The two of them were so busy that they had to work together.

"Will you go with me?" Shi Qiu thought about it and decided to play it straight.

He had been craving the handsome puppy elf for a long time, especially after comparing it with Li Yuan.

Riolu looked at him like a fool and shook his head decisively.

"Ah~ I was rejected." Shi Qiu said in a disappointed tone, staring at Riolu pitifully, but his hands did not stop working, "Is it really not possible? I can make delicious and fun things and give massages, but it's not possible? Can't or don't want to?"

Riolu pushed away Shi Qiu's face that was close to him.

This breath is very unique, human, please don't push it too far, although many elves like you, but I hate you very much.

Both sides fell silent. Riolu didn't go back and just sat there quietly, not knowing what he was thinking. Shi Qiu also silently helped Riolu relieve his tense muscles.

After a long time, Shi Qiu patted Riolu and helped him get up and move his body: "Okay, the massage is done. How is it? Are you more energetic?"

Riolu nodded, ignored the boy's bright eyes, and walked towards the ranger silently.

Shi Qiu smiled and watched, without calling him again.


The next day.

Shi Qiu chose [Fight with the ranger. ]

Still without fighting, he suddenly picked up Riolu.

"Good morning, Riolu!"

"O...Lu?!" What are you doing!

The blue-black puppy's short hair stood up, and he looked at the human in front of him with disbelief.

Shi Qiu helped Riolu massage while comforting him, while looking at the two little ones exercising not far away, and whispered to Riolu.

He kept muttering, saying that Bubble Squirrel was too lazy and didn't call him every morning; he also said that Vulpix didn't know who he learned this from, always pretending to be innocent on the surface, but actually he was full of bad intentions.

Then he started to talk about how he "accidentally" put a few Bubble Squirrel energy cubes in the wrong place yesterday, but fortunately the little gray mouse thought it was a prank by Ice Vulpix and went to teach the little fox a lesson, and he successfully diverted the trouble.

Suddenly he began to worry again, always feeling that Vulpix would not swallow this loss in silence, and who knows what he would think of to retaliate against him.

He talked about the personality of Pokémon, their encounter, and the development of the music venue Ice Field, with wild imagination.

When Riolu didn't speak, Qiu didn't worry either, and smiled and prepared the meal and pulled Riolu to eat together.

"Come together, come together, it's so boring to eat fruits in the forest all day." The young trainer said this, and brought the colorful energy cubes and Pokémon to him like offering treasures.

--- Although he ignored him, he didn't go back, right?

At other times, Shi Qiu pulled him to train with the elves.

Skill development, skill construction, etc.

The elves in the a-1 forest area also played, trained, and fought around them.

Since Shi Qiu could enter the simulator with his real body through the [Ticket to the Forest], he realized that these wild elves were equally smart and had their own stories, full of vitality and vitality.

From then on, his battles with wild elves would be rewarded with help and treatment plus a set of kisses, hugs, and lifts.

In the evening, Shi Qiu took Riolu back to the ranger.

The ranger was like a tree stump, and the subtitle window that was difficult to distinguish between real and fake still remained on the battle interface.

"This battle is really long, isn't it?" He put his face in front of Riolu, pointed at himself, and smiled brightly, "I'm not lying to you, am I? Such an all-round trainer, don't you really want to consider it?"

Riolu still shook his head, turned around, and walked towards the ranger.

--I am a Pokémon that will be reset. Energy blocks cannot be absorbed, the level of moves will not be increased, and freedom will not be allowed.

Riolu indulged this human with a unique aura because he could not fulfill his wish.

Shi Qiu waved at him behind him.

"Then good night."

"I'll ask again tomorrow."


The Riolu incident was the second time Shi Qiu noticed that something was wrong with the simulator.

The first time was Bubble Squirrel.

The inexplicable cave, the strange empty Poké Ball, the Pokémon that did not move and waited quietly.

Bubble Squirrel was also trapped.

It's just that Shi Qiu had not entered in person at that time, and had never participated, so it was difficult to intervene.

He had also carefully inquired about Bubble Chinchilla's experiences before they met, but Bubble Chinchilla just told him what the world was like and didn't talk about the other side.


Shi Qiu doesn't care about the world, he cares about individual Pokémon.

So at that time, he considerately changed the topic, but he clearly remembered the figure of Bubble Squirrel couldn't help but pounce on him when he came to the real world from the simulator for the first time.

And when he saw the active and free other wild Pokémon in the simulator, a strong thought lingered in his heart for a long time.

After sending Riolu back to that place for the nth time, Shi Qiu said to himself:

"It's not the simulator that trapped them, it's me."

Shi Qiu was calm enough. He was the cause, but not the fault.

He thought of some Pokémon that had a special entry when playing games in his previous life.

Since this is a [destined encounter], what he has to do is to speed up the pace of growth and exploration, so that this perhaps not-so-good encounter will come earlier and the result will be better.

And the so-called destined encounter is unique to both parties.

"Let's go back, Bubble Squirrel."



Every day, Shi Qiu would take Riolu and his two little ones to train and fight.

Bubble Squirrel learned the [Secret Power] and moved the secret space in the cave on Route A to a big tree in the forest.

Once after lunch, Riolu looked at the two Pokémon lying lazily on the grass, and his little paw suddenly tugged at the corner of Shi Qiu's clothes.

"What's wrong?"

"Oulu Oulu." (I can take you to find other Riolus, even Lucarios, in this forest.)

He stepped back and lowered his bottom line.

"But they are not you." Shi Qiu said as a matter of course, "I love all Pokémon, but at the same time, I always have a preference for my Pokémon."

The trainer called him so, picked up the fox and the little gray mouse beside him, and his eyes fell on the blue-black Pokémon.

Riolu had no memory of what happened before he came to the forest. He didn't know why his strength was out of control. He couldn't leave the forest and couldn't communicate with the unknown object that could give him orders in his mind.

He was bound by the Poké Ball.

At night, Riolu saw Shi Qiu and his group disappear into a tree hole not far away. He walked to the side of the ranger, resisting the drive of the unknown force, and didn't return to the Poké Ball.

"(Why is it me?)"

[Because you are the pillar of the secret forest. ]

The dark blue mechanical subtitles appeared intermittently like a rubbing, with a cold and stiff texture. Just like the first time Riolu wanted to leave the forest and escape, he was forced back into the ball.

The ranger took out the Poké Ball stiffly, locked it with a click, and put it back stiffly.


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