The first time, the first time, was to visit Tianxia City.

"Hello, Professor Song!" Shi Qiu greeted him politely.

Song Zhixiao and the research team were very busy. When they saw Shi Qiu, they simply said hello and continued with their work.

This research team was officially established by the Huaxia Alliance with professors from the Shuimu University Research Institute as the core. So although there are only 17 or 18 people, half of them do not belong to Shuimu, but are experts from all walks of life.

Shi Qiu turned around leisurely, and finally chatted with a young man who looked about 24 or 25 years old.

"You know so much? Then you are not from Shuimu?" he asked.

"Of course I'm from Shuimu University."

The young man pointed at his white coat and said, "Like you, I'm here to get gilded with my mentor and see if I can finish my master's thesis."

"I can see that you are not. I haven't heard of any mentor in our school who has such a young student."

The young researcher touched his chin and looked at Shi Qiu carefully. "You are from the junior class, right? Tsk tsk, you look like a minor, a real young genius."

"Little friend Shi Qiu, come and take a look at the energy feedback here!"

In the distance, Dr. Sequoia's eyes lit up after he saw the familiar little figure in the crowd, and he quickly called him over.

"Ah, I'm not a student this time." Shi Qiu smiled and walked towards Sequoia, saying to the stunned young researcher:

"I am a member of the core investigators."

Shi Qiu, a minor.

He suddenly guessed that this person was the youngest researcher who published the "Black Dragon" in the top journal "PKM"!



"Dr. Sequoia!" Shi Qiu walked in front of her.

Sequoia nodded, pulled him over and pointed to a screen on the machine in front of him.

"Do you know what this is?"

Shi Qiu nodded.

The research team's frame rate energy analysis machine is a super system composed of several gear sets, Rotom, and a 3D dragon.

It can be regarded as a standard for every secret realm exploration.

"It's easy to handle if you know it."

Sequoia tapped a few buttons on it, and a data surface instantly appeared on the screen.

It was an energy analysis diagram of the currently explored area.

"Come and see if these energy groups are a bit wrong." Sequoia frowned and kept tapping the machine with his fingers.

Shi Qiu calculated the energy feedback interval, and the simulator had already given relevant data based on this information.

He nodded affirmatively: "The distribution of these energy groups is too messy, but they are not at the top level of the energy level. No, in other words, the range of these energy levels is too ambiguous."

Redwood said: "Well, I have the same idea as you. The feedback of these energy groups is definitely not up to the level of gods, but it is terrifyingly high. More importantly, there are too many of them."

It's just that after just three days of exploration, there are 5 such reactions in the known area.

Redwood made a guess: "Higher than the energy level of the peak combat power... maybe some weaker legendary elves?"

If Articuno is used as a unit of measurement... Five Articunos, the impact of this situation is not weaker than that of a god in a normal state.

Shi Qiu thought about it and denied: "No, that's not right, look here."

He clicked on one of the fire attribute energy groups, and the 3D dragon enlarged according to his interaction.

"The energy group is high-level, but the amount is not much, at least not in line with its level."

"More importantly, isn't the activity level a bit too low?" At this point, Shi Qiu already had some guesses.

"At present, with these external tests and analyses, we can only reach this point." Redwood said.

"Maybe the legendary elves are sleeping, or it may be natural treasures... We have to wait until we actually survey them."

Redwood thought about it, and uploaded all their guesses and these analysis diagrams.

"When will we officially enter the secret realm?" Shi Qiu asked.

"Soon, after the dangers at the entrance of the secret realm are checked... we will basically enter this afternoon." Redwood took out the Rotom phone, "I'll add you to our research group, but remember that all information needs to be kept confidential and cannot be passed on."

"Okay, please trouble sister Redwood." Shi Qiu responded obediently.

Although Redwood has reached the research doctorate, he is actually not

Being under 40, she is considered very young in this field.

Although Shi Qiu, who was 15, should normally call her aunt, no young or middle-aged woman would be unhappy if the young boy called her sister.

In particular, the young boy called her sister in a very natural and sincere way.

Hongshan smiled and glanced at him, and gently patted Shi Qiu's black hair that felt good.



The research team was stationed only a hundred meters away from the entrance of Tianxia Secret Realm. In addition to the core 17 or 18 people, there were many other related personnel coming and going.

It is not time to enter the secret realm yet, and they are basically integrating and analyzing the intelligence explored by the vanguard team, and planning the research direction after entering the realm.

Although Shi Qiu is not specialized in research, and he is even a minor, some professional abilities may not be comparable to the students led by the professor.

Fortunately, he has made up for the relevant knowledge in a one-to-one situation with professors such as Song Zhixiao and Hongshan, and can understand the terminology and information feedback.

On the premise of the simulator and the experience of the "Black Dragon" paper, he fished in troubled waters among the big guys.

Song Zhixiao was surveying the information of the secret realm itself, and Hongshan was monitoring the real-time energy reaction...

In order not to cause a big disaster (it may also be because of his lazy personality), Shi Qiu declined the task of drawing the distribution of the elves in the team and ran around.

Discussing energy with Hongshan for a while, and analyzing the origin and history of this secret realm with Professor Song for a while...

Anyway, it seems that Shi Qiu is even busier than anyone else.

"Shi Qiu! Why are you here?!"

Suddenly, the young man's surprised voice suddenly sounded.

Shi Qiu pulled away from Professor Song's small stove and looked up.

What a coincidence, isn't this a certain evil king from Jingda?

Aren't you supposed to be exploring in the secret realm? It's been a long time since we last met. Why are you so late?

Shi Qiu smiled and raised his arm to greet Rong Dao enthusiastically.

"Hello, Lord Rong! I miss you so much after not seeing you for a long time."

Rong Dao looked at the group of Shuimu professors in the distance, and then at Shi Qiu who blended in perfectly with them. His brows were so tight that they could pinch a giant bee to death.

After a while, he figured out some excuses and smiled:

"Indeed, I miss you so much after not seeing you for a long time."

"Come on, come on, let me talk to you, let's have a good exchange of feelings."

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