After walking for a while, they came to the end of the flower field.

The trees were intertwined, and the golden beehive was located here like a city. Many bees were flying around, and a queen bee was directing them.

It was a senior beginner.

The queen bee saw Shi Qiu and flew to him. Although her attitude was not intimate, it was very gentle.

"(Hello, human.)" The queen bee tilted her head slightly, closed her eyes and seemed to smell it lightly.

"(You have the breath of nature.)" She bent down modestly, as elegant as a noble and decent princess, "(I like you very much, welcome to the kingdom of bees.)"

After that, she flew back to continue directing the actions of the bees.

Vulpix's eyes lit up.

The queen bee's demeanor and grace, powerful and calm, formed a sharp contrast with the noisy three bees around. He thought about the scene when he and his trainer went to the gorgeous competition in the future. This is what he thought was the best and most decent attitude in front of others.

"(Are you going to see our queen?)"

For the three bees, there is only one queen, and other queen bees are generally called adults, sisters, etc.

Shi Qiu nodded and comforted the two restless little ones.

The way to exude affinity and improve favorability is not only to show charm, but also to be cute and obedient to the boss and the elderly.

They crossed the golden passage and came to the depths of the bee country, where extremely precious honey syrup can be seen everywhere.

The queen of the tribe in the hive is not like a human monarch. She is not majestic and serious, but has a heavy and gentle temperament.

"(Hello, kid, don't be nervous.)"

The queen bee seemed to be busy, casually putting a drop of crystal clear honey into a hexagonal block.

Shi Qiu couldn't help but think of the queen bee he saw outside, who was also more gentle than oppressive. It seems that this is the tribe's atmosphere influenced by the king.

He quietly clicked on the simulator subtitles next to him.

[Race: Queen Bee]

[Attributes: Insect, Flying]

[Features: Oppression]

[Level: 59 (High-level gym)]

This is an existence that is about to reach the peak.

The queen bee looked at the boy in front of her, who seemed well-behaved on the surface, but had many small movements behind her back. She couldn't help laughing and chuckled: "(Children favored by the forest, don't be restrained.)"

She took out a small hexagonal container out of thin air and handed it forward. The golden honey flowed, and the energy was so rich that it was about to overflow.

It was royal jelly, and it was produced by a top-level elf in the gym.

Shi Qiu did not refuse, took it with both hands, and took out the energy cube and Poful from his backpack, and presented them to the queen bee obediently.

The queen bee obviously knew these things, she smiled and patted the little guy's head.

Lucky, the operation was a great success.

Shi Qiu moved the [Secret Base] to the flower field.


A tribe that is gentle enough and strong enough, and the king of the tribe is wise enough, and seems to be neutral and friendly to humans without prejudice.

Relying on his experience of getting along with nanny bugs, ivory pigs, etc., Shi Qiu successfully got along with the three bee tribes from top to bottom.

He got a lot of information about this forest from the queen.

This forest is not big or small, but the resources are rich enough and the location is remote. A total of six tribes are divided into territories.

The Bulbasaur tribe where Shi Qiu was originally located, the Squirtle tribe near the river source, the Four Seasons Deer tribe, the Lily Root Doll tribe, the Trumpet Bud tribe, and the Three Bee tribe in the flower field.

There are many other small tribes in the territory of each large tribe. Like the walking grass we saw before, there are also hunting swallowtails, Badahu and so on in the flower fields. Most of the elves live in groups of the same race. Although there are some minor frictions between them, they are generally harmonious and friendly.

Large gatherings, small mixed gatherings, and mixed and intertwined gatherings.

"(After all, the forest here is the territory that the gods love.)" said the Queen Bee.

Forests and gods...

"What about the ocean? What is in the ocean opposite the forest?"

The Queen Bee looked at him strangely: "(Child, this forest is deep in the mountains, and the outer mountains are stacked up. How can there be an ocean?)"

Shi Qiu felt a chill on his back.

Secret realm, ocean regarded as mountains, forest, gods.

The first thing Shi Qiu thought of was Celebi, a psychic and grass-type Pokémon, the guardian of the forest.

But there are still doubts in some places.

Shi Qiu retracted the scattered

's thoughts, and asked: "I heard from the three bees that it seems that some other humans have set foot in this territory?" He paused and hesitated: "And you seem to have lived with humans...?"

The queen bee nodded: "(That group of humans exudes an obscure aura, which is proof of being rejected by the forest.)"

"(Several of our tribes discovered them, and they did not hide their whereabouts at all.)"

"(They covet the power of the gods, but their strength is so weak, so we did not pay extra attention to them.)"

The queen bee spoke gently: "(And I can't say that I have lived with humans, but I have accompanied them for a period of time.)"

The boy in front of her has a unique aura, youthful and energetic. She suddenly seemed to see her former partner and fell into memory.


In the outside world, a female three bee is a priceless treasure.

In the population of three bees, the proportion of females is one in ten thousand, and most female three bees will be rejected by the queen after birth.

It is difficult to be born, difficult to survive, difficult to grow up, and difficult for humans to find.

The three exclusive skills of the Queen Bee mean that if you get her, you will get the combat power of a tribe, and you will get precious sweet honey and royal jelly.

Under the exclusion of the tribe and the pursuit of poachers, a young three-bee struggled to get rid of all the malicious beings, and met a boy of the same age in a flower field.

All things are innocent, and all young people are the purest.

The boy took her home. His sister had a lamb that could use the grass field to help her heal the wounds of all sizes.

The brother and sister and the two elves lived together in the mountain village for two years.

Those days were the most vivid time for the three bees. Even after decades, the Queen Bee suddenly realized that she could still remember all the details of life.

The boy's smile every morning, the lesson from the sister in the flower field because they were too playful, the liveliness of the mount lamb, the sister's singing every evening, and the boy's warm embrace at night.

The three bees evolved into the queen bee, and their strength increased significantly.

But unfortunately, after two years of evolution, the queen bee itself became a sin.

The three bees that can be seen everywhere are not precious, but the queen bee is sought after.

Even if the family of four is careful enough: the younger brother no longer brags to others that he also has an elf, the sister no longer sells high-quality honey to subsidize the family, the mount lamb stays by the queen bee every day, and the queen bee collects the young bees in her body and does not expand the tribe.

The poachers still chased out like hounds.

They may not be the same group of people who chased the bees before.

But they are the same kind of people.

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