The boy was so cute that he was lying on the ground.

"Look, they are playing with me!"

Hearing Shi Qiu's voice, which was still normal despite being drowned in the lion group, Redwood calmed down his heart that was about to jump out of his chest and looked at it carefully.

Except for a relatively cold male Flame Lion, the other three pounced on the boy like a spoiled child.

And Shi Qiu, while shouting "good, good", and "good, good", was buried in the furry and warm lion hair, and even began to float with small flowers.

Ah, this is a lion, another kind of large cat in a sense.

"I've always known that this child seems to have a unique affinity..."

A staff member muttered absentmindedly,

"But I didn't expect that he could be awesome."

He originally wanted to use the adjective "terrifying", but after thinking about it, he felt it was not good, so he changed it to "awesome".

But no matter what, this picture is indeed beyond their imagination.

"Indeed." Redwood nodded in agreement, "It seems that the small elves didn't show any ill will towards us just now because of him."

She had noticed it before.

This is the first time that this has happened, and there has been no attack along the way.

Moreover, the high-level elves in front of them should be more hostile to outsiders like them. Even if they don't take the initiative to attack...they will definitely not be like this, even lying on their backs, exposing their soft belly.

Even the male Flame Lion, who seemed to be the coldest, behaved very gently.

When the young boy touched the mane on his collar, he didn't even dodge impatiently, but showed a doting and indulgent attitude.

The people who were waiting in full force slowly approached.

"Is it that the elves in this secret realm are closer to humans..." a staff member asked as he approached.

Before he finished speaking, he met the cold and dark eyes of the male Flame Lion.

The staff member's voice stopped abruptly, and the rest of the words seemed to be stuck in his throat, unable to be squeezed out.


Several people, including Redwood, were frozen in their tracks by this look.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Shi Qiu looked over in confusion.

"(Nothing.)" The male Flame Lion lowered his head and rubbed the boy, with a little affection in his movements.

Redwood: Why do you have two faces?

"Fire Lion, do you know any powerful elves nearby, or any powerful natural treasures?"

Redwood's pupils trembled. Ah, can I ask directly?

What if this family is guarding a treasure? Wouldn't it cause hostility if I ask it out loud?

Shi Qiu felt that he was doing nothing wrong, or rather, he had always used this method to explore secret places.

No matter how he explored, he would never know more than these natives.

"(Powerful elves?)" Fire Lion tilted his head and thought for a while, "(In this area, we are the most powerful, and almost all the miles around are our territory.)"

If you ask if there are any precious things and collections...

"(As for the natural treasures, are you talking about these little things?)"

A female Fire Lion came over with a mouthful of something, and it all fell beside Shi Qiu.

Look, even if there is really something good, these elves will probably take the initiative to present it to him like offering treasures.

Shi Qiu saw the complicated expressions of several researchers, raised his eyebrows and looked at the things that Flame Lion had fallen to the ground.

And when he saw this, he was stunned for a long time.

The ground was full of crystal clear small round beads, jingling, just like the marbles that children loved to play with when they were young.

It was a variety of mega stones!

At the same time, in Shi Qiu's perspective, some small screens also unfolded.

[Flame Chicken Evolution Stone: A magical super stone that can be super-evolved when Flame Chicken carries it. ]

[Heroga Evolution Stone:...]

[Charizard Evolution Stone X:...]


"Shi Qiu! Shi Qiu!" Seeing Shi Qiu in a daze, Redwood hurriedly called him a few times.

"Do you know these things?"

Yes, in today's world, even in the French and Japanese regions, there has never been a super evolution.

Maybe they have also dug up these special little stones, but have not yet studied the results.

"No, I don't know." Shi Qiu smiled, his mood was not as clear as the naked eye.

It can be seen that it has become high.

"But the wave guide and the power of Changpan... oh, that's the name of the special healing ability I used before... Anyway, both abilities tell me the terrifying energy contained in these stones."

He briefly translated what the Flame Lions just said for everyone in this small team.

Shi Qiu cast a blue light symbolizing spiritual energy with one hand, and a green light symbolizing life energy with the other hand.

The two energies gently surrounded these super stones.

"Life and destruction, death and rebirth... represent the destruction and recombination of genes, and the transition of life levels." Shi Qiu closed his eyes and murmured to everyone.

He deliberately slowed down his voice to ensure that everyone present could hear it.

Seeing that the pretentious posture had already scared everyone, he smiled and said to Redwood:

"Doctor, I think we need to collect more of these stones now."

Mega evolution, when it appeared in front of Shi Qiu for the first time when it had not yet been seen in the world, Shi Qiu had no choice but to accept it with a smile.

Like other predecessors, he may have to add a research result that can shock the world and influence the world to his research resume.

There is no way, reputation is not important, I just want the world to progress with me :)

After all, my small step will be your big step.

Redwood squinted and looked at these stones carefully for a while, then recalled the answers of these elves and nodded:

"I will upload the information later and let the elites of the search team and exploration team pay attention to the collection of these stones."

She probably knew that Shi Qiu actually knew these things, or at least had some research.

But she didn't pursue it to the end.

No matter how young Shi Qiu was, he was an officially recognized researcher after "Black Dragon". And rashly inquiring about a researcher's topic and research direction would be despised by the research community.

Redwood looked at the other huge energy groups marked on the map.

If these places also found these special stones, then she would be prepared to secretly move the team's focus to Shi Qiu.

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