The first time, the second time.

Tianxia City Gorgeous Competition.

[N] and Riolu are not the type who like to do fancy things. One gives brief commands and the other is quick to act.

Even though they didn't use the two skills, they have already mastered the various moves after a long time of deep development and can do them easily.

With the vision and command of the champion trainer, they managed to turn this Gorgeous Competition into a bully game.

The second game of the Gorgeous Battle, Tokiaki Riolu VS Xiaoshi Blaziken.

It is not uncommon for senior coordinators to appear in each regional Gorgeous Competition. Even in a few prosperous regions, there are senior coordinators everywhere in the Gorgeous Competition.

But no matter who it is, it will always take a lot of hard work to fight against a veteran, and that is why there is a joke that veteran trainers are the threshold boss of every grand event.

But this one is really too different. Not only is the classic traditional battle brought to the grand stage, but it is also a one-sided crushing of trainers.

When the flame chicken lost its ability to fight and the three judges gave a cross, Xiao Shi really relaxed instantly.

While he took back the flame chicken, he wiped the cold sweat on his face.

Didn’t we agree that the strength of the coordinators in the Huaxia region is generally not enough? What happened to the suffocating battle intensity just now?!

The gym challenge has never given him such a huge pressure.

At the same time, the judge Constance looked at the taciturn "Shi Qiu" and suddenly a thought came to his mind.

It’s bad, have we delayed this child?

Judging from his usual performance, Shi Qiu is undoubtedly very talented in coordination.

But from today's perspective, he seems to be more vigorous in traditional battles?

If he follows the line of gym battle-Huaxia District League Competition-All-District Qualifying Competition-King Challenge, it seems to be smoother.

Coordinated battles do have their unique charm, but it makes Constance think that this kind of rules is also a limitation for teenagers.

"For gorgeous battles, it seems that some small reforms are needed."

For example, skills that are only beautiful on the surface can reduce the points deducted by the opponent, etc.

As the quality of coordinators gradually improves, the focus of the gorgeous competition will gradually shift from gorgeousness to coordination.

In the island paradise.

"If it is the real you against the opponent, can you beat the opponent?" Fiona raised her little face and asked [Shi Qiu] curiously.

"Of course." He is very confident on this issue.

Of course, it is not because of how outstanding his command ability is, but simply because he believes that the tacit understanding between him and Riolu is unmatched.

"But it will take a lot of effort."

The fighting dance, plus the Deserter skills derived from feinting, it is not very difficult to take down the opposing Flame Chicken, although it takes a while.



Finally, [N] successfully defeated the coordinator Ansu in the final battle and won the final victory.

He brought the Sky Cloud Ribbon to the paradise.

"The ribbon is like clouds, very beautiful." [Shi Qiu] put the ribbon under the sun and admired it through the light.

"(So beautiful! Can you give it to me, let me see it!)"

Manaphy was born not long ago, and she has a child's heart. She likes beautiful and shiny things when she sees them, and she cries and makes a fuss about wanting them.

[Shi Qiu] saw [N] nod, so he handed it over.

Suddenly, without any warning, Manaphy held the Sky Cloud Ribbon, and the red gem suddenly emitted light.

3, 2, 1.

When the elves came back to their senses, the souls of the boy and the young man had been exchanged.

"Huh, finally exchanged back." Shi Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, "Good timing."

N's breathing was also obviously much easier.

The experience of exchanging souls is indeed interesting and rare, but it is actually very mentally exhausting.

Well... I hope that similar situations will not happen again in the future.

Manaphy fiddled with the ribbon for a while, but soon lost interest in it, and threw it away with a wave of her hand.

Shi Qiu caught it steadily.

"Here, it's for you." Shi Qiu handed it to N.

N tilted his head slightly, quietly expressing his doubts with his eyes.

After returning to his body, he urgently needed to replenish his energy and became less talkative.

"You won it. This is one of the traces you left in this world. You should keep it for yourself." Shi Qiu said.

This is not the ribbon he got, so naturally he would not use it as one of the tickets to enter the gorgeous competition celebration


N thought about it and decided to keep the ribbon and put it in the pocket inside his clothes.

This is a kind of connection, and it just happened to be in the shape of a ribbon, as if tying him and the world together.



"Are you finally back to normal?"

After the competition, Lu Qingrongyue did not rush back, but waited for Shi Qiu to return to Beijing University together.

After all, Shi Qiu is just a teenager under 16 years old. Letting him go back to school alone is not reassuring for both of them.

Although... their strength may not be as good as others.

"..." Shi Qiu showed a polite but awkward smile on his face.

There is no way, this topic can't be discussed.

"Oh, by the way, do you know that the secret realm will come in more than 20 days?" Shi Qiu asked.

"Well, I know a little bit." The two said in unison.

"Oh, no, how did you know?"*2

"Don't imitate me!"*2, the two glared at each other.

"Still learning!"*2


Tsk, the atmosphere here is a bit ambiguous.

"You two, are you together?" Shi Qiu asked curiously.

Lu Qing was horrified, Rong Yue was disdainful.

"I don't deserve it.", "He doesn't deserve it."

Shi Qiu said "Oh": "Then the atmosphere between you is so ambiguous."

Lu Qing thought of something, hesitated for a long time and didn't speak.

Rong Yue smiled and said it directly, deliberately teasing him: "Then before at the gorgeous competition..."

Shi Qiu:......

"Before, there was a spirit with superpower attributes at home, and there was a problem with the skill [Mind Exchange]. "

It's better to clarify this thing as soon as possible to prevent rumors in advance.

Shi Qiu chose to hide the existence of Manaphy, and focus on [Mind Exchange] that very few superpower spirits can learn, and roughly talk about what happened.

"Exchange will soul?" Rong Yue frowned.

She is a member of a superpower family, it is impossible for her not to know this skill.

The situation Shi Qiu was talking about obviously involved another level. To put it bluntly, this was the realm of the gods.

Rong Yue stopped talking immediately. It was better to communicate less about this aspect.

Lu Qing was open-minded, unlike Rong Yue who was meticulous. He was only curious about other aspects: "Since we are talking about this, have you thought about your future partner?"

Rong Yue rolled her eyes and pushed him hard.

Lu Qing is really good. He talked about this seriously with a 15- or 16-year-old minor.

"Don't fall in love at all!" Shi Qiu said, and a group of elves flashed through his mind at the same time.

Is Prince Aledo not noble and handsome enough, or is Sister Milotic not charming enough? Is Dragonite not gentle enough, or is Riolu not reliable enough?

There are many elves waiting to be favored... No, waiting for him to get close to them.

Don't get involved in love.

He has a big heart.

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