The old man was very happy.

Shi Qiu coughed and ignored the truth: "The owner of the Magic City Gym is the superstar coordinator who is not doing his job?"

Lu Qing complained in a low voice: "You are the only one who has the nerve to say that he is not doing his job."


Modu, the activity center of the coordinators in the Huaxia District.

Not only is there the top university Magic City University, which is famous for its coordination department, but also the annual grand celebration is held in this place without fail.

The Magic City Gym has become special enough because of this, becoming the only gym in the Huaxia District that combines traditional battles and coordination battles.

What's more special is that the owner of the Magic City Gym is a woman named Yubie.

This is not only a traditional trainer who has relied on hard power to beat the king in the Huaxia region, but also won the championship of the gorgeous celebration a long time ago. She is a veritable top coordinator.

The reason why she is said to be "not doing her job properly" is that she is the owner of the Magic City Gym, but she is basically never seen in Magic City.

She also serves as the Ye Tianwang (grass attribute expert) of the Huaxia District Alliance, but within the alliance, this person is often not found.

Moreover, Yu Bie often flies around the world by plane, nominally to participate in the gorgeous competitions in various regions, but she is rarely seen.

Yu Bie's explanation for this is that she did not pass the audition.

Tell a joke, a king trainer, a top coordinator, did not pass the audition.

Of course, this explanation will only be believed by her fans who will grit their teeth and actively throw their brains away. No other passers-by will be fooled.

Shi Qiu asked, "Why did she come to Beijing University?"

Lu Qing: "I don't know."

Rong Yue: "I heard that it was the official mission of the Gorgeous Competition to promote the younger generation's understanding of coordination, as well as the communication between trainers and coordinators."

While talking, Shi Qiu, Lu Qing and Rong Yue stepped into the gate of the Battle Group Club.

The gymnasium was full of people.

The Battle Group has reserved a part of the gymnasium for many years as the center of club activities.

Seeing this scene, Rong Yue remembered something: "Oh, by the way, although today is the welfare guidance and lecture within the Battle Group, the restrictions are completely relaxed."

"Students from the Coordination Department of Beijing University and the Gorgeous Club have also come..."

Shi Qiu nodded: "Not only that, there should be a few students from Shuimu."

He was familiar with some of the seniors and vaguely remembered that he had met them a few times at Shuimu University.

They were looking around curiously when a voice came from behind them.

"It's not easy to catch you once." Jiang Xi yawned and waved lazily at them.

Shi Qiu recognized him. He was an old student he challenged when he entered the battle group.

The genius senior who was known as "Little Rong Dao".

"President Fan invited me. Come with me and I'll take you to the VIP seats."

The lecture was not yet started, but there were already few empty seats in the gymnasium.

Jiang Xi led them to the front row of the battle group and nodded to Versace.

"Here we are. Don't bother me next time."

After saying that, he crossed his legs, supported his chin with his right hand, and closed his eyes to rest.

Shi Qiu and Rong Yue looked at each other, quietly changed their positions, and squeezed Lu Qing to sit next to Versace.

Lu Qing:......

Versace smiled gently, and showed great concern to Shi Qiu through Lu Qing: "Are you feeling better?"

Shi Qiu glanced at Lu Qing, whose face was full of signs that he was dead and burning paper for other matters.

"I'm already recovered."

"That's good." Versace handed over a form with a smile, "Then make up for all the club activities that should be made up."

In Shi Qiu's peripheral vision, a thin piece of paper was densely covered with words, as if it carried a heavy weight.

It was impossible to make up for it. He had many things to do, so where would he find the time to make up for this?

Shi Qiu covered his chest, frowned, and turned pale. He said weakly, "But the doctor said I still need to rest and avoid overwork."

Versace took back the A4 paper and said considerately and gently, "I understand. You should take good care of yourself after recovering from a serious illness."

"It's a pity that the club activity credits for the battle group in two months are 200 in total. I'm afraid I can't afford them..."

Shi Qiu's hand was filled with the power of Changpan, his face instantly flushed, and his back straightened.

He took the A4 paper and said righteously, "But I am a member of the battle group, how can I not participate in the collective activities?

"I'm going to make up for it right now, I have to make up for it!" Versace looked worried: "But, your body...?" "Oh, I'm physically disabled but mentally strong, it doesn't affect me at all." "That's good, that's good." He sat back with a smile.


The battle team printed out a lot of things on the A4 paper for him, such as: getting a gym badge, passing the first three floors of the Crown Tower, and several rounds of battles in the battle group.

The first two are easy to understand. Shi Qiu pointed to the third item and whispered to Rong Yue: "Big sister, look at this group battle, are there any requirements?"

Rong Yue nodded: "Yes."

"You haven't been here, so I forgot to tell you that there has always been a ranking of points in the battle group."

Rong Yue wrote and drew on the screen to demonstrate to him.

"Competitions with the same grade, extra points for winning, no deductions for losing. ”

“You will win more points if you challenge a senior, and lose points if you lose. If you lose to a junior, you will lose more points and win less points.”

“Every month, the student with the lowest points in the battle group will be persuaded to drop out.”

Rong Yue pointed at herself and then at Lu Qing: “Currently, I have 34 points in total, ranking 46th. Lu Qing has 40 points, ranking 38th.”

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