way, as members of Team Rocket, not many people want to believe that they are good people, after all, they have also snatched other people’s elves, but they have failed in the end.

In this way, how to answer this question is even more entangled.

In the Guandu area, Ash and his group.

“Can anyone tell me how to answer that question?”

After staring at the problem on the light curtain for a long time and thinking about it, Ash had become a little crazy.

If it had been before, Ash would have hesitated to decide that Team Rocket was a bad person without hesitation after seeing this problem, after all, Team Rocket had given him a really bad impression before.

But after seeing the video of the Rockets trio, it was difficult for him to say something like that.

“Pickup ~ Pickup ~”

Pikachu has the same idea as Pikachu, and Pikachu at this time is already thinking about whether to start lightly when facing the Rocket Team trio in the future.

“It’s a really hard question to answer, and I didn’t expect that the Rockets would have another unknown side.”

“It seems impossible to simply categorize them into good people and bad people.”

Also thinking about this is Xiao Gang.

Although he had long known that the world was not black and white.

But someone as complicated as Team Rocket’s trio, he really met for the first time.

So he, like Ash, also didn’t know how to choose this question.

“Well, how about we pick one at random?”

“But I personally prefer that they are not evil.”

And Xiaoxia’s side was not so entangled, and directly chose to put it on the table.

Because in her opinion, at this time and a half, there will definitely be no discussion of a result.

Besides, even if you answer incorrectly, there is no punishment, in that case, just answer a no?

Sinnoh area.

“Judging by their love of elves, it’s really hard to believe what a bad guy they would be.”

“But since they are members of the evil organization, I am afraid that they have indeed done some bad things.”

“But if it’s them, even if they make some mistakes, they shouldn’t be bad, right?”

Also troubled by this problem is Zhulan.

However, she didn’t think about it for too long, and she already had the answer in her heart.

In her opinion, most of the crimes in this world actually revolve around elves.

After all, the reason why most people commit crimes is nothing more than the problem of interests, and elves can undoubtedly bring them great benefits.

Especially those rare elves, if they can catch one by luck, they may be able to sell it for a sky-high price, which is completely enough for them to use for the rest of their lives.

And with Team Rocket’s love for elves, it’s unlikely that you’ll do anything excessive to the elves.

In this case, although it is true that they are not good people in the general sense, they are also very different from the wicked.

In this way, the answer is obvious.

In the Guandu area, the rocket team and the group.

“You even ask us if we are evil?”

“This kind of question is too simple, after all, we are a member of the evil organization Rocket, and we are cute and charming villains.”

“It’s just meow.”

Unlike the others, the Rockets trio made their choice without hesitation after seeing this problem.

Just kidding, as a cute and charming villain.

Naturally, they are evil.

Have you ever seen a villain who isn’t evil?

Although they also have to admit that so far, they don’t seem to have any results.

But that doesn’t affect their identity at all, doesn’t it?

Besides, they’ve always been trying to be the big badass, at least that’s what they think.

After a few minutes, everyone had chosen their answer, and the correct answer was quickly announced.

[The correct answer is: Team Rocket trio is not evil, let’s congratulate those lucky viewers who answered correctly! ] 】

(PS: All viewers who answer correctly will receive some surprise gifts at random.) )

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