The more you do, the more you will be.

And there is more!

Another time, Shi Qiu asked her to stretch out her vine whip under the pretext of helping her maintain her body.

It was normal at first. Although she was not very used to the ointment Shi Qiu applied, she closed her eyes and endured it, considering that it seemed not cheap.

Then! When she opened her eyes again, she found that her two vine whips were tied up in several knots, and even tied up on her head with a bow.

She was supposed to go for training! In the end, she spent a precious afternoon to untie the knots.

There were endless behaviors, such as drawing a few turtles while she was sleeping, secretly swapping energy blocks and throwing dirty water on other elves.

But Shi Qiu was very experienced. He showed a fair and pretty face to her and smiled brightly and obediently. All her temper disappeared immediately.

Thinking of this, Teng Teng Snake sighed tiredly.


Although she really liked the boy at the beginning.

She liked the kind of gentleness on the surface, the calm and reliable temperament, and the patient and kind words.

However, none of them were as real as the boy's childish pranks and coquettish behavior now.

The surface reliability and gentleness were just an external performance. What was revealed now was the boy's soft and real face without any defense towards his family.

Just like Shi Qiu said a long time ago, this was a kind of preference, a preference for his own elves, showing his true side to them without any scruples.

[Well, anyway, she didn't hate Shi Qiu like this now. ]

Teng Teng Snake snorted lightly, stamped her feet uncomfortably, and thought with a slightly red face.

[Well, I don't like it very much, I just like it a little more than at the beginning...]



"(Terrain?)" Aledo stood beside him and took a closer look with the help of the trainer.

He calmly shifted Shi Qiu's attention from the Vine Snake back to the map with just two simple words.

"Yeah." Shi Qiu replied, "There are oceans on both sides here."

Shi Qiu zoomed in on the place where they were.

"It's not an island, because the front and back sides are endless land after exploration. Instead, the width is limited, and both sides are facing the sea."

"(It seems to be a giant road built from the ocean.)" Aledo commented.

"I have a guess, but I don't have any evidence yet, so let's put it aside for now."

Shi Qiu put away Rotom and suddenly changed the subject, "Do you feel that something has been following us recently?"

"I originally thought it was Team Catholic, but until now, the people or Pokémon following us have no malicious intent."

The malicious intent that Shi Qiu mentioned here is very wide-ranging, not limited to simple negative emotions such as murderous intent and disgust.

For example, the sticky morbid fanaticism of Tel Lauren before was also attributed to [malice] by him.

"(It's a wild Pokémon.)" Aledo replied in a low voice.

"Let's observe it for a few more days. I have asked Zoroark to track it." Shi Qiu thought, "I have a hunch that it may have other requests."


However, before a day had passed, that night, the Pokémon that followed them in the dark appeared with Zoroark.

It was a peak combat power Greninja.

"(The elf is here, where is my reward?)"

A big red and black fox just pounced on Shi Qiu and rubbed against him.

However, the crimson mane that Shi Qiu once loved did not attract the boy's attention anymore.

Shi Qiu let Zoroark make trouble with a smirk, but he was distracted and simply waved away the long hair that caused the itch.

"(Your energy feedback has a bad effect on Shi Qiu.)" Aledo said calmly on the side.

Considering the opponent's peak combat power, he even activated the full concentration breathing method and suddenly pulled the boy out of the fox's arms.

Zoroark didn't take this "elf cub" seriously, and he really let him take it away when he was not careful.

"(Tsk, I underestimated you.)" Zoroark smiled.

Aledo calmly replied: "(I dare not, I will learn from you.)"


The two Pokémons fought back and forth with swords and sabers. Shi Qiu stopped them carelessly, but couldn't stop looking at the Greninja.

He couldn't help but speak first: "Is there anything you need my help with?"


The frog shook his head and nodded.

"It's okay, you can just say it, I have the ability to communicate with the elves without any obstacles."

Hearing this, the reaction of the Koga Greninja finally became a little bigger.

"(I... want to go to a place with you.)"



It was already very late, and everyone had basically gone to bed.

Shi Qiu certainly would not follow the Koga Greninja silently, but greeted Rong Dao in the dark in advance.

He introduced the Koga Greninja to the night watchman.

"Do you need us to organize some people to go with you?" someone asked.

"It's okay, no. Don't worry, Brother Rong Dao is still guarding me on the tree behind me."

Rong Dao: "..."

Let's not talk about how he caught me, this stinky boy really couldn't live in peace for a while.

Watching the man and the elf set off quickly, Rong Dao sighed and followed.


"You have been looking for an opportunity to let me go with you these days?" Shi Qiu asked curiously on the way.

Greninja shook his head: "(Danger, protect you.)"

Worried about danger, just simply protecting your safety.

Shi Qiu automatically completed.

He is not like Shi Qiu's Greninja at all.

In comparison, this one is more silent and not good at communicating with creatures.

"Then why do you suddenly take me to this place?"

"(Premonition, told me.)"

Several elves are good at traveling, and they came to a depression in a short while.

This is a deep pit.

There seems to be something standing in the middle of the deep pit, but it is too far away to see clearly.

Greninja took two steps back and motioned Shi Qiu to go over, and he followed closely behind.

Shi Qiu's heart suddenly jumped and he moved forward involuntarily.

As the distance got closer, he finally saw it clearly this time.

They were two broken stone statues.

One was holding up a huge water shuriken to protect the front. The other was using a dragon horn to create a huge wave from under its fins.

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