However, when the life energy just entered the body of Ice Six-Tail, he howled in pain again, and Shi Qiu hurriedly stopped. He calmed down and swiped open the virtual screen of the simulator. [Race: Vulpix (Alola's appearance)]

[Attributes: Ice, (Fairy?)]

[Features: Snowfall, (Fairy Atmosphere)]

[Items carried: No ice melting]

[Level: ???]

[Moves learned: (Magic Flash?), Fine Snow (MAX), Aurora Beam (Proficient), Immobilization, Strange Light, Trick (MAX), Enchanting Voice (MAX), Blizzard (MAX), Song of Destruction, Absolute Zero (Mastery)...]

[Moves taught: Aurora Curtain (MAX), Round Singing (Mastery), High Note (Mastery)...]

[Core skills (self-developed skills, cannot be improved by items): Ice and Snow Field, Walking in the Snow]

Sure enough, the fairy energy input by the sacred diamond before was too huge and the level was too high.


Shi Qiu's eyes were fixed on the [(Fairy Atmosphere)] on the panel, and his face was not very good:

"There are traces of Xerneas..."

He was not happy but surprised.

Ice Vulpix's fairy attainments can only be considered ordinary and excellent, and the most talented thing is the ice and snow energy that he has carefully polished.

Now that this pure fairy has intervened, looking at Ice Vulpix's appearance, we can know that the energy in his body is unbalanced!

It may even cause the evolved Ninetail's ice and snow talent to plummet.

"Sorry, Minister Diamond, I have to deal with my Vulpix's affairs first." Shi Qiu said, without waiting for their reaction, he took out the world key and sent it into the simulator.

Minister Diamond:!!!

This human ran away with that inexplicable elf!

Dianxi nodded, worrying about the sacred diamond while worrying about the situation of Ice Vulpix.



In the simulator.

Ice Vulpix has begun to flash with the light of evolution.

The top ice stone that was prepared before is not good enough now.

He took off the Poké Ball around his neck and threw it out, and at the same time took out the gray [Ticket to the Icefield Secret Realm].

After a while, Articuno appeared with the wind and snow.

"What do you want from me? I will follow..."

"Open the entrance to the Icefield Secret Realm." Shi Qiu said calmly, throwing the ticket to the Icefield Secret Realm over.

Shi Qiu's appearance reminded Articuno of some not-so-good memories.

Articuno fell silent, glanced at the not-so-good Ice Vulpix in the boy's arms, and restrained his aura.

He followed his instructions obediently, and with the help of the ticket, he forcibly opened the entrance to the secret realm.

"Grandpa Ivory Pig."

Shi Qiu broke into the cave and briefly described the current situation to him.

"Are there any ice-attributed treasures?"

The Ivory Pig seemed to have been prepared, digging out a large pile of crystal clear ice-attributed gems, and finally gave out an ivory that looked like an ice sculpture.

[Ivory: The energy crystallization of an Ivory Pig who once ascended to the godhood, containing extremely rich ice-attributed origins. 】

"Take it and use it." The voice of the ivory pig was as calm and kind as usual.

"Don't worry."

The voice of the ivory pig, belonging to the elder, reached Shi Qiu's ears, and finally calmed Shi Qiu's chaotic and manic heart.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you."

"No need, he is also my child after all."

Somewhere in the open land of the Icefield Secret Realm.

The cold wind was howling, and the cold was biting. None of the elves returned to the elf ball or left.

Even the newest member of the team, the vine snake, avoided the elf ball and resisted the erosion of the ice and snow energy.

Seeing this, the bubble squirrel covered all the companions with a sound shield.

Riolu and Aledo, the two elves stood silently beside the vine snake, protecting the weakest existence from some wind and snow.

Shi Qiu put the ice Vulpix on the ground, and the replenishment of ice and snow energy made the conflict between the two energies in his body increase again.

But he did not cry out again, and began to coordinate the two energies in his body with difficulty.

Shi Qiu placed the top-level ice stone beside him, and also placed the ice gem and the ivory.

"Vulpix, little Vulpix, can you hear me?"

Ice Vulpix shook its tail.

"Start evolving now, and pay attention to using all the ice-attribute resources around you."

The power of Changpan and the power of wave in Shi Qiu's body were all together.


"We will help you start this leap evolution that belongs to you."

As soon as the voice fell, the light on the body of Ice Vulpix stopped flickering, but became more and more persistent.

His front paws gently rested on the ice stone.

Countless ice gems disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the waveguide and life energy slowly spread out, helping Vulpix relieve mental fatigue while healing the body torn by the manic energy.

"...Ice attribute energy is not enough."

In the waveguide's vision, the ice blue belonging to the snow in the body of Ice Vulpix was madly devoured by the goblin.

"Articuno, give me a strand of your tail feather!"

Shi Qiu said loudly without looking back: "After this is over, the icefield ticket will belong to us all!"

In fact, before Shi Qiu finished the second half of his sentence, the ice god had already pulled out a strand of his tail feather with heartache.

[Articuno's tail feather: As the name suggests, a feather behind Articuno's tail. Contains Articuno's extremely rich original energy. 】

The tail feathers and ivory, mixed together, were melted by the ice and snow, leaving only the purest energy source, which melted into the body of Vulpix.

The light of evolution became increasingly brighter.

"Foam Chinchilla, Pilgrimage Sound!"

The power of Changpan could hardly keep up with the speed of Vulpix's body damage, and only after the pilgrimage sound was added did it maintain stability again.

At the same time, Ice Vulpix finally absorbed all the ice and snow energy completely, and began to forcibly seize the control of the fairy energy.

"(My talent in fairies is not necessarily weak!)"

The Charming Sound technique is not dead! At that time, the speed it developed was two points faster than that of the Foam Chinchilla!

With a light cry from Vulpix, his figure suddenly became larger, and his momentum suddenly became stronger.

The light fell.

Ice Vulpix... or should it be Ice Nine-Tailed.

The energy in his body finally immersed.

Half fairy, half ice and snow.

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