The passage to the east is not a new one.

"The passage to the east..." Shi Qiu let Zeraora drag him without struggling, "Isn't the new map coming too fast?"

He thought that the simulator would not move forward until the end of this trip to the secret realm.

"Is everyone there?"

Zeraora nodded.

One person and one elf came to the beach in the sea area of ​​​​B-1 area. N and Bubble Squirrel were studying the newly appeared exit.

"(Shi Qiu!)" Manafei's eyes lit up when he saw the boy, and he pushed away Zoroa who also wanted to pounce on him, and rushed into Shi Qiu's arms.

Zoroya, who staggered and fell to the side after being squeezed, said: ...

The little fox calmly comforted himself: Don't cry, don't cry, you are also a big brother elf. Manaphy has just been born, and he should be more generous like Bubble Squirrel and give way to the cub.

But when he looked again, Shi Qiu was holding Manaphy in one hand and his good brother Bubble Squirrel in the other hand.


QAQ, I can't stand it at all.

Zoroya curled up into a small white and red ball, hiding in the corner with depression, tears in his eyes.

He felt wronged, but he didn't dare to confront Bubble Squirrel head-on.

Didn't you see that his mortal enemy, Ice Vulpix, was gritting his teeth but could do nothing?

No matter how the elves competed for favor and grabbed the attention of Shi Qiu. But they all reached a very serious agreement.

No matter when or what happens, you must not let your behavior of competing for favors cause trouble or other negative emotions to the boy.

While quietly wiping away tears, Zoroa was thinking about quietly creating an illusion for other elves to do bad things next time.

What brother and brother.

To compete for favors, we must rely on our own abilities!


Shi Qiu did not pay attention to the little tricks of the elves. He stood at the entrance of the passage that suddenly appeared and moved carefully.

When Shi Qiu moved to a certain place, as usual, a few lines of subtitles popped up as if something was triggered.

[Explore the sea area of ​​b-1 area]

[Elf training]

[Keep moving forward]

Shi Qiu turned his head to look at the elves and N.

As always, N and Fiona of the island paradise could not see the virtual interface of the simulator at all. Only the elves of the boy could see this option like him.

It is worth mentioning that although the electric cat Zeraora and Manaphy did not score a goal, they could still see this interface.

"I see." N took a step forward, but felt a great repulsion.

"It seems that Fiona and I have been temporarily rejected by the new secret realm."

"Therefore, it seems that you can only explore it by yourself."

Shi Qiu shifted his gaze to his elf: "Then Zeraora, come with me, Manaphy will stay with you first."

Zeraora took two steps forward, approached the boy, and said in a calm and steady voice: "(I will protect Shi Qiu.)"

But Manaphy refused, and cried after leaving Shi Qiu's arms.

"(Wow... Qiu, do you not love me anymore, don't you like me, woo woo woo...)"

Manaphy was full of grievances, "(Usually you spend very little time with me, and now you want to leave me... You don't want me woo woo woo.)"

Zorua in the corner was stunned by Manaphy's howl, and even forgot that he was still busy dropping gold beans.

Oh my god, there are elves who love to cry more than me, and can cry more. They are really worthy of being water elves.

Shi Qiu's eyes twitched, and he gave N a look for help.

N sighed, gently comforted Manaphy, and the strength in his hands was just right.

"It's not that Ashi doesn't want you, but I need Manaphy's help with something."

"There are some changes in the island paradise, and I suspect it is related to the underwater temple."

N's voice revealed sincerity: "Can you ask Manaphy to help me explore it?"

"Yes, yes, yes! That's it!" Shi Qiu agreed, "So I didn't mean to not take you there, there are other more important places waiting for you to shine!"

Manaphy wiped her tears and said aggrievedly: "(Really?)"


"(Okay, I'll help N!)"

Shi Qiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and after looking at Zeraora, he held the bubble squirrel and clicked [Continue].

The passage is deep and the visible range is very low.

Compared to the secrets that once connected the forest and the sea,

Unlike the camouflage, this passage appears more unfathomable and mysterious after the camouflage is removed.

The passage builds up the corners of the destroyed world and connects the secret realms.

After walking for a while, a light appeared in front. Shi Qiu took a deep breath and walked in with the elves.



High-rise buildings are lined up one after another, and the prosperity and advancement that are completely different from town A can be seen with the naked eye.

[You have entered city B. ]

Shi Qiu reached forward and groped for a while, and only after finding that there was no air wall in front of him did he prepare to start the activity.

"A very prosperous city."

Walking on the street with the elves, Shi Qiu observed the buildings of city B.

The decoration style here is a unified gorgeous style. Under the reflection of the sun, gold is the theme color of this city.

But lacking some landmark buildings, he can't tell which city in the original elf world this is for the time being.

In terms of the prosperity of this place alone, it is unlikely to be unknown.

They explored for about an hour, but found that they had walked directly to the edge of the city.

The edge was irregular, surrounded by dense forests without any gaps, and there was an air wall.

"Zeraora." Shi Qiu shouted.

Zeraora looked into Shi Qiu's eyes and instantly understood the boy's thoughts.

The electric cat's hair lit up with light blue lightning while picking up Shi Qiu.

Plasma lightning control!

With excellent jumping ability and electromagnetic control of air suspension, he took the boy to the sky.

As partners who also constitute the role of "Dark Night Hero", they have cooperated like this many times. Zeraora can skillfully control the current in his body to avoid hurting Shi Qiu.

Under the high sky, Shi Qiu can see that the city is surrounded by endless forests.

"So that's it, this city is a smaller version." Shi Qiu whispered to himself.

From now on, the whole city is only one or two times larger than town A. Therefore, rather than calling it a city, it is better to say that it is just a corner of the city.

And judging from the elf center we saw before, the intercepted... or preserved city B was once the most prosperous area in this place, and became a secret place after the destruction of the world.

So, are there humans or NPCs here?

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