Sun Tzu has finished his lesson, and it’s time to answer the question.

[Dr. Ohki: My answer is D, Howe Inu. 】

Dr. Ohki had a smile on his face and full of confidence, and the world’s rewards were all in my hands.

[Wrong answer.] 】

The punch in the face came so quickly that Dr. Ohki didn’t expect it at all, one second he was still laughing, the next second he was crying.

“Impossible, how can Gou Hao not be the right answer?”

Dr. Ohki is going crazy.

But it’s useless to go crazy, and you can’t hide from the punishment you dare to receive.

The live answering system lowers the penalty.

[Punishment: Hug with stinky mud for ten minutes.] 】

Cuddle with stinky mud for ten minutes? After seeing the content of the punishment, Dr. Ohki’s face turned green.

How terrifying is the stinky mud of biochemical weapons, Dr. Ohki knows too well, and hugging stinky mud for ten minutes is simply killing him!

[Konah: It’s horrible. 】

[Daigo: It’s open, it’s open, I’m betting Dr. Ohki won’t last ten minutes at all. 】

[Wataru: Ten minutes? At most, Dr. Ohki fainted. 】

[Karunai: Thank you Dr. Ohki, if he hadn’t helped to trample the thunder, we would probably be the ones who will be punished now.] 】

[Shirona: Dr. Ohki is so great. 】

[President Dama Lanqi: Don’t fall into the well, Dr. Ohki is dying!!! 】

In the video, Dr. Ohki, who is hugged by the stinky mud, looks loveless.

Today, no, it should be this week, Dr. Ohki don’t even want to go home, stay in the institute, his wife will definitely not let him enter the house until the stench of his body is gone.

The punishment was almost over, and the respondents in the comment section pulled the topic back to the answer.

[Du: C is not right, D is not right, is the correct answer really the Phoenix King? 】

Besides, Wataru really couldn’t think of any other answer that might be the right answer.

Yes, he knows that sometimes the least promising answer is the right answer, but this time is really different.

No matter how outrageous it is, we must also pay attention to the basic law, the water lord is afraid of fishing nets, and the water lord is afraid of fishing rods, how is this possible!

Even green caterpillars are not afraid of fishing nets, fishing rods, the famous god of the north wind, will not pull the crotch more than the green caterpillar, right?

[Shirona: If you have to choose, you can only choose A, forget it, I gave up, this question is a bit evil. 】

[Karunai: If you don’t give up, you can use it, answer incorrectly twice in a row, the answering live broadcast system does not seem to be ready to continue to find someone to answer, it is estimated that the correct answer will be announced. ] 】

[Heba: Come, I want to see what Shui Jun fears the most! 】

In anticipation, the video began to play –

The protagonists this time are Ash and a teenager with a dog’s head on his head.

[Daigo: Huh? Why is the boy with Ash on the dog’s head? 】

Daigo asked the doubts in the minds of the answerers who were watching the movie at the moment.

[Heba: I see, this guy is the legendary dog Hao!!! 】

Hiba had never understood what Dog Hao was before, but the first moment he saw this young man with a dog head on his head, Hiba had an understanding in his heart, he was Dog Hao.

At first, the answerers felt that the live answering system used a dog’s head to replace the original appearance of the teenager was a bit insulting, but as the plot deepened, they found that the action of the answering live broadcast system was too wise.

This man called Dog Howe is a real dog.

In the forest, the two encounter a poaching gang.

The poachers came for the water lord, wreaking havoc in the forest and dumping all kinds of garbage into the forest streams, polluting the only source of water in the forest.

How could Ash, who has always been anxious to be righteous and righteous when encountering such goods, endure it, and immediately let Pikachu intervene to stop them.

Pulling out the sword to help when the road is uneven, this is a good virtue of the trainer, and it is worthy of respect wherever it is.

But who knew that after Ash made a move, the man with the dog’s head on his head actually came.

“Ash, you’re always messing around!”

“Because there’s no way to stand idly by!”

As soon as it was compared, the difference in style between the two was immediately compared.

This is not the most doggy place for dog hao, and the next dog hao’s move is heavyweight, almost making the audience angry and bleeding.

Under the seduction of the poaching group, Shui Jun finally appeared.

However, there is still a big gap between this water lord and the audience’s impression of water lord.

In the impression of everyone, the strength of the legendary Pokémon Water King is definitely very strong, even if it is not comparable to Mewtwo and Dream, but at most it will lose to them, and there will not be much gap between them.

But the water jun in the video is not like this at all.

Although there is a long-term siege by the poaching group that does not talk about martial virtue, and the factors that consume his physical strength, his performance is not even satisfactory.

I was beaten by a few minions and couldn’t change hands.

Broken bag, stinky mud, double davas, these three elves once suppressed the legendary Water Lord in the battle, if you don’t see it with your own eyes, you dare to believe it?

[Mina-kun: Fake, fake, all fake. Hehe, it’s all phantoms, you can’t fool me. 】

The water lord he has pursued all his life is so holy and powerful, and the elf in the video who keeps eating is told me that it is the water lord?

Are you kidding?

That’s a water dog, and it doesn’t have anything to do with Shui Jun.

Shui Jun’s spicy performance is already very eye-catching, but there is a dog Hao in Shui Jun is destined to be only a supporting role, and a mountain is more “strong” than a mountain!

Our pride, the pride of the world, the dog hao, is about to strike!!!

(Flowers, evaluation votes, monthly passes have not risen for a day, and if someone looks at it again, please trouble to vote for the data, which is the first change today!!! )

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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